Chapter 11

I Can't Seem to Remember to Forget You

It was nighttime and Geum Jan Di found herself back at her old school. Everything was dark, save for the moonlight through the windows. She walked down the hall to one of her old classrooms. A silhouette of a man sat at one of the desks. She squinted her eyes to make out who it was.

"Joon Pyo?" she asked.

The shadowy figure turned around.

"I've been waiting for you, Geum Jan Di."

"Ji Hoo-sunbae?"

The shadowy figure stood up and walked towards her slowly. As he got closer the moonlight illuminated Ji Hoo's face. "What are you doing here, sunbae?" Jan Di asked.

"I've been here, waiting for you." Ji Hoo said.

"Why?" she asked confused.

"Saranghae." He brushed a strand of hair away from her face and let his hand linger on her cheek.

"Sunbae, I…" Jan Di took one step back, trying to widen the distance between her and Ji Hoo.

In that moment, Ji Hoo pulled Jan Di close to him.

"We can't do this, I already told you…" Jan Di cried.

But he cut her off by pressing his lips to hers. At first she tried, wide-eyed, to push him away. But the feeling of warmth and the presence of Ji Hoo's heartbeat made her surrender. She abandoned herself to the kiss and the two of them shared a moment of passion. Her hands in his hair. His arms around her back. She allowed herself the guilty pleasure of gently biting his lip as they pulled away from each other. This only served to arouse Ji Hoo more as he grasped onto her and began planting light kisses on her cheek, then her neck. A small moan escaped from Jan Di. "Oppa…"

Suddenly the lights came on and Ji Hoo was gone. Her arms hung onto the air where Ji Hoo previously stood. She turned around in a circle, looking for him frantically. "Sunbae? Sunbae!" she called out.

"Who are you calling out for, Geum Jan Di?"

Jan Di swirled around and saw Gu Joon Pyo. "Joon-ah…"

"What are you doing here? Why do you have a look of guilt on your face?"

"I just…let me explain…"

She watched Joon Pyo saunter over to a desk. He stared hard at her, his hand brushing over the top of the desk's surface. "Didn't this used to be your desk?"

Jan Di's face turned to horror when she saw the desk. Just like when she first started at Shinhwa, there was writing all over the desk.

". . Shame! Cheater! Gold-digger! Just Die! Who do you think you are?" and a plethora of other macabre graffiti littered the surface.

She looked up and suddenly saw that Kang Hee Soo was standing where Gu Joon Pyo was.

"Why is this written here, Jan Di-ah? Did you do something you shouldn't have?" Madam Kang asked with a devilish smirk on her face.

"No! This…this isn't right!" Jan Di said frantically as she took a step backwards.

"You should know your place, Geum Jan Di." Madam Kang stepped towards her. "It's time for you to wake up!"

"…wake up!" Chu Ga Eul said, shaking Jan Di awake.

Jan Di sat straight up in bed, breathing hard, sweat covering her brow and she placed both hands on her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" Ga Eul asked.

"I-I think so. Just a nightmare." Jan Di began to catch her breath and relax her tense muscles. "Where am I?"

"You're at the Shinhwa hotel." Ga Eul answered.

"How did I get here?"

"That ajumma from the pojangmacha called me." She smiled, "Who would have thought I'd be number one on your speed dial. I thought for sure I'd be three or four."

Jan Di let a halfhearted laugh escape her lips.

"What happened last night? What possessed you to get that drunk?" Ga Eul asked of her friend.

Jan Di rubbed her eyes as she remembered the previous night's events. "Oh no…I hope Yi Jung-sunbae isn't mad at me." She looked at Ga Eul sheepishly.

"Don't worry he's not. Now tell me what happened?" Ga Eul placed her hand gently over her friend's.

Jan Di began to explain what transpired when she arrived at the Gu family home and then continued telling her and Gu Joon Pyo's exchange back at their apartment. "…and so I left. I got in a taxi and, well, you know the rest of the story."

"Jan Di-ah…" Ga Eul looked at her friend sympathetically. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know. I just don't know." Jan Di said with tears coming to her eyes.

"Well, just rest for now. I'll run out and get you some haejangguk for your hangover. Wait here, I'll be back soon."

"Okay. Thank you."

Ga Eul headed out and Jan Di settled back into the bed.

What a dream that was. How awful, she thought as she closed her eyes. A few minutes passed and then she heard a knock at the door.

"Ga Eul must have forgotten the key." Jan Di rolled out of bed, put on her slippers and a robe and shuffled towards the door.

"Ga Eul, did you forge-" as Jan Di opened the door and looked up her jaw dropped in shock. "Omo! I mean, Omonim!"

There was Kang Hee Soo standing in the doorway. She pushed her way past Jan Di and barged right into the hotel room. Haughtily, she turned around and looked Jan Di up and down. "You look like a wreck and you smell like a drunk." Without giving Jan Di a second to talk, she continued, "Sit down. We need to talk."

Jan Di did as she was told and waited for the "Kang Hee Soo" bomb to drop.

A/N: Welcome to my new readers and welcome back to the ones who have been following my story until now. Sorry for the delayed update! College got in the way and I had to do some extra studying! More updates to come very soon!

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Maianh80 #1
Chapter 23: I am so lucky to find you fic, I really loved it. I have read some other fics but yours is the best. It has the ending that I want to know after drama ended. I very much want to see how the triangle love between them will be in the future. Jandi and Jun Pyo were trying hard to be accepted by his mother. But I also want Ji Hoo to have a happy ending, he is so warm and sensitive, how hard for him to silently watching and supporting his girl to come to his best friend. Finally he has his lover after so many burdens. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic.
Classylydia #2
am sooooo touched!!!
Chapter 23: Sugoii! Sugoii! Im literally crying *sobs* losing someone so precious is quiete painful,:((( you really know how to pull a readers heartstrings author-san .. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story and im looking forward for new stories :)))
hopelesswriter #4
Chapter 23: honestly, i'm a little bitter that Jihoo only got the girl through Joonpyo's made me feel he couldn't win over Joonpyo anyway even though he got the girl...ahh, curse that sickness...but love the F4 scenes here...haha...n Madam Kang too...even though i'm not too pleased with the turn of event...i'm still amused to realize that the title could work for both Jihoo n Joonpyo in this fic. anyway, thanks for sharing this great writing n Congratulations for the completion of this fic.
Chapter 23: Discovered the story so late,but loved it so much! Loved the ending scene ..hope you write more.
seamusmommy #6
Chapter 23: The end was so sweet and so sad. I think that's the only way Jihoo and JanDi could ever be together. Only if something were to happen to JunPyo. This was really well written and a good story always takes a mind of its own. I've come to realize that as well.
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 19: Oooh my goodness! Jan Di can't leave now. You know you love that jerk. But what about Jihoo? :( What a mess.
Chapter 19: Aigoo! *le cry buckets* why i have this gut feelibg that curly fries wont survive the surgery :'( as much i wanted jandi end up with jihoo, im really sad for joon! Aigoo! Thanks for the uodate author-san
The story is awesome! Cant wait for an update author-san! Great writing skills! Bravo! I love the plot of the story! A must read! Upvote upvote! :)))
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 18: Joon Pyo!! Really? Pushing her into the arms of your best friend! Selfish coward. Okay, done ranting at Jun Pyo now. Lol.