My beautiful lawyer

Sunny: Taeyeon-ah~ open the door please

It has been two weeks since the two of them talked to eachother. She wanted to setle things out and become friends again. She hated it that she only got call from Sungmin and sometimes Yuri and Jesse. Taeyeons number is out of order so she cant reach him. She was now standing infront of his apartement banging on his door waiting for a reply.

"Miss are you okay?"

Sunny: Ah Chen can you open the door for me? He isnt opening the door

Chen: I am sorry ms Lee but he moved

Sunny: What?

Chen: Yeah that apartement is empty now. He left like 10 minutes ago or something. He said he would go to run his dads buisness in Japan for some time

Sunny: When is his flight taking off?

Chen: Uhm well like 2pm or something?

Sunny: Whats the time?

Chen: Uhm 1pm miss

Sunny: Thank you Chen, I have to go now

Chen: Have a good day miss

Sunny: You too Chen

Sunny ran to her car and drove as quickly as she could. As she drove out of the street tears were starting to form in her eyes. She gripped the steeringwheel tightly and her knuckles turned white. She stepped on the gass pedal and speeded up. She needed to see Taeyeon and maybe she could make him stay. As the trafficlight showed red she punshed her steeringwheel and waited impatiently. When the trafficlight turned green she stepped on the gass pedal and had an amazing speed. A tear was rolling down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away.


Taeyeon car:

Taeyeon was sitting on the backseat on the right side one suitcase and the other two in the trunk. He was leaning his head against the window and stared outside. He was thinking about all his times in those streets and in those shops and cafe's. He was going to miss it but its the best as it is the only way to move on from Sunny. He was preparing this since two weeks. He already threw his phone away and was phoneless. He was planning to buy a new one when he would arive in Japan. He didnt regret with this desission but it was that he didnt wanted to work. The car stopped at a traffic light and Taeyeons driver turned to look at him.

Luhan: Are you sure this is the good decission sir?

Taeyeon: I know it for 100% Luhan, dont worry okay?

Luhan: Okay sir

Taeyeon: Green

Luhan turned back to the road and started driving again. He was worried if Taeyeon was making the right decission or not. He didnt wanted him to suffer. He knew everything about Taeyeon and Sunny and felt bad for him. When they drove out of Seoul Taeyeon felt  a little pain in his heart knowing he is leaving his bestfriend.


Sunny car:

Sunny speeded up a little more but was stopped by another red traffic light.

Sunny: Why are stopping me all the time!? Dont you see I have to make Taeyeon stay here?!

She yelled at the trafficlight. She stomped her feet and waited impatiently for the trafficlight to turn green. It was just 1 minute but Sunny felt like it was 1 hous standing infront of the trafficlight. She stepped on the gasspedal and ,ade her way out of Seoul.

Sunny: 1.20 pm? I am running late

She sped up more and pushed herself back in her seat as she was stepping harshly on the gasspedal.

Sunny: Please still be there when I arrive there Kim Taeyeon

She sped up and felt her chest gatting heavy and her breathing was getting heavier too.


Taeyeon car:

They arrived at the airport at 1.40 pm. They got their suitcases and Luhan walked Taeyeon to the department hall after cheking him in. They sat on the chairs and waited for the announcement for the flight of Taeyeon.

Luhan: You are really brave that your doing this sir

Taeyeon: Hmh

Luhan: Promise me one thing

Taeyeon: What is it Luhan

Luhan: Please take good care of yourself and if you need anything just contact me

Taeyeon: I will Luhan dont worry about it

He patted Luhans shoulder lightly and gave him a faint smile.

Taeyeon: I'll do that if you also do something for me

Luhan: What is it sir?

Taeyeon: Dont call me sir or mister or young master, just call me Taeyeon or Tae or something, okay? Promised?

Luhan: Promised si- Taeyeon

Taeyeon smiled and patted his shoulder again. This is the first time Taeyeon is acting this way towards any of the employs of his dad or his own. He was being nice to them for the first time in many years.

Flight 1365 Japan 2pm please bord the plane now, I repeat flight 1365 Japan 2pm please board the plane now

Taeyeon: *huff* Thats my flight

Luhan: Yup

They both stood up. Luhan walked him to the line.

Taeyeon: Take care Luhan, I will call you when I arrived there

Luhan: Okay si- Taeyeon

Taeyeon smiled at him and gave him a hug and patted his back.

Taeyeon: Well I have to go now

Luhan: Neh, take care Taeyeon

Taeyeon: You too buddy

Luhan: Bye

Taeyeon: Bye

He got in the line and when it was his turn he showed his ticket and passport.


Sunny car:

She parked her car and ran to the department hall. She saw Taeyeon handing his ticket and passport to the lady who was checking their tickets and passports. She sped up and called his name but he didnt responded.

Sunny: Taeyeon!

Sunny: Taeyeon-ah!

Taeyeon peeked over his shoulder and saw Sunny running towards the line. She looked really beautiful but he couldnt give in he needed to continue walking and get in the plane. As he was disappearing from Sunny's sight tears started to roll down her cheeks. She stopped when she couldnt see him anymore. She cried and fell plopped down on a chair. She burried her face in her hands and let the tears wet her face and hands.



Taeyeon plane:

Taeyeon sat down on his chair on the window side. He looked outside the window and had view of the departments hall. He saw a girl with short blonde hair burrying her head in her hands and felt a pain in his chest.

Please fasten your seatbelts we are about to take off

He fasten his seatbelt and took one last look to the girl in the department hall before the plane took off.

Taeyeon: Im sorry Sunny-ah

He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes

Taeyeon: But this is the only way to forget about you and my feelings for you



















pretty sad huh?

Hope you liked it

_pinocchio_ out *peacesign*

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Chapter 16: update soon please
Chapter 16: Why it's over so fast?
Thank you very much for writing this story was very sad, but with a great ending.
I look forward to reading more stories about Dandyu. Now that SunYeon resurfaces, right now.
thanks for the story
jasminelep #3
Chapter 15: triple update~ woahoh!!!
lovedandyu #4
Chapter 14: Dangg!! Ooww... Taeyeon there and see something make him hurt, oh my sunyeon don't move on from each other please.. Want them to be together
myniah09 #5
Chapter 13: Yah taeyeon !!!
Let her explain, she is trying to move on but she cant, i know that sunny still love you,
If you going to be like that, you just wasting the chance to with your sunbun#!!
jasminelep #6
Chapter 12: I had a feeling it was Sungmin lol
(it was still shocking either way cause we're all hoping for Taeyeon XD)
Chapter 12: Author, I think you have made me suffer a lot.
When they are together at last, I hope you show us much about their romance ... please
Thank you for updating (:
myniah09 #8
Chapter 12: Omo..
I smell trouble...
Taeyeon better comeback now or ur really going to lose your bunny
Chapter 11: I want to get together again, it's been a long time.
you lived in Spain? I'm from Latin America. do you speak Spanish?
Now you know why my English is crap xD
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 10: update soon please