My beautiful lawyer


Taeyeon hadnt answered Sunny's calls nor replied her text messages for like a week now. Sunny was getting annoyed so she stopped by to talk to him. Taeyeon was sitting on the couch watching a soccer game that was on tv. He just ignored the banging on the door and the screaming coming from outside. He just sipped his beer bottle ate some chips and watched the game that was on.

Sunny: Taeyeon please... Open the door I want to talk and I know your home

Taeyeon just continued ignoring her as he really didnt want see her face right now.

Sunny: Taeyeon-ah~ Please open the door for your noona~

Taeyeon: Since when do you call yourself MY noona?!

Sunny: Because I am older then you and we are friends right?

Taeyeon: Who said I wanted to be friends with my lawyer?!

Tears welled up in Sunny's eyes as she felt a pain in her chest.

Sunny: Whats wrong with you the past days?

Taeyeon: Nothing whats wrong with you?!

Sunny: Nothing

Taeyeon: Well then we are both good, go away

Sunny: No

Taeyeon: GO.AWAY

Sunny: NO

Taeyeon: Fine stay there but I am not facing you nor talking to your more!

Sunny: Fine!

Taeyeon continued watching tv as he thought she would go away. Sunny on the other hand wasnt panning to give up soon. She slid her back against the wall and sat on the ground playing with her phone. She has been there for like an hour already and her phone is on the half of the battery.

*Set me free, let me be nareul nohajwo jamsirado swil su issge*

Sunny: Yoboseyo? Oh hey Sungmin... Ne... Yeah I think I can go out with you, when?... Now?... I have to fresh up first... Okay I'll call you when you can come pick me up... Bye, I love you too

She ended the call and slowly stood up, she stood infront of the door.

Sunny: Taeyeon-ah?

There was no reply

Sunny: I will go now, I will speak you later... hopefully

She waited for a reply but only silence was heard so she slowly took her leave. As she entered the car she looked one last time to the building and then drove off.



Taeyeon heard her talking to Sungmin and was now lying on his bed crying his heart out. He couldnt think of anything ese then that they were together now. He cried for a while and then he got up and went outside. He went tot he club and had a drink. He was already drunk and got outside of the club. He walked around the neighborhood and bumped into a gang.


Taeyeon: Im not a kid!

"Well your height says that your kid"

Taeyeon: I am 27 years old you douchbag!

"What did you call me you little scumbag?!"

Taeyeon: Douchebag!

"Okay thats enough"

The guy punched Taeyeon in is face. Taeyeon punched him back but the guy dodged and threw another punch at his face. Taeyeon was fighting back but it was no use. He ended up lying on the ground and the guys stopped and walked away. Taeyeon slowly got up and stumbled his way to home. When he arrived there he saw someone sitting on his couch, she turned her head and her eyes widened when she saw the injured boy. Taeyeon fainted and she rushed towards him. 



Taeyeon woke up feeling cold. He slowly sat up and saw he wasnt wearing a shirt. He was only wearing his jeans. The door opened revealing Sunny. She rushed to Taeyeon and sat on the edge of the bed. She took the towel out of the tub and wiped his face with it. He pulled his face away wich made Sunny sad.

Sunny: Im sorry

Taeyeon: Why are you here?

Sunny: I was worried so I came here but the lights were off so I asked the guard to let me in and he let me in.

Taeyeon: You dont have to be worried about me Soonkyu

Sunny: I saw the wholes in your wall and also the cracks in your bathroom mirror and dried blood on your blankets, Taeyeon is there something you want to say to me? I can help you

Taeyeon: No, you cant help me

Sunny: Hey I am really sorry Taeyeon if its because of me

Taeyeon: Sunny-ah

Sunny: Dae?

Taeyeon: Am I a terrible person?

Sunny:..... A-ani Taeyeon-ah

Taeyeon: You hesitated so its a yes, I understand

Sunny: Ani Taeyeon-ah I was just shocked by your question. Why do you think your a terrible person?

Taeyeon: Am I ugly?

Sunny: Ani, your pretty handsome

Taeyeon: Why cant you love me then?

Sunny was shocked by the question. She didnt know how to answer that one

Sunny: I-I

Taeyeon: I understand, can you leave now? I want to be alone

Sunny: Uhm... Okay, I'll leave then... Bye Taeyeon-ah

Taeyeon: Bye

Sunny left with a blank mind. She didnt know what just happens, did he just confessed? She walked out of the apartement and drove off. Taeyeon was cursing himself now.

Taeyeon: Why did you say that?! You IDIOT!!!

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Chapter 16: update soon please
Chapter 16: Why it's over so fast?
Thank you very much for writing this story was very sad, but with a great ending.
I look forward to reading more stories about Dandyu. Now that SunYeon resurfaces, right now.
thanks for the story
jasminelep #3
Chapter 15: triple update~ woahoh!!!
lovedandyu #4
Chapter 14: Dangg!! Ooww... Taeyeon there and see something make him hurt, oh my sunyeon don't move on from each other please.. Want them to be together
myniah09 #5
Chapter 13: Yah taeyeon !!!
Let her explain, she is trying to move on but she cant, i know that sunny still love you,
If you going to be like that, you just wasting the chance to with your sunbun#!!
jasminelep #6
Chapter 12: I had a feeling it was Sungmin lol
(it was still shocking either way cause we're all hoping for Taeyeon XD)
Chapter 12: Author, I think you have made me suffer a lot.
When they are together at last, I hope you show us much about their romance ... please
Thank you for updating (:
myniah09 #8
Chapter 12: Omo..
I smell trouble...
Taeyeon better comeback now or ur really going to lose your bunny
Chapter 11: I want to get together again, it's been a long time.
you lived in Spain? I'm from Latin America. do you speak Spanish?
Now you know why my English is crap xD
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 10: update soon please