My beautiful lawyer

3 years later


interviewer: Taeyeon-chan did you ever have a crush on someone?

Taeyeon: Uhm...

Taeyeon was in a live interview now. He was thinking deep if he ever had crush on any girl back in school or something. Suddenly he remembered about the girl he fell inlove with and broke his heart. Because of her he was an idol right now. He was kinda thankful but he never really moved on from her, he left something in South-Korea and that was his heart.

Taeyeon: Actually... Yes and I think I still have a crush but I dont know for sure

Interviewer: Oh who?

Taeyeon: Uhm... Im not going to say her name

Interviewer: where was the last time you saw her?

Taeyeon: Uhm 3 years age at my last concert in Seoul in 2011

Interviewer: She was there?

Taeyeon: Uhm... Yeah I was surprized to see her there because back then it had been 4 years since I saw her and I didnt know she listened to my music so yeah

Interviewer: Did you say hello to her?

Taeyeon: Uhm... Yeah we talked for awhile and we kinda settled things out, she said sorry and I forgave her but I still had my job here in Japan

Interviewer: Why did she appolegized?

Taeyeon: Uhm well when she was working for me uhm... I was inlove with her but she didnt know... Then she got herself a boyfriend, I confessed and uhm... Then I packed my stuff and got here and started work at the branch of my father here in Japan and then suddenly I was scouted and... Now Im here so Im kinda thankful she couldnt return my feelings that day 7 years ago.

Interviewer: But you still have acrush on her?

Taeyeon: I dont know actually when I saw her at my concert 3 years ago she changed but still looked like a little kid and uhm... She also quited her job and thats when I was feeling guilty actually

Interviewer: Why?

Taeyeon: Well... She worked for me in the begging as my lawyer and she was a really good lawyer she always won when I was in trouble and she always had the best ways to get information and come up with the craziests but best arguments so thats why I feel guilty... She gave up a job that suited her and that was actually the only good job she could have, she was the best lawyer Ive known and my dad hired her because he wanted the best lawyer that they had and that was her.

Interviewer: Was she younger then you?

Taeyeon: No she is older but she looks really young and thats one of her charms

Interviewer: Whats the gap?

Taeyeon: 4 years

Interviewer: Wow thats pretty much

Taeyeon: Well actually age is just a number and nothing more if you love the person then age is just nothing, age will not hold you back to love someone you love to be with and would like to spend your whole life with

Interviewer: Wow thats pretty wise for someone like you

Taeyeon: Well thank you, Ive got the wisdom from her so yeah

Interviewer: What was your relationship with her?

Taeyeon: She was sister for me, she always treated me like her little brother and all but I started to feel something more then just brother sister love as I spended more time with her

INterviewer: And if you would meet her again and she would tell you she lovs you, would you get together?

Taeyeon: Well back 3 years ago she confessed to me but I rejected her because... She hurt me alot in the past and I dont want to get hurt more and if I would date her I would quit because I dont want her life to be full of paparazzi and interviews. She is not some spoiled brat type she is a farmer girl who became lawyer and then gave up because someone she loved left her behind

Interviewer: Well thank you for sharing your lovelife with us Kim Taeyeon-chan we really enjoyed your company here

Taeyeon: I liked to let it out and I liked being here talking with you

Interviewer: Well I hope we'll see you again with more stories of your life and have a talk about your carreer

Taeyeon: I would love that

Interviewer: okay so this was daily idol talk thank you for watching and tomorrow were back with some new idols


Sunny turned off the tv as the show ended. She kinda felt happy because Taeyeon said he maybe still loves her. She wants to see him soon again so he will know his feelings. Sunny changed her hairstyle again it was a little short and still brown, it was a little bit curled and it was really cute. She put the remote on the coffetable and walked to her bedroom. She jumped on her bed and looked at her alarm clock wich showed 10pm.

Sunny: Time to sleep Sunshine

She switched off her nightstand lamp and closed her eyes. After a few minutes she opened them again and layed on her back stairing at her ceiling thinking of Taeyeon again. She was thinking of their fights and how she saw his back walking further away from her at the airport and at last... His back walking away from her at the concert wich they met at 3 years ago. She missed his smile, hsi laugh and his weird statements. She wanted to feel his arms wrapped around her slim waist. She just wanted to see him in person again and have him beside her 24/7 like the old times... But she knew that was impossible
























She knew it was to late














Even Hyoyeon didnt dare to say he would come back anymore
















They gave up waiting for him to come back to Sunny

















With those thoughts Sunny fell asleep and decided to forget who he is and what kind of past they had together.
















Im gonna tell you some facts about me because I think its fun you'll know more about me ^_^

#1 = When I first SNSD I didnt like them at all but as I saw them more on youtube I started to like them little by little and became an official Sone in January 2013

#2 = I lived in Spain for 2 years and worked at the company of my parents as assistant at the age of 5 to 7 years

#3 = My friends call me Alien because they think Im weird and that Im to smart at some things its not humanlike they say and my name is Elin and it sounds like Alien

#4 = I'm a tomboy

#5 = When I showed a picture of Amber Liu to my hairdresser to show what i wanted she asked me who made that picture of me, then I said its not me its a kpop artist then she said "OH! You really look like her"

#6 = I am to lazy to study school things, the only thing Im not lazy to study is music and Korean ^_^

#7 = More then a half of my family lives in Indonesian and I never met them

#8 = My sister and I fight everyday and most of the time punching slapping and kicking is involved

#9 = I have a virus in my body and it wot go away!!!

#10 = I was bullied alot in school because of my name and my looks

#11 = I never cried again after my grandmothers death

#12 = I cant talk about my feelings really well

#13 = I always got into fights with boys because they would always disturb my friends

#14 = Im overprotective about my friends and my little cousins

#15 = I broke my moms work computer she got from her new company, I tried to hide the computer from my mom but she found the computer 1 month later in my desk drawer

#16 = Im busy with my auditions lately so I cant update much

#17 = I love to eat

#18 = Most of the time I give stupid statements and make my friends laugh because of that

#19 = People say Im a dense person

#20 = I never kissed before nor had a serious relationship (Im not good in relationships because Im close with almost all boys and girls (Im really social person))


Those are 20 facts about me ^_^

Please also check out my other stories

love ya guys!

_pinocchio_ out *peacesign*

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Chapter 16: update soon please
Chapter 16: Why it's over so fast?
Thank you very much for writing this story was very sad, but with a great ending.
I look forward to reading more stories about Dandyu. Now that SunYeon resurfaces, right now.
thanks for the story
jasminelep #3
Chapter 15: triple update~ woahoh!!!
lovedandyu #4
Chapter 14: Dangg!! Ooww... Taeyeon there and see something make him hurt, oh my sunyeon don't move on from each other please.. Want them to be together
myniah09 #5
Chapter 13: Yah taeyeon !!!
Let her explain, she is trying to move on but she cant, i know that sunny still love you,
If you going to be like that, you just wasting the chance to with your sunbun#!!
jasminelep #6
Chapter 12: I had a feeling it was Sungmin lol
(it was still shocking either way cause we're all hoping for Taeyeon XD)
Chapter 12: Author, I think you have made me suffer a lot.
When they are together at last, I hope you show us much about their romance ... please
Thank you for updating (:
myniah09 #8
Chapter 12: Omo..
I smell trouble...
Taeyeon better comeback now or ur really going to lose your bunny
Chapter 11: I want to get together again, it's been a long time.
you lived in Spain? I'm from Latin America. do you speak Spanish?
Now you know why my English is crap xD
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 10: update soon please