Let's Love Each Other Forever (Finale)

The Realization of the Love we used to have


One Sunny day, Luhan woke up a little earlier than usual.

It was Sehun's birthday.

Luhan decided to call his friends to help him celebrate.


"Umm, Chanyeol?"

"Oh! Luhan? Why are you up so early?"

"Well, I need your help."

"In 5:30 am?"



"It's Sehun's birthday today and-"
"I knew it!" Luhan heard someone said it from the back. He knew it was Baekhyun.

"Ok, Baek. Don't get too worked out." Chanyeol said and Luhan knew that Baekhyun would be pouting by now.

"Ok. It's Sehun's birthday today. Can you buy party decorations!"

"Of course!" Seems like Baekhyun's excited.

"Yeah, ok. See you later, Luhan."

"Yeah. Thanks."

So Luhan started working on the cake first. He knew that Sehun wouldn't wake up this early because he usually wake up at 8.

Yes, Luhan always calculate when Sehun wake up.

He almost forgot! He has to call Jongin too.



"Oh, hi Luhan. What's up?"

"Where's Jongin?"

"Still asleep. Something wrong?"

"No. Can we use the function hall of the company?"

"Yeah. Is it for Sehun's birthday?"


"Ok. I'll inform Jongin when he wakes up. See you later."

"Sure. See you."

Luhan never felt this happy.

After 2 hours, all of them excluding Sehun are at the function hall.

"Wow, Luhan. The cake looks delicious!" Baekhyun said while squealing and jumping up and down.

"Sorry, Luhan. Baek haven't eat yet. Baek, why don't you eat now, yes?"

"But Channie..." Baekyun put on his best puppy eyes.

"Baek, I know you're all excited but please eat."

"But I want to wait for the surprise!" Baekhyun whined will pouting.

"Ok. But after that, you will eat now, ok?"

"Yes Channie!"

After a while, Luhan's phone rings and everyone became silent.


"Umm, hello? Where are the people?"

"Oh, Sehun. Do you know where's Kim Toy Company is?"

"My name is Sehun?"

"Yes. Now get the blue post it on the refrigerator and go to that address, ok?"

"How can I trust you?"

"Just go. I won't hurt you. I promise."





"It's my birthday?"

"Yes, Sehunnie."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jongin, your best friend."

"I'm Chanyeol, your other best friend."

"I'm Kyungsoo, Jongin's fionce."

"WHAT?!" Everyone was shocked. Well, except for Sehun.

"Guys, have mercy on my Kyung's ears. He might get deaf before we get married."

"When did the proposal happened?!" CHanyeol said with his loud voice booming through the walls.

"A while ago. At our house."


"Yeah, buddy."

"Umm, congrats too." Sehun said awkwardly.

Jongin then went to hug Sehun.

"You too." Jongin whispered.

"I'm Baekhyun, Chanyeol's wife." And everyone laughed at that.

"Hey! Chanyeol told me to say that!" Baekhyun said while pouting.

"Then, who are you?"

"My name is Luhan." Then hugged Sehun.

Sehun didn't know why but he smiled and hugged Luhan back.

"Luhan, I think I fell for you."

"Don't worry, I fell for you the first time too."

"I-I what?"

"I love you too, Oh Sehun. I'm Luhan and I'm your fionce."

"I love you!" Sehun smiled and kissed Luhan.

Luhan was shocked but recovered quickly and kissed him back.


"Kyung, who was that?"

"It was Luhan. He wants to use the function room later?"

"For Sehun's birthday?" Jongin asked while yawning and putting his arms in the air.

"Yeah." Kyungsoo said while hugging Jongin's waist.

"Wow, he's so early. It's just 5:40 am."

"He loves Sehun anyway."

"Just like how I love you?" Jongin asking while rubbing their foreheads.

"Yes." Kyungsoo answered while rubbing their noses.

"So, what should we do?"

"You tell me."



"I have a problem."

"What is it?"

"I can only love you. Is there any cure?"

"I don't want to cure you."

"Why is that?" Jongin asked while smirking.

"Because I also have the diesease, stupid." Kyungsoo said then pecked Jongin's lips.

"Kyung, because I can only love you, I want to have you forever."

"But I am yours forever." Kyungsoo was confused as to where this was going.

"Not really." Jongin said and left Kyungsoo's embrace.

Kyungsoo whined because he lost the warmth he always love.

"Jongin! Come back here." Kyungsoo said while pouting.

Jongin chuckled at Kyungsoo's cuteness.

Jongin was standing in front of the bed with his hands on his hips while Kyungsoo was sitting on the bed while pouting and reaching onto Jongin's hand.

"Jongin..." Kyungsoo whined.

Jongin smirked and kneeled in front of the bed.

Kyungsoo's eyes widen. Not that his eyes aren't already wide.

"Do Kyungsoo, we had our ups and downs and we faced it together. And I like it. Us, facing the world together. And I just wish that it would be like that forever. I want us to be like this everyday. I want to love you and see you everyday. I hope you want that too."

"Jongin..." Kyungsoo was tearing up.

"Kyungsoo, will you be mine forever? Will you marry me?"

Kyungso cried at the 4 words he's been dreading to hear.

"Of course, Jongin! I would love to!" Kyungsoo stood up and hugged Jongin too hard that they both fell at the carpeted floor.

"Ow." Jongin said.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry!"

"No, it's fine." Jongin said while hugging Kyungsoo in their position.

"Yes, Jongin. I would love to marry you."
So, I can call you Mr. Kim now, huh?"

"Yeah." Kyungsoo smiled dreamily at Jongin. He would love to be called Mr. Kim as well.

"Now sit, Kyung. My back is kind of aching now." Jongin said while laughing.

"Oh right. Sorry."

"So, I love you, Kim Kyungsoo."

"I love you too, my husband."

And they kissed.

And well, they did it. (AN: I will stay at PG. No need to make it rated.)


After Luhan's call, Bekhyun can't stop moving nor talking.

"Oooh, I'm so excited Channie! Sehun's 24 this year now!"

"Baek, let's get some sleep."

"But what about the decorations?"

"Baek, it's still 5:30 am! The party won't even start until 8! We'll have plenty of time."

"But Channie..." Baekhyun said while pouting.

Chanyeol sighed. He was tired as hell. He didn't sleep until 3 and it's just 5:30! He needs sleep. But he didn't say to Baekhyun about him sleeping at 3 so Baekhyun thought he was lazy.

"Come on, Chanyeol."

Chanyeol sighed again and face the other side. His back facing Baekhyun.

Baekhyun was shocked. And scared too. What if Chanyeol was tired of Baekhyun's childishness now? What if Chanyeol's giving up on him? What if Chanyeol found someone else? What if Chanyeol doesn't love him anymore?

He's scared. So he hugged Chanyeol tightly which made Chanyeol surprised.

"C-Channie, I-I'm s-sorry. I-I was just excited. I-I didn't m-mean t-to m-make y-you a-angry." Then he started sobbing.

Chanyeol noticed this and turned around and hugged Baekhyun tightly.

"Baek, stop crying."

"C-Channie, please don't leave me." Then Baekhyun started shaking.

Chanyeol's heart broke into million pieces. He hurt Baekhyun, even though it wsn't intentionally.

"Of course, I won't leave you. I love you, Baek. That's why I married you, right?"

"Chanyeol, are you tired of me?"

Chanyeol sighed and led Baekhyun to the mirror.

"Me? Get tired of this? Look at yourself, Baekhyun. Is there a reason for me to hate you?"

"I-I don't know."

"Of course not." Chanyeol chuckled and kissed Baekhyun's temple. In which Baekhyun squealed.

"I love so many things about you so tell me, why should I get tired of you?"

"Because I'm insecure?"

Chanyeol made Baekhyun face him and cupped his face.

"No. Nothing in you screams insecure. It screams perfect."

"No one's perfect."

"Pshh. And you believe that."

"I guess not."


"Because we're perfect for each other."

Chanyeol chuckled and slowly leans and so does Baekhyun.

Their lips was just an inch apart when they both said...

"I love you."

"I love you."

They smiled and kissed.

"Byun Baekhyun."

"NO!!! I'm PARK Baekhyun! I can't believe it! We've been married for 2 years already and you still called me Byun!" Baekhyun said while pouting.

"Sorry Baek. Ok, Park Baekhyun, let's sleep some more, ok? I slept at 3 in the morning."


Uh oh. Chanyeol regretted saying that. (AN: Kkaebb Song~ XD)

"Uh, nothing. I said go get ready." Chanyeol said while getting up.

But Baekhyun was fast and grabbed Chanyeol's wrist.

"Oh no, you're not! You didn't sleep until 3 am and you didn't told me?! I thought that you're being a lazy but no! You go here and sleep and I'll buy decorations myself!" Baekhyun said while trying to pull Chanyeol to bed.

Why must Chanyeol be so tall?!

"No, Baekhyun! I'm ok, really."

"No! We will sleep for more hours!"

"But I want to join you in buying the decorations!" Chanyeol said while pouting.

"But you need sleep!"

"But I can't let you go there alone."

"Fine, I'll wake you up."

"Ok." Chanyeol returned to the bed and hugged Baekhyun.

Baekhyun buried his face on Chanyeol's chest while the latter's scent lulling him to sleep.

And they both went to dreamland.



Thank you all for supporting my story! It was fun writting with you subbies as my inspiration! Till we meet again!

Kansamhanida! Saranghae! Ohorat! YEHET!







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Subbies, on March 8 will be the end of my current story. Please support it and me as well! Kansamhanida! Saranghae!


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T-araFans #1
Chapter 11: The story isn nice...
Good Job Author
lilymelody #2
Chapter 11: I like the plot but I was hoping for it to be long..well, I guess that's it..^^
--chickenbunny #3
Chapter 11: Hey! I love you and your story, author-nim!

It's kinda short but every word was worthwhile to read. It's kinda shocked and impressed me on the way they fall in love and how they get heartbroken too.

I can't say anything more. Thumbs up for it author-nim!

P.S- Park Baekhyun is cute! ;)
Hello guys! The last chapter will be tomorrow. Please stay tuned. And thanks for the new subbies who took interest in my story.
lilymelody #5
Chapter 9: can't wait for the next update...>_<...*so excited
Chapter 9: awesome~ i like it ^^b
Chapter 8: No Silent readers please! I want to receive comments please!!!