Chapter 10

I Can't Seem to Remember to Forget You

Geum Jan Di flagged a taxi in front of her apartment building and got in.

"Where to, agashi?" said the driver.

"Just drive anywhere."

"Pardon?" the driver said with a quizzical look on his face.

Jan Di rolled her eyes, "Just drive. I have money."

The taxi driver shrugged and pulled away from the building. They drove awhile in silence until she spotted a pojangmacha.

"Ajussi, pull over here." she demanded.

The driver did as he was told and Jan Di paid him as she exited the taxi. She entered the pojangmacha and sat down at a table. "Ajumma! A bottle of soju and some dried squid, please!" she shouted at the woman behind the counter. The pojangmacha was a large tented area with about six tables. Hanging light bulbs gave the interior a golden glow and the large vinyl windows provided a view of the busy streets. A couple sat at one table and an old man at the other.

A few moments later, the middle aged woman brought what she ordered.

Jan Di poured herself a shot of soju.

Why, Gu Joon Pyo? Why? After so many years, have you changed that much? My life revolves around you. Why should I continually compete with Shinhwa for just a fraction of your attention?

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize she had emptied her bottle of soju. "Ajumma, another please!"

"Alright." the ajumma replied and brought out another round.


"I never thought I'd be here." Gu Joon Pyo said as he looked around at the drab interior of the pojangmacha.

"You say things like that a lot these days." Jan Di smiled.

"Well, it's true. Since we've been together, there are all sorts of things that I do now that I would have never thought of doing before."

"It's good for your character to be among the commoners, Joon Pyo-ah." Jan Di nudged him.

"You're good for my character, Jan Di-ah." he said as he reached across the table and placed his hands over hers.

"Saranghae." Jan Di said to him lovingly.

"Me too, jagiya." Joon Pyo replied.

"Jagiya?" she said with surprise in her voice.

"What you don't like it?" Joon Pyo raised an eyebrow.

"No, I do, but it just sounds strange hearing it for the first time." she blushed.

"Jagiya, jagiya, jagiya. There, now you've heard it four times. Better?" he said jokingly.

"Yes." Jan Di smiled as she looked at the ground.

"Want to get out of here?" Joon Pyo suggested.


They paid for their drinks and left the pojangmacha. Jan Di linked her arm with Joon Pyo's and leaned into him.

"Yah, Geum Jan Di, I won't fly away. You don't have to hold on so tight."

"I know, I just want to do this. Walk with you. Talk with you. Snuggle with you."

Gu Joon Pyo kissed her on the forehead. "Now that you've graduated we'll have lots of time together to do all of those things."

"Promise?" she asked as she gazed up at him.

"Promise." he replied and squeezed her arm.

Jan Di's attention was caught by a dress in a store window. It was a wedding dress with lots of lace, pearls and a long train.

"Wow, isn't it beautiful?" she marveled.

"It's okay…" Joon Pyo hesitated.

"You don't like it?"

"Well, I figured I'd get Vera Wang to custom design a dress for our wedding." He said matter of factly.

"Honestly, Joon, I don't need all of that."

Joon Pyo put his arm around her, "I want you to have all of that."

"You know what I really want?" she asked with hope in her voice.

"Hmm?" Joon Pyo asked.

She hopped up in the air and clapped her hands together, "Let's get married right now!"

"What?" Joon Pyo was caught off guard.

"Let's go register our marriage right now. Then we can go someplace special for our honeymoon. Like New Caladonia, where you took me on our first trip together. Just you and I. Huh? Huh?" she ended her proposal with a bit of aegyo.

"Jan Di-ah, we can't…" Joon Pyo said with a small amount of frustration in his voice.

"Why? Because your mom will have a fit? Never mind all that. Our marriage is about us, Joon-ah. Doesn't my idea appeal to you?"

"Well of course it does," he hesitated, "but I want to marry you in a church, then I will take you to New Caladonia, just you and me."

"Soon?" she asked.

"Very soon."

Geum Jan Di turned to face Joon Pyo. She gently placed a hand on his cheek. "I love you so much, you'll never know." Then she rose up on her toes and leaned in until her lips touched his. He responded eagerly. People passing by were whispering and giggling at the lovey-dovey couple standing in front of a wedding dress shop.

Breathless, Joon Pyo pulled away. "Shall we take this somewhere more private?"

"My thoughts exactly, jagiya." She said and with one last peck on his lips, the two of them flagged a taxi.

Back in the present, Jan Di had bottles and bottles of soju in front of her. "Ya! Gu Joon Pyo! How is this very soon, huh? You made me a fool, you jerk!" She flailed her arm and knocked two bottles of soju off the table. "Oops." She giggled, and then she passed out, face down on the table.

"Geum Jan Di!" Chu Ga Eul arrived just to see her best friend make a spectacle of herself. She ran up to Jan Di and tried shaking her awake.

"Five more minutes, oma…." Jan Di mumbled.

"Tch, this girl." She said as she shook her head at Jan Di. "Ajumma, thank you for calling, I'm sorry for my friend here."

"It's okay, dear. She seemed quite upset. I just took her phone and hoped whoever was on her speed dial would come." She began to clear the table. "Poor thing," she said as she leaned down towards Jan Di's ear, "you don't need a man like that."

"Yi Jung! Come help me with Jan Di!" Ga Eul yelled at Yi Jung who was waiting in the car.

"Aish! If she pukes on my shirt…" he opened the car door and made his way to the pojangmacha.

"…yeah, yeah you'll never forgive me." Ga Eul grumbled.

Yi Jung grabbed Jan Di's arm and hoisted her up onto his back.

"Yah! Where do you think you're taking me, Joon Pyo?!" Jan Di yelled in a drunken stupor.

"Seriously…" Yi Jung glared at Ga Eul.

"Geum Jan Di, wake up!" Ga Eul shouted in her friend's ear.

Yi Jung laid Jan Di down in the back of his car. "Where should we take her?"

"I'm guessing not to her home." Ga Eul ventured.

"Not to our home either. If this has to do with Joon Pyo, I want nothing to do with it." Yi Jung said sternly.

"Yi Jung-ah!" she said in surprise, but he stared straight ahead and started the car.

"Fine, let's get her checked in to the Shinhwa hotel. Her mother would flip if she saw her like this. Just drop us off. I'll take care of her tonight."

"Very well." Yi Jung finally looked at Jan Di sympathetically. "I feel like we've been through this before. I hope Joon Pyo isn't screwing things up again."

"I'm sure we'll find out tomorrow what's going on." Ga Eul said.

Jan Di started singing, half tone-deaf, at the top of her lungs:

"Doraboji malgo tteonagara
Tto nareul chatji malgo saragara
Neoreul saranghaetgie huhoe eopgie
Johatdeon gieongman gajyeogara
Geureokjeoreok chama bolman hae
Geureokjeoreok gyeondyeo naelman hae
Neon geureolsurok haengbokhaeya dwae
Haruharu mudyeojyeo ga eh eh eh eh"

"Omo…she's singing Big Bang…ayu…this gizibe."

Yi Jung just laughed as the car neared the hotel.

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Maianh80 #1
Chapter 23: I am so lucky to find you fic, I really loved it. I have read some other fics but yours is the best. It has the ending that I want to know after drama ended. I very much want to see how the triangle love between them will be in the future. Jandi and Jun Pyo were trying hard to be accepted by his mother. But I also want Ji Hoo to have a happy ending, he is so warm and sensitive, how hard for him to silently watching and supporting his girl to come to his best friend. Finally he has his lover after so many burdens. Thank you so much for writing such a great fic.
Classylydia #2
am sooooo touched!!!
Chapter 23: Sugoii! Sugoii! Im literally crying *sobs* losing someone so precious is quiete painful,:((( you really know how to pull a readers heartstrings author-san .. Thanks for sharing your wonderful story and im looking forward for new stories :)))
hopelesswriter #4
Chapter 23: honestly, i'm a little bitter that Jihoo only got the girl through Joonpyo's made me feel he couldn't win over Joonpyo anyway even though he got the girl...ahh, curse that sickness...but love the F4 scenes here...haha...n Madam Kang too...even though i'm not too pleased with the turn of event...i'm still amused to realize that the title could work for both Jihoo n Joonpyo in this fic. anyway, thanks for sharing this great writing n Congratulations for the completion of this fic.
Chapter 23: Discovered the story so late,but loved it so much! Loved the ending scene ..hope you write more.
seamusmommy #6
Chapter 23: The end was so sweet and so sad. I think that's the only way Jihoo and JanDi could ever be together. Only if something were to happen to JunPyo. This was really well written and a good story always takes a mind of its own. I've come to realize that as well.
seamusmommy #7
Chapter 19: Oooh my goodness! Jan Di can't leave now. You know you love that jerk. But what about Jihoo? :( What a mess.
Chapter 19: Aigoo! *le cry buckets* why i have this gut feelibg that curly fries wont survive the surgery :'( as much i wanted jandi end up with jihoo, im really sad for joon! Aigoo! Thanks for the uodate author-san
The story is awesome! Cant wait for an update author-san! Great writing skills! Bravo! I love the plot of the story! A must read! Upvote upvote! :)))
seamusmommy #10
Chapter 18: Joon Pyo!! Really? Pushing her into the arms of your best friend! Selfish coward. Okay, done ranting at Jun Pyo now. Lol.