Kyury: The Fact (B2ST)

Kyuhyun's Drabble Diary

Super Junior is adding a new member? Fans are against it. Reading the headline over and over again, Henry sighed as he slammed his laptop down in frustration and in sadness. Just weeks before Super Junior’s comeback for Don’t Don and already he been getting bad reception. Resting his head on the backboard of his bed, thoughts overwhelmed him. Am I not acceptable? Do I even belong here? …Is the dream I had for so long crushed right before it can come true? Wrapping his arms around his legs, Henry sat there and mentally broke down inside. One tear was trickling down his face. Only one word could his feelings. Anguish.

In the studio, Henry was practicing his violin solo over and over again. Even though it was for only a few seconds, he wanted those seconds to mean something, to leave an impression on the doubtful fans. Henry wanted to prove them wrong, that he does belong here with Super Junior. Gliding the bow back and forth, Henry was soon lost in the music. It was a place to escape the reality of being an outsider, an outcast, practically shunned away.

The creaking sounds of the door snapped Henry back into the sad actuality of it all. Drawing his bow back, he could see a quick blur of black peering in.

“Um, excuse me?” The blob of black stopped and getting into focus was none other than Kyuhyun.

“Oh! Sorry Henry, I didn’t know you were practicing.” With a sheepish smile, Kyuhyun slowly closed the door, however a bow stopped it from closing.


“What is it Henry?” Kyuhyun asked as he turned his head to face Henry.

“Uh, we can share.” Henry replied as he began to tap his foot in nervousness. With a nod, Kyuhyun understood as he stepped into the room.

“Do you want to play something?” And with that, Henry lifted his bow up again and once again slid along the strings, playing Believe from Super Junior’s first album. The song that gave him courage, even though at first he didn’t quite understood what it meant. But, it felt like he was being wrapped by a warm and secure blanket and helped him continue to pursue his dreams. As this was his favorite song, Kyuhyun couldn’t help but sing along to it. His velvety voice blended in beautifully with Henry’s violin skills. As the song drew towards the end, tears escaped Henry’s eyes.

“Damn it…” Henry muttered to himself, quickly wiping away his tears. Worried, Kyuhyun immediately rushed over towards his side.

“Henry, are you okay?” Raising Henry’s chin to meet his eyes, Henry quickly adverted his eyes away from Kyuhyun.

“I’m fine, really…” And soon, Henry let out a bright smile. So big, so brilliant, and yet so false.

“You’re hiding something Henry…”

“No I’m not.” Henry retorted. With a faint smile, Kyuhyun forced Henry to look at him straight in the eye.

“Are you worried about what the fans have to say about you debuting with us?” He hit the nail right on the spot and Henry’s smile quickly faltered. Torment flashed through Henry’s eyes.

“N-No… not at all, it doesn’t bother me...”

“Don’t say that Henry. I can read you like an open book and I can see that it hurts you. It bothers you so much.”

“Stop it…” Henry whimpered, “Please, stop. I don’t want to face the facts. The facts hurt, they hurt so much.” With his smile now gone, Henry dropped to floor. Clutching himself tightly Henry sat there on the floor, curled up in a ball. Crouching down to his level, Kyuhyun gently placed his hand on Henry’s shoulder.

“What those fans say aren’t the facts Henry, they are merely opinions. But I’ll tell what the true facts are. The fact is, you’re someone that is needed in Super Junior, no matter what the fans think. You are going to shine. Even if some of the fans accept you yet, Super Junior will forever support you, embrace you, accept you, and forever love you. And that is fact.” The snarky and evil side of Kyuhyun had disappeared at that moment and what came out was a hidden and kind hyung who looked out for his dongsaeng. Launching himself forward, Henry embraced Kyuhyun tightly as tears dropped onto Kyuhyun sweatshirt.  Gently rubbing Henry’s back, Kyuhyun quietly whispered words of encouragement to him. And for roughly fifteen minutes they sat there on the ground of the studio, a calm and serene silence was felt throughout.

Now it was time for Super Junior’s comeback. Don’t Don. Tightly holding onto his violin until his knuckles turned white, a wave of anxiety washed over Henry. This is it… my dream... But, what will the fans think of me? With doubt now clouding his mind, a hand made its way into his own. Jumping in surprise, Henry could see Kyuhyun with his new platinum blonde hair smiling at him.

“Don’t worry Henry. Their fact is not your fact. Make it clear to them now.” Holding Kyuhyun’s hand tightly in his, the divider hiding the two of them was slowly being opened. And with a new found courage, Henry stepped onto the stage, ready to make a name for himself. Having Kyuhyun by his side, with Super Junior by his side, he’ll make the true facts known. 

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Chapter 11: Kyahhh!!! Kyuhyun's cooking for Ryeowook!! So sweet!!! :D
kellylicious #2
Chapter 14: KYUHAEEEEEEEEEE can I die? After reading all the pairings...I think I'm a goner for babykyu...sigh
Chapter 14: Kyunnie soooo sweeeet
Chapter 11: Kyaaaa so fluffy it^^
I luuuuv every single couple with Kyuie :3
superannesnow #6
I love kyuwook :)
MasiChoiFan #7
Chapter 10: I like it <3

Thank you!
Chapter 11: All of this it's just so cuuttee <3
next chap would be KyuBum right? but, would you also make MiXian and KyuRy too? They also my otp, though not as much as kyusung ehehe
Chapter 11: omggggg i love the kyuwook chapterrrrr! <3333