Ch. 04

Teach Me How To Love

“Sooo, you like Sandeul hyung, but you don’t know how he feels about your feelings or the confession at all?”

            Gongchan and Sunwoo strolled through the few city blocks back to his house, the younger trying to understand why his hyung was down.

           “Um, yeah. Basically, he ran away from me before we could talk about. I’ve known him for a few years now. And I know how sensitive he is about personal relationships because of his parents’ divorce and his depression. So I had been trying to think of a way to tell him without scaring him, but I failed.”

            “Well, hyung that’s not really your fault-“ he was interrupted by one of their cell phones and was slightly agitated that his hyung didn’t turn off his ringer. “That’s rude” looking hurt when Baro took the call.

            “Oh, hello Jinyoung hyung. Oh, right now?” Gongchan tried everything in his power to take the phone from him, whispering ‘sorry’ and ‘I didn’t mean it’. Baro calmed him and continued his conversation. “Channie and I just went to get lunch because he was near my house after his class ended. So we won’t be very hungry, but he was complaining how he doesn’t see his hyungs very often, so I’m sure he would love to see you. Um, is Sandeul still there?” his tone quieting.

            Gongchan smirked and started to hail a taxi. “Oh he had some errands. Well, Gongchan caught a taxi, so we’ll see you in about 15 minutes.”


            “Okay, you should be ready for any situation when talking to him tonight. And remember, I want you to tell me everything! Don’t even leave out his expressions, okay? I’ll call him now, so try to avoid main roads because he’ll more than likely take a taxi to get here. I’ll probably be able to keep him busy for one or two hours is that enough time?”

           Sandeul put on his clothes from yesterday that Jinyoung was nice enough to wash, and scooted out the door, looking like he was getting ready for battle. “That should be plenty, but hyung, I’m scared and I’m not very good at confrontation; but like you said, I am twenty years old now. I need to start taking responsibility. I will call you later tonight or tomorrow. Thank you and goodbye hyung!” and then he actually skipped to the stairs.

            Jinyoung moved to the window to see his dongsaeng still skipping on the street; smiling and dialing an all too familiar phone number.


            “I think I have only been to his house like once or twice… both time with Deullie” Baro mumbled while paying to driver, tossing a thank you as well.

            “It’s pretty similar to yours, but the layout is a little different. But, it might be kind of awkward for you, and I apologize, because we’re in that beginning stages of a relationship; you know when you’re trying to find a comfortable medium for touches or hugs or” his voice just above a whisper, but elated “kisses”. He punctuated his shyness with a hushed giggle as his cheeks tinted.

            “I think it’s this one…” Gongchan was just about to knock when Jinyoung opened the door with a bright smile. “Hyung!” he latched on to Jinyoung and nearly knocked them both over. When he pulled back from the hug, Jinyoung pecked his lips, which caused his cheeks to tint again.

            “Baro – ah, we won’t make you uncomfortable, will we? If yes, I can have Gongchan come back after you leave.”

            Smiling after seeing his reaction, Baro stole Gongchan into a hug of his own. “No, he knows about my situation with Sandeul, and you two deserve to be happy. Don’t mind me and my ability to up anything good. Plus, neither of us have seen you very much in the past couple weeks. So I’ll be okay”, releasing the younger so he can take his place next to Jinyoung on the couch while he sat on the chair next to them.

            “Sooo, what do you want to do?” Jinyoung questioned he two friends.

            “Wait, you called me and asked me to come over, without a plan?” rolling his eyes, Baro strolled over to the DVD collection. “How about an anime?”

            He got a unanimous no from the couple on the couch.

            “Action?” “No”

            “Romance?” With a hint of disgust “No.”

            “Don’t give me the ‘tude when it's your collection. Okay, that leaves horror and comedy, you decide amongst yourselves”, he quipped, standing with his hands on hips, giving them a judgmental glare.

            Jinyoung popped off the couch and exclaimed “Oh, I know. I got a new horror movie yesterday, but I haven’t been able to watch it cause you guys know how I am” and scurried off to his room to get it. As he prances back in the living room area, he holds up You’re Next.

            “I wanted to see that in theatres last semester, but my classes kept me too busy” Gongchan slightly pouts while look excitedly at the movie.

            “You have darkening shades for this window, yes? Yes, you do. Okay, lets watch this!” Clapping his hands and beaming at their plan, Baro suddenly became serious and questioned “Do you have popcorn?”

            Convulsing in a fit of laughter from the sudden change, Jinyoung strode into the kitchen with Baro on his heels. “Do you?”

            “Baro – ah, of course I have popcorn; I am the king of snacks after all” as he opens a bag to pop in the microwave. While still giggling, he hollers to his lover if he wants any.

            “Ya, need to yell I was coming to get a glass of water. And no thanks, I’m still full from lunch” Gongchan punctuated his entrance by stealing a kiss from Jinyoung when Baro was raiding the fridge.

            “I may not be able to see you, but I can still hear you, Channie. I really don’t care if you kiss or are intimate in front of me, honestly.” And for the third time in less than an hour, his cheeks tinted.

            “Gather your drinks and food items, and let’s watch this movie” Jinyoung tried to herd the other two back into the living room.


            While fleeing to the market, Sandeul thought ‘What is Sun Woo’s favourite food? Beef? Chicken? I don’t even know. Well, he doesn’t get to eat beef very often cause its expensive. And chicken is boring…’ Sandeul stood in front of the meat section pondering exactly what to get when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

            “What are you doing, Deullie? You’ve been standing here for like five minutes, not moving, and it looks like you’re mentally arguing with yourself…”

            “Zico!” he screeched, evoking a more than few stares from other shoppers and getting even more when he dropped his basket and koala hugged him. Luckily for him, the other male didn’t care about public opinion as much as he did.

            After detaching himself and exchanging polite small talk, Sandeul answer his question “I was going to cook dinner for Sunwoo tonight, but I didn’t really know what his favourite food was. So I was contemplating it, maybe a bit too hard….”

            “Yeah, just a bit. But I would go with something simple; he’s simple guy, so beef, maybe some kimchi, and a few other various side dishes. Can I ask why you’re cooking for him though?” Zico questioned while helping Sandeul select his choices throughout the store, offering his opinion when asked.

            “Oh, um, we just moved in together. And we haven’t really made any like, roommate rules.. so I thought because of us two, I'm the better cook. And we both love food, so it’s a good time for us to sit down… together.. and talk. about things..” Sandeul trailed off, his cheeks slightly coloring, while he read the label of some product.

            Zico was not daft, and knew something was up. “Are you cooking for him tonight?” transitioning into sleuth mode.

            “Um, yeah. He’s at Jinyoung’s right now, thought: Sandeul replied naively.

            “So, what kind of things are you guys going to talk about? I haven’t seen either of you for a while, so I don’t how you guys are doing? Are either of seeing anyone?” thinking when Sandeul said ‘roommate rules’ he meant what the other was to do when one brought a girl home.

            Dropping the can of whatever he was holding, the shorter male turned with tomato cheeks and slurred out “Psh, no, we’re not dating anyone. He’s doesn’t like anyone, neither do I. Psh, you’re just as funny as I remember you. Asking if we’re dating… psh, no” shyly picking up the can and shoving it back on the shelf.

            Noticing the hue of his cheeks, Zico took a risk. “So, did he ever confess to you? He told me once that he thought you were cute and that he might even ask you out?” He thought about what Sandeul said last 'asking if we'e dating'; ‘Did he not finish his sentence or did he just subtly tell me that he and Baro were going out..?’

            He cheeks went from bright red to pale white in a matter of seconds, which if that wasn’t enough to confirm his suspicions, the next instant was.

            Sandeul turned to face Zico with tears pricking his eyes and barely above whisper croaked “He told you too?” 

a/n: sooo apparently I am enept at technology... cause I can't get a stupid gif to work. That was supposed to be ^ up there...  but whateves... OTL for my late updates. I at life and all things that life related. If you don't hate me yet, THANK YOU! As usual, school is being a poop and taking up too much time. Thank you for reading. And because of my late update, I'll give you a gif dump of b1a4! Yay *throws confetti and kisses and cookies and hugs and maybe kitties..*      And I relate this gif to how I feel about school: 

Also, sorry for those who are CNU biased... I don't know how to incorporate him yet. Leave me comments if you want him, don't want him. Thank you and see you next time. 

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sarangheexo #1
And Jinchan's sweet moment is just too sweet ;-;
The last part tho ><

Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 7: Oh my goodness:o I wonder what will happen with Baro and Sandeul o.o
I hope they will be okay T^T

Great update and I'm looking forward very much to the next update:D
Chapter 7: hahahahha xD zico on top of sandeul..oh baro be jelly XD nice update
Lisett #5
Chapter 7: Good chapter, keep up the good work!
Chapter 7: Finally~ Waah~ ㅋㅋㅋ
I like this story even more ♡
Jinchan sweet moment~
And I hope everything between Badeul would be just fine.

Thank you for updating! ^^
Chapter 6: Yay! Of course a yay! Hehe~ It's good that Zico is with Sandeul so Baro has to worry no more. And the Jinchan!! Ah~ You killed me!! My Jinchan feels~~

Thank you for updating ^^ This story is daebak
Chapter 5: Waah, poor Deullie :( It's sad that he wanted to hurt himself. And the Jinchan!! That last part killed me!! Ah~ You've gnt me wanting more~ haha
Thank you for updating ^^ See you at the next chapter ^^
Chapter 4: Finally I got some time to read this.
This is great. The plot is interesting. Will Badeul get together?? And more Jinchan, please ^^
I hope you update it soon. Thank you.
Chapter 2: hmmm . wonder what happened to Deullie to ever think he don`t deserve to be love >_< . waiting for your next update !