I Never Thought that You'll Come Back and Give Me Love Again (HunHan)

The Realization of the Love we used to have

One day, Sehun was all alone at school. He was informed that his 2 best friends were awfully heart broken. Actually just Jongin but Chanyeol decided to comfort him.

Sehun wanted to comfort him too but Chanyeol insisted that he needs to go to school. Oh well.

"Umm, excuse me?"


Sehun was face to face with Luhan but his friends forgot to remind him about his ex.

"Where's Chemistry class?"

"Sehun?" Luhan was tearing up.

Sehun saw this and panicked.

"What did I do? Do you have some phobia with people who asks you? Oh wait, i should stop asking! Umm, I'm sorry!" And Sehun left quickly, afraid that he might do more damage.

"Stupid." Was Luhan's reply.

At the cafeteria, Sehun ate alone. It was quite unfamiliar to him but he's ok. He will just munch on the food anyway.

"Can we join you?"

And Sehun looked up and saw the guy with the asking phobia.

"Huh? You're afraid of asking, right?" Sehun said confusedly.

"HAHAHA!" Xiumin laughed. What was this guy saying?

"I'm sorry, I was just shocked."

Sehun then received a call.


"Hey, Sehunnie? I forgot to tell you to stay away from a guy named Luhan, ok?"

"Chanyeol? Why?"

"Because you told us to help you move on from him. So avoid him, will you?"


The call ended.

"So, what are your names?" Sehun was really feeling burdened because of these unfamiliar people.

"I'm Xiumin."

"Oh, hi. I'm Sehun but I think you already know?"

"Yeah, I know."

"And you?"

'I'm Luhan."

Sehun froze. He's Luhan? He NEEDS to get out now. But he doesn't want to be suspicious.

"Oh." Sehun tried to stay calm which the other believed.

"So, Sehun, you got amnesia? Is there any cure?" The boy named Xiumin asked.

"No. There aren't any. I feel like a burden. My friends always have to put up with me."

"Don't be like that." The boy named Luhan commented. He seem like a nice guy. How come he, himself hates the latter?

"I don't know. Guys, what was I before?" Sehun asked out of the blue.

Luhan froze. Should he apologize? Maybe he should.

"Sehun, you were the most weird boy in class." Xiumin beat him to it.

"You were the most quiet before. But you met Luhan. Luhan was everything to you. You were everything to him too. But, he broke your heart. But it was for your own good too. He tried looking like he was cheating because he can't seem to hurt you in your face. The reason he left you because his father was against your relationship at first. And his father planned to make your life a living hell if you continue your relationship with him. But his father died and it was the cue to explain to you but it was too late for him. You were already diagnosed with amnesia. So I hope you forgive him." Xiumin said to Sehun carefully.

Xiumin and Luhan carefully looked at Sehun.

Sehun was sniffing his tears. He didn't want any of this right now so he ran away.

He left Luhan crying on Xiumin's shoulder.

After class, he went straight to Jongin's house.

As he saw his two friends, he broke down.

The two friends panicked and ran to Sehun's side.

"Sehun, what happened?!"

"Is anything wrong?!"

"Luhan." Was all Sehun said.

The two friends' boiled. Did he hurt Sehun again?!

"What did he do?!"

"Did he hurt you?!"

"No, guys. He apologized..."

"And?" Chanyeol asked curiously.

"I know the reason now."

The two friends looked at each other.

"What was the reason?"

"His father was against me He just can't seem to say it because he didn't like to see me cry. So he appeared cheating on me. He was not cheating on me on purpose." Sehun said blurly.

"So? Why are you here crying?" Chanyeol wanted to smile but this was not a situation to laugh at because why the heck is Sehun crying?!

Jongin wanted to laugh as well because it was great news. Then when Chanyeol asked, he chuckled.

"You should be happy, Sehunnie!" Jongin hugged Sehun.

"But, guys.."

"Are you afraid of being hurt again?"

"No, it's not that."

"Then what?" Chanyeol was getting more confused.

"I'm afraid I might hurt him. I'm afraid of what I have. I mean look at me! I can't remember you at all tomorrow!"

"But, what the mind may forget..." Jongin said and looked at Chanyeol.

"The heart will remember." Chanyeol finished off with a grin.

"And you two believe in that?" Sehun asked unbelievably.

"Of course."

"How about you guys? You were hurt. Do you still love them?"

The two flinched and that very second, he regretted asking that. (AN: Kkaeb Song~)

"I guess I do. I mean, he taught me so many things in life. He helped me withstand everything." Chanyeol replied.

"But you're not with him anymore. How can you stand?" Seriously, he needs to shut up.

"I have you guys! I can do it without Baekhyun but not without you guys!" Chanyeol hugged the others.

Jongin who was quiet after the question spoke.

"I don't want to."


"I don't want to love him anymore. He gave pain. I do, but I don't want to. I guess it can't be helped."

Jongin bursted into tears.

"Here we go again." Chanyeol said.

The next day at school, Luhan came running to Sehun.


"Umm, hi Luhan."

"You remembered me?" Luhan was shocked.

"Chanyeol told me about you. Umm, I'm sorry about yesterday if I ever did something wrong."

"Sehun, I love you. Please take me back." Luhan hugged Sehun tightly as if he is to go away.

"I don't want to, Luhan." Sehun sobbed in the hug.


"I'm afraid, Luhan. I barely remember anything, Luhan. Will you still love me even if I might forget you tomorrow? Will you still be by my side if I forgot what we had tomorrow? Will you still remind me everyday and not get tired?"

"Yes, Sehun! Because I love you. I love you and when you love someone, you do everything. And it doesn't matter if you forget me tomorrow. What matters is that you'll still love me tomorrow." Luhan said.

Sehun cupped Luhan's face.

"I don't want to hurt you, Luhan. So let me go."

"And I don't want tomorrow to erase me from you. No, Sehun."

And guess what Luhan did? He pushed Sehun's neck and kissed him.

Sehun didn't care anymore. He knows he loves Luhan, and that's what matters.

"I love you too, Luhan." Sehun said while hugging Luhan.

And starting from there, the both of them smiled.



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Subbies, on March 8 will be the end of my current story. Please support it and me as well! Kansamhanida! Saranghae!


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T-araFans #1
Chapter 11: The story isn nice...
Good Job Author
lilymelody #2
Chapter 11: I like the plot but I was hoping for it to be long..well, I guess that's it..^^
--chickenbunny #3
Chapter 11: Hey! I love you and your story, author-nim!

It's kinda short but every word was worthwhile to read. It's kinda shocked and impressed me on the way they fall in love and how they get heartbroken too.

I can't say anything more. Thumbs up for it author-nim!

P.S- Park Baekhyun is cute! ;)
Hello guys! The last chapter will be tomorrow. Please stay tuned. And thanks for the new subbies who took interest in my story.
lilymelody #5
Chapter 9: can't wait for the next update...>_<...*so excited
Chapter 9: awesome~ i like it ^^b
Chapter 8: No Silent readers please! I want to receive comments please!!!