My beautiful lawyer

I ran as fast as I could, I cant believe it. I came to late didnt I? that picture will never leave my mind. Why did you came back again Taeyeon? Why?! I sat down on a bench and burried my face in my hands. I felt a hand in my neck. It was a big warm hand.

???: Hey its going to be okay dont cry little guy

I looked up and somehow this guy is really familiar to me, blonde, spikey, arrogant face... JESSE JUNG!

Taeyeon: Good to see you again Jesse

Jesse: Hah you recognize me?! Thats awesome!

Taeyeon: Haha easy there big guy

Jesse: Since when are you vback exactly?

Taeyeon: I arrived here at 2 am

Jesse: Dont you need some rest?

Taeyeon: I went to my hotel and I have been searching for perfect flowers and a good card and then the good words to put in it and then I went to Sunny but... I saw her kissing Sungmin

Jesse's eyes widened and pulled taeyeon in a tight hug. Jesse thought they already broke up and that Sungmin moved out of the country. He really hated that guy and actually didnt want him to lay a single finger on Sunny nor come near her. He wanted Sunny to find a guy like Taeyeon perhaps taeyeonwould be more then okay with Jesse. He wants Sunny to have a boyfriend just like him and Taeyeon was the right guy. Jesse hate boring buisness guys and thats why he also didnt want his female friends to have some boring buisness dude as boyfriend.

Jesse: Dont worry I'll help you if you want

Taeyeon: No need, I think moving on is a better idea for me

Jesse: Tae I dont want her to date that boring lawyer anymore, I want her to date you. You'r a fun talented guy and believe me when I say she still loves you

Taeyeon: if she still loves me then why is she kissing some other guy? She should wait for me if she loves me

Jesse: Hey everything will be fine okay?

Taeyeon: I just have 5 days here you know, I have a tour coming up soon and have to practise for it

Jesse: I know you are busy and I really envy you but... Lets try it okay?

Taeyeon nodded and let out a deep sigh. Jesse wrapped his arm sround Taeyeons shoulder and nudged him a little. Taeyeon chuckled and was really happy that he had a friend like Jesse.

Taeyeon: So how is Yuri and you going?

Jesse: We had a fight

Jesse pouted and Taeyeon patted his head

Taeyeon: Over what?

Jesse: She told me to spend more time with her and all because I've been working alot the past weeks, I told her I also did this for her and then she got mad at me

Taeyeon: Set up a date for her, I know the perfect plan

Jesse: Jinja?

Taeyeon: Yup, I'll ask her to hangout with me and then she'll meet with you and I'll tell you what to do before your date with her

Jesse: tae your the best!

Jesse hugged Taeyeon tight and Taeyeon just patted Jesse's back

Taeyeon: I know I know and I will be really glad to help you

Jesse: thanks bud you are really the best

Taeyeon: haha I know

They pulled out and Jesse scanned Taeyeon from head to toe

Jesse: dang your hot!

Taeyeon: You sure about the date with Yuri?

Jesse: Yeah, why?

Taeyeon: That sounded gay thatw why

Jesse: yah!

He punched taeyeons arm and Taeyeon rubbed the sore spot while laughing

Taeyeon: haha mian buddy mianhae

Jesse: Haha alright its fine

taeyeon: Good now lets get this plan straight okay?

Jesse: yes sir!












Sungmin: Sunny please forgive me I didnt know he would come back for you, I though I coud have my second chance with you please forgive me Sunbun

Sunny: Its not your fault only, i shouldnt have let you almost kiss me, I didnt know he would comeback either but I'll explain to him soon

Sungmin: But Sun, he ran away... He didnt even waited for you to explain all the things

Sunny: Because he felt hurt! You want to read the card that was etached to the flowers?

Sungmin: No

Sunny: I feel like I'm doing everything wrong since I quited my job as lawyer

Sungmin: Thats not true Sunny, your trying your best and thats what counts isnt it?

Sunny: I guess so but still, I messed up with Taeyeon and I messed up with my lawyer job and I lost some friends. I dont contact Jesse and Yuri anymore because they are busy with their relationship and work

Sungmin: Your blaming yourself to much

Sunny: Because its my own fault Sung, I screwed up

Sungmin: Look I really love you Sunny, just give me a chance... please

Sunny was thinking carefully to give him a chance or not because it would be good to move on since she thought she lost Taeyeon forever but then she felt like betraying him saying yes to Sungmin. She really didnt know what to do.













Taeyeon: Okay so got it?

Jesse: kind of

Taeyeon: Whats so difficult about this? You meet up at cafe give er flowers take her to Lotte World have a fun time win prizes for her then go and eat at a restaurant and then you pay and take her to the beach to watch the sun go down okay?

Jesse: okay now I get it, you sound so romantic Tae

Taeyeon: I AM romantic... Sometimes

Jesse chuckled and nudged Taeyeon.

Taeyeon: You know, you really lucky to have someone in your life

Jesse: Well yeah sometimes. It depends wich time your in, but I really am going to help you with Sunny

Taeyeon: But when I have to go back to Japan in 5 days... I'll give up

Jesse: I understand you little guy but trust me, you'll get her bro

Taeyeon: I'll believe you when it happens

Jesse: It'll happen soon

Taeyeon: We'll see, we'll see














Double update~

_pinocchio_ out *peacesign*

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Chapter 16: update soon please
Chapter 16: Why it's over so fast?
Thank you very much for writing this story was very sad, but with a great ending.
I look forward to reading more stories about Dandyu. Now that SunYeon resurfaces, right now.
thanks for the story
jasminelep #3
Chapter 15: triple update~ woahoh!!!
lovedandyu #4
Chapter 14: Dangg!! Ooww... Taeyeon there and see something make him hurt, oh my sunyeon don't move on from each other please.. Want them to be together
myniah09 #5
Chapter 13: Yah taeyeon !!!
Let her explain, she is trying to move on but she cant, i know that sunny still love you,
If you going to be like that, you just wasting the chance to with your sunbun#!!
jasminelep #6
Chapter 12: I had a feeling it was Sungmin lol
(it was still shocking either way cause we're all hoping for Taeyeon XD)
Chapter 12: Author, I think you have made me suffer a lot.
When they are together at last, I hope you show us much about their romance ... please
Thank you for updating (:
myniah09 #8
Chapter 12: Omo..
I smell trouble...
Taeyeon better comeback now or ur really going to lose your bunny
Chapter 11: I want to get together again, it's been a long time.
you lived in Spain? I'm from Latin America. do you speak Spanish?
Now you know why my English is crap xD
Thanks for updating!
Chapter 10: update soon please