The Fifth Meeting: Part 2

The Little Things


July 2009
They walked together side by side. The space between them was large enough to keep a respectful distance but small enough so their hands would occasionally brush and one of the two would pull back in embarrassment. She wondered how they looked in outside perspective. Awkward, nervous, yet sharing small smiles and glances. 
Almost as if it were a first date. 
But the reality was, she had just decided to trust Minho. Friendship wasn’t as easy for her as it was for others. Her last friendship with Onew tore apart right at the seams. Perhaps it was her fault; she snapped at him when he had just tried to comfort her, like the sun begging the moon flower to bloom under its rays. Onew was the definition of loyalty and trust and all the things she wanted. But in the end, she was the moon flower. She could never open during the day and she was trapped to bloom where no one could see her, in the darkness of night.  
She couldn’t imagine trying to create a new friendship. The only thing she saw in a relationship was hassles and problems. In the end, nothing good would come out of it. Only broken promises and good byes that were never said. 
Minho seemed to get a gist of what she was thinking. He silently led her to an ice cream parlor, remembering the tidbits of information from her conversation with Jonghyun hyung that he unknowingly stored in the back of his head. 
“One chocolate and.. A vanilla please,” he said to the person behind the counter. ____ appeared surprised that he knew what her favorite flavor was, but said nothing. She dug for her wallet in her bag but when she finally found it, Minho had already began to pay. 
Immediately, she protested, “Hey! You don’t need to do pay, Minho sshi! I have my own -” 
“I ordered it so I’ll pay it. Unless you think your paycheck is larger than mine…“ he smirked at her gapped mouth. 
She grumbled a “Fine” and shoved her wallet back in her bag with irritation. They walked out of the parlor, silently enjoying their ice cream to cool the previous spiciness from the dukbokki. After minutes of just walking, they ended up sitting on a bench, lost in their own thoughts. 
Minho glanced at her. She looked like she was ten years old, delicately her ice cream. He realized he didn’t even know her age and decided to ask her. 
“My birthday was April actually. The day of the wedding,” she said while pointing to her chin as if she were trying hard to recall the day’s events. She missed the slight frown forming on his face. “I’m nineteen in Korea but I’m eighteen internationally.” 
His frown continued to deepen as he looked at her in disbelief. “So what you’re saying is that you spent the entire day celebrating your cousin’s marriage when it was your own birthday?” 
“Well you make it sound as if I just made you step in gum when you say it like that -” she began defensively but Minho interrupted. 
“Let’s go celebrate then,” Minho stood and suddenly began to collect his things. Having no choice, she followed the suit. 
“Has any ever told you you’re extremely bossy and stubborn?” she said while checking her phone’s clock. Seven at night. “Besides, it’s getting late and you probably have some practice or schedule tomorrow. Thanks for the ice cream, Minho sshi, but I really should be going.” 
He quickly snatched her phone from her hand, dangling it teasingly in front of her face. He walked away from the bench, ignoring the look of indignation on her face. 
Minho turned around and laughed. “I’m older than you by nearly four months. Call me ‘Minho oppa’.” 
He strolled away with a grin on his face. 

Needless to say, she refused to call him ‘oppa’. 
He didn’t expect any different. He said it teasingly and half heartedly. But he couldn’t brush off the slight twinge of disappointment when she said that she reserved the title for someone else. 
Minho hoped he would never encounter that person. He didn’t know how he would react if he met the person who earned such an affectionate title.
But she was smiling and laughing in a different way than she did with Jonghyun hyung. 
Choi Minho could call himself an accomplished man. 
They were at a night market around Shinee’s dorm. Various stalls and vendors attracted their attention but they never bought anything. They enjoyed window shopping, putting on cute animal hats (much to his chagrin) and laughing when finding socks featuring various idols’ faces. 
The sheer number of people in the crowds prevented people from recognizing him. Of course, there were double takes and whispers of, ‘Was that Shinee’s Minho?’ but before people could take a closer look, he was gone from their sight. For this, he was grateful. The last thing he needed was a scandal so early in his career while he was trying to make up for _____ ‘s birthday. 
At the same time, he was stressed beyond belief. The crowds meant that people would bump into him. He’d apologize and bow slightly but as soon as he looked up, ___ would be at least a few meters away from him. Either one of them would be drowned in the sea of people before found them. They had separated at least five times before Minho started to get exasperated. 
Great, this is about the fifth time and how am I supposed to help celebrate her birthday if I end up three meters away from her every ten seconds? I guess I could - 
He had an idea. A crazy one. An inappropriate one. But...
I’ve hung out with Jonghyun hyung too often…
It was crazy, yes, but at least they wouldn’t be separated, he reasoned. And if she didn’t like it, he would just stop, apologize, and give her his reason. The worst she could do is reject him. 
Oh Hananim, she could outright reject me and be so repulsed she'll run away, Minho thought worriedly as he saw her walk towards a pajama store. She held up an animal pajama suit and beckoned him over. 
“Minho sshi, I think you’d best suit a frog,” she said thoughtfully. She held up the suit against him and squinted before putting it back on the rack. “Definitely a frog. You’ll need a princess to turn you into a prince.” 
The crowds were threatening to separate them again. 
Choi Minho, just do it!
He grabbed her wrist. 
She froze. 
“… Minho sshi?” she turned to him questioningly and he felt the blood rush to his face. He almost lost his nerve and he almost let go and almost apologized. 
He stumbled over his words and his mind was racing. He didn’t know exactly how to explain. How would he explain? 
____ sshi, I just didn’t want us to get lost again. It’s much more safer this way.
I just wanted to hold your hand. 
“So we don’t get separated again,” he muttered mainly to himself, but she caught it and shrugged. 
“That’s probably a good idea. We’ve been separated a couple of times now. Is there anywhere else you want to go?” She continued, slowly walking through the crowds with him. 
“Trust me.” 
Choi Minho, you are definitely an accomplished man today. 

He was holding her hand. 
Well, technically, he’s holding your wrist. Wrist, hand. Same thing, her mind reasoned with her as she let herself by led by Minho. He was leading her away from the crowds towards an elementary school. 
“Minho sshi, why are we coming going to the playground. We’re both college students!” she said flabbergasted, scanning frantically around the area in case someone could see them. 
Minho smiled and let go of her wrist. He ran towards a teeter totter and balanced himself as he walked across it. “____, I thought I told you to call me ‘oppa’. Everyone calls me ‘Minho sshi’. Even the members do occasionally.” 
She walked slowly towards him, hugging herself from the cold. It was nearing twelve and the night’s chill was making goose bumps erupt on her arms. 
“Still, we’re at a playground! I’d expect you to go to clubs or meet up with other idols instead of playing here,” she chuckled as she sat down on a swing. 
He frowned slightly as he jumped off the teeter totter and sat on a swing next to her. She said it casually and jokingly, but he appeared to be in deep thought over it. 
“It’s true that I’m an idol. I guess playing on a playground doesn’t make much sense, does it?” He stood from the swing and instead took off his blazer and put it over her shoulders. Gently, he began to push her. “I grew up on a playground. Well, a field at the very least. My hyung and his friends used to play soccer and eventually my friends and I got hooked on it by watching my hyung. Everything was a lot simpler back then.” 
The sad, longing tone in his voice made her turn her in surprise. 
“I wanted to be a soccer player. Or a basketball player. My appa was completely against it of course. But my brother and I still played when my dad wasn’t watching. After becoming a trainee and idol, I can’t go to playgrounds anymore,“ Minho sighed deeply. “I love what I’m doing now. I love being a member of Shinee. I love the life I’m living. Yet sometimes I wish my life wasn’t so hectic and filled with schedules and shoots and concerts. I’d like a quiet life where I can just focus on the little things. Playgrounds are where my roots are. It’s sad that I don’t have the time to come back to them anymore.” 
She turned towards him and noticed his head was down. She had no idea what to say to comfort him. Her life was completely different than his; she could visit playgrounds and bookstores without being followed by cameras. She never had to worry about every little action she did in public and she never had everyone’s eyes on her. 
She wondered how someone could be so strong yet so torn between their desires. 
All she could do was reach for him and try to give him what little comfort she could give, a little slice of her life that he craved. 
“Somehow, all the times I’ve met you… It makes me feel like I’m Choi Minho, the normal guy who lives a normal life. Meeting you feels like I’m always in the playground.” 
He reached for her hand and she let him. Their hands met cautiously, waiting for the other to hesitate and pull back, until they finally touched. Their fingers laced and they shared their worries and troubles and happiness and warmth. 
In the field before them, a moon flower bloomed. 

Author's Note: I updated earlier than expected but.. This was ridiculously hard to write. I had to listen to 'Your Name' about a thousand times and had about 3 different outlines for this chapter and I'm still not satisfied. :\ I have a really hard time writing fluff and I think I failed. Hard. Sorry fluff lovers! :[ 
And while our female didn't call Minho "oppa", I'm pretty sure Minho is more than satisfied with the end. Just imagine his goofy smiles before he goes to sleep from that. I included another Hello Baby reference in case anyone caught it and the ones before.  
And no, they're not going to start dating. No way, Jongse. They're just two people who find comfort in each other. Kinda like friends.
Kinda. ;] 
Sorry for the monster chapter length. And thanks for all your kind comments! :D

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Shiningshawol91 #1
Chapter 19: this is like my third time reading this story and the ending gets me every time!!! I REALLY LOVE THIS STORY <3333333333
m0zarts0nata-- #2
Woah~! I love this story :D
Kekeke~! You're an awesome writer ^^
I really liked that epilogue :D
It's good to see Onew get some closure on his love too :D
chasethestars #4

I personally prefer the story without the epilogue; the final chapter packs a really powerful punch just by itself, but the addition of the epilogue kinda softened its impact. I'm all for happy endings and such, but to me, the many what-ifs you could have left to the readers' imagination about what could have happened afterwards might have been better. But this is just my opinion [and because I am a er for angst and drama, but only if they're done right, haha] ^^ I've found a couple of errors here and there in the last four installments, but nothing too distracting; they can be easily fixed anyway if you do decide to go back and find them.

All in all, it has been a lovely journey from start to finish. I suddenly remember the day I first found this story; I can't believe it's finally finished, but as they say, good things come to an end. I applaud you for finishing this even if your interest in SHINee has disappeared; not everybody has that kind of motivation when their inspiration has all but plummeted. Until then, thank you for sharing this story with everybody, and if you do plan to push through with your next project, I will definitely look forward to it! ^^
chasethestars #5

This is very late, and I'm aware I haven't left a comment in the past chapters, but I finally found the time to sit down and catch up with what I've missed--and I'm glad I did ^^

The writing style you used with their thirteenth meeting reminds me a lot of those serendipitous meetings you can abundantly find in anime/manga; especially when I came across the sparkles part, now that's something I'd totally find in the media I mentioned XD But it's fine; it only means I was able to properly see the scenarios play out in my head, so you did a good job of helping me visualize this with the way you wrote it =3

Characterization is spot-on as well, at least on Minho's part; while it's commendable that he's been able to hold on for so long to something he's uncertain of, it's also heartbreaking at the same time because there's no telling if all that waiting he's been doing will be rewarded in the end. And even if it does, will it make him happy or will it break him completely? But Minho being Minho, he stayed firm until the end, until he finally got the girl for good X3 I was worried for a moment that she didn't really end up with Minho, but when I came across the words "best friend", I knew instantly the epilogue was written in Onew's POV XD
marshielisa12 #6
the ending was :)
mahakrox95 #7
This is by far one of the best Minho fanfics I have ever read. Thank you so much for writing this story and completing it. I'm sure you went through a lot to write it but unlike a lot of other authors, you actually kept going and finished the story even if you did get writer's block or anything else. But anyways, thanks a lot. I really enjoyed reading this fanfic and if you continue to write others in the future, i'm sure those will be just as fun to read. Goodluck with everything!
ShawolMBLFT #8
This story is one of the sweetest ones I've read
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myeverythingisyou #10
Your Epilogue is EPIC I tell you~~~ <br />
I love it <3<br />
Thank you :D