The Eighth Meeting

The Little Things


November 15th, 2009
She never should have agreed to this. 
She had been unable to sleep due to the ball of nerves in her stomach the night before and this morning she was extra careful with her makeup. She didn’t want to look overdone like she was trying or anything; after all, it was just a tutoring session at the school’s library. But at the same time, she didn’t want to look as if she didn’t want to be there. 
And despite her constant denials, she did want to be there. 
But the October rains decided to mock her for her morning excitement. She’d gotten to the subway about an hour and a half before their agreed meeting time, not wanting to be late. It would only have taken about twenty minutes to get to the campus, but she had to stop by some corner store to get the drinks and snacks she bribed him with. 
As soon as she finished purchasing her things, the rain suddenly began to fall. Should I make a run for it? The campus is about a ten minute walk from here though. All of the study guides I prepared will get soaked and he won’t be able to use them. She cursed herself for not checking the weather forecast. Whipping out her phone, she scrolled down her contacts list, prepared to call him but her phone started beeping quickly to notify that her battery was dying. 
“Aish! Really? Well… at least I have an hour left. The rain might let up,” she said quietly, struggling to place the milk and snacks in her bag. Due to the numerous packets and books she crammed in, all of the milk refused to go in. Deciding to roughly shove them in, the harsh movement caused her hand to slip and a bottle to drop and roll on the ground. 
Frustrated, she began to mutter profanities as she bent down with her books. But a delicate hand already reached the bottle and handed it to her. She bowed and ungratefully murmured a thank you. The owner of the hand quirked an eyebrow as she continued to look at the sky. 
“Do you need directions?” a man’s voice said while brushing back his hair. Her gaze shot to his and she puckered her lips in annoyance. “I’ll take that as a yes. We can share my umbrella.” 
She wanted to flat out refuse but when she opened to say no, the crack of thunder pierced the skies and the rain relentlessly fell harder. 
“Looks like you don’t have much of a choice. Come on, I’ll treat you to a coffee,” the man laughed while grabbing her wrist and leading her down the road.
The milk bottle stayed firmly in her hand. 

Minho was early. Forty-five minutes early. 
It was a Sunday but he had hardly slept for the past few days. His schedule seemed to triple with the release of Ring Ding Dong. From Music Core performances to Dream Team, he was beyond exhausted. Whatever rest time he had he spent studying for midterms. 
Particularly English. 
There was no way he’d let himself get below an A in the Macbeth midterm. He had told Kim seonsaengnim that he’d get the grade. Not doing so would be failing, which would be losing. And losing was definitely never an option. 
He was half glad that ___ had offered to help him, but half terrified that she would be. Minho knew that English wasn’t his strong point; he often got Key to help translate his Korean when writing his raps. Sure, he knew common phrases such as “Thank you” and “How are you today?”, but high school English and university level English were two entirely different worlds. And although he agreed to her help, he didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of her. So he spent his nights reading and translating Macbeth under his small bedside lamp or in the dimness of the kitchen. 
She may be tutoring him, but he still had his pride. 
Walking towards the library, he noticed that he was far too early for their meeting time. 
There’s really nothing to do except wait.. I could brush up on the last scene but if I try to translate any more my brain will explode, he thought as he walked away from the library. I’ll go and grab a few sandwiches from the corner café. We can share them after the session. 
As he entered the café, he noticed two other people in the corner. He carefully adjusted his sunglasses and hat, not wanting to be recognized. Checking to see if the two noticed him, he frowned as he recognized one of the two. 
It was her. 
At first, he laughed inwardly. Was the world really that small? But from the corner of his eye, he saw her counterpart flirt not so subtly with her. He was even worse that Jonghyun hyung. 
The man reached for her hand but she pulled back. 
Forgive me hyung for insulting you. You are an angel compared to him. 
The man looked older, perhaps in his early to mid twenties. He had a delicate face, delicate hands, just.. Delicate everything. His shoulder length locks was tied back carelessly and the way he lounged in his chair looked modelesque yet casual. The clothing draped on him looked flattering on his skinner than Taemin figure. He would’ve got Key’s seal of approval in taste. He was sure that the man would be considered attractive by many. 
But his appearance alone didn’t bother Minho. 
The two people who were casually drinking coffee at their table looked made for each other. 
Self-consciously, Minho looked at his own attire. He had rather carelessly thrown on a tshirt and jeans due to his nervousness in the morning. His hair was flat from wearing his hat and in comparison to the man next to her he was just.. 
A kid. 
Why is she drinking coffee with him. She’s supposed to meet me in twenty minutes… Did she plan to meet him? Every time we met.. 
Was there always someone who came before me? 
He didn’t understand what he was feeling. All he could think of was how he was probably the only one excited over the fact they were meeting and he was just another person who meant nothing in her life and - 
“Don’t you dare touch me!” 
Suddenly, he was out of his self doubts and thoughts when he saw that ___ was standing from her seat, her eyes mixed with fury and fright. 
He wasn’t sure what the bastard did to her or what his place in her life was, but as soon as he saw those eyes, a semblance of the  expression he saw on the bus… 
He knew he had to protect her. 
Taking hard, long strides with a glare in the man’s direction, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pushed her behind him. She stiffened at his touch but slowly relaxed and pressed her forehead to his back. 
“Minho sshi - “ 
Ignoring her, he stepped forward to the man and grabbed his collar. All he could think of were the various ways he could hurt him, cause him misery, break every bone in his body. Minho was shaking in fury and he was seeing red. He pulled back an arm, making a fist until - 
“Oppa… Minho oppa. Let’s just go.. Please..” she whispered quietly as she wrapped her hand around his arm. 
Her voice was like the sun breaking through the storm in his heart. 
He put down his fist. 
Minho reached for her hand as if it were an anchor holding him to earth. Taking a deep breath, he squeezed her hand in reassurance and looked back at the man. In a single motion, Minho retook the man’s collar and drew his face close to his own. 
“Talk to her.. No, even look at my girl again.. And the next time you wake up you’ll be in a hospital room,” he whispered to the man with such a deathly intent that the man couldn’t help but shiver. 
Before Minho knew it, he took her hand and ran out of the café. 

He followed his feet while  ___  followed behind him. Minho didn’t know exactly where they were going; he just wanted to get away from the scumbag in the café. Back as straight as a lance and hands shoved in his pocket, he kept his eyes forward as he stomped. His mind was going at a million miles an hour and he didn’t even understand why he was so angry and relieved. Just the thought of that disgusting guy touching her made him more furious than any loss. 
____ bravely spoke up. “Minho sshi? Where are we going…? I still have to tutor you.”
He threw her a glare. 
“I’m sorry, Minho sshi,” she quietly said to her feet. “It was really stupid of me to let that guy buy me a coffee but I was waiting for our meeting time and things just happened and -” 
“Yeah, you’re stupid. What if I wasn’t there? Who knows that that creep would’ve done? You never think and you’re always trying to please others! You're going to get killed one day! Haven't you heard of all of the rapists out there targeting girls?! And we set a meeting date! How can you go wander with some other guy when I was waiting for you? And ‘I still have to tutor you’? Tutor me?!” Minho yelled furiously, pacing in front of her until grabbing her shoulders. “Is that really all you think of me.. As some random anybody who you can help? Do I.. Do I honestly mean that little to you? Are we not even friends? I.. I studied so hard these past days to impress you… does it really mean nothing?” 
Her apologetic eyes quickly turned as furious as his. She spat out, “We are friends! Of course we’re friends! But you never trust me, you automatically assume that I’m out with some other guy and honestly, it isn’t even your business in the first place! We’re friends but you’re not my keeper! I don’t need you to protect me every time you think I need protection!” 
Minho let go of her shoulders, looking straight at her brown eyes. 
He didn’t know whether to be elated or disappointed at her statement. 
He sighed and scrunched his eyes shut. 
“Oppa. Minho oppa. I can protect myself. Please..” Her voice was reaching him again like it did in the café. It was cooling down his burning fire, dulling it to a warm flame. 
“Trust me.” 
Do I trust her? Was I really that selfish to ask her to trust me when really.. I don’t trust her? 
She could break him. He was an idol and she was a person who had his phone number, knew his habits and birthday and little facts fans would kill to have. She knew his weaknesses. She could so easily post things up on the internet and let others tear him apart. But she didn’t. 
And she finally called him ‘Minho oppa’. 
She had finally trusted him. 
Minho looked at ___ as she grasped her hand, as if pleading him. 
“Trust me.” 
The phrase echoed in his heart as he nodded. 

Author's Note: GAH! The first time I was posted this, the stupid website said I didn't log on and I lost all of the edits I did. -_- Thankfully, I saved another copy on my documents. 
I'm SO sorry over how long this took. With the new "Hello" single out and my writer's bloc and school work, I was distracted, frustrated, and stressed all week. -_- BUT I'll try and make it up to you guys! There will be another chapter posted tonight, but probably in a few hours. After that, I'll have to take a break because of my upcoming SATs, exams, and school's homecoming. Sorry guys. :\ I do still update my profile's status on the estimated dates I will update the story, in case you get curious.
Thank you all (commentors, subscribers, and even you, phantom readers!) for your wonderful support! 
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Shiningshawol91 #1
Chapter 19: this is like my third time reading this story and the ending gets me every time!!! I REALLY LOVE THIS STORY <3333333333
m0zarts0nata-- #2
Woah~! I love this story :D
Kekeke~! You're an awesome writer ^^
I really liked that epilogue :D
It's good to see Onew get some closure on his love too :D
chasethestars #4

I personally prefer the story without the epilogue; the final chapter packs a really powerful punch just by itself, but the addition of the epilogue kinda softened its impact. I'm all for happy endings and such, but to me, the many what-ifs you could have left to the readers' imagination about what could have happened afterwards might have been better. But this is just my opinion [and because I am a er for angst and drama, but only if they're done right, haha] ^^ I've found a couple of errors here and there in the last four installments, but nothing too distracting; they can be easily fixed anyway if you do decide to go back and find them.

All in all, it has been a lovely journey from start to finish. I suddenly remember the day I first found this story; I can't believe it's finally finished, but as they say, good things come to an end. I applaud you for finishing this even if your interest in SHINee has disappeared; not everybody has that kind of motivation when their inspiration has all but plummeted. Until then, thank you for sharing this story with everybody, and if you do plan to push through with your next project, I will definitely look forward to it! ^^
chasethestars #5

This is very late, and I'm aware I haven't left a comment in the past chapters, but I finally found the time to sit down and catch up with what I've missed--and I'm glad I did ^^

The writing style you used with their thirteenth meeting reminds me a lot of those serendipitous meetings you can abundantly find in anime/manga; especially when I came across the sparkles part, now that's something I'd totally find in the media I mentioned XD But it's fine; it only means I was able to properly see the scenarios play out in my head, so you did a good job of helping me visualize this with the way you wrote it =3

Characterization is spot-on as well, at least on Minho's part; while it's commendable that he's been able to hold on for so long to something he's uncertain of, it's also heartbreaking at the same time because there's no telling if all that waiting he's been doing will be rewarded in the end. And even if it does, will it make him happy or will it break him completely? But Minho being Minho, he stayed firm until the end, until he finally got the girl for good X3 I was worried for a moment that she didn't really end up with Minho, but when I came across the words "best friend", I knew instantly the epilogue was written in Onew's POV XD
marshielisa12 #6
the ending was :)
mahakrox95 #7
This is by far one of the best Minho fanfics I have ever read. Thank you so much for writing this story and completing it. I'm sure you went through a lot to write it but unlike a lot of other authors, you actually kept going and finished the story even if you did get writer's block or anything else. But anyways, thanks a lot. I really enjoyed reading this fanfic and if you continue to write others in the future, i'm sure those will be just as fun to read. Goodluck with everything!
ShawolMBLFT #8
This story is one of the sweetest ones I've read
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myeverythingisyou #10
Your Epilogue is EPIC I tell you~~~ <br />
I love it <3<br />
Thank you :D