Ch. 03

Teach Me How To Love

Uneasiness formed in Sunwoo when he woke up to an empty apartment, as he was used to noise trailing from the kitchen when Sandeul tried to quietly make breakfast. Straggling to the kitchen to prepare himself breakfast, a ringing penetrated his ears.

            “Hello?! Hyung, is that you?” near screeching into the phone from excitement when he thought it might be Jinyoung or Sandeul.

            “Hyung, why are you yelling so early in the morning? It’s just me, calm down. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch together later. My last class ends at 11:45, so I’ll be near your house and yeah..”

            “Ugh, Channie!” audibly distressed that it wasn’t who he wanted to talk to. “Why don’t you study when you aren’t in class? How are you going to get good grades if you don’t study, mmh?”

            “Hyyyung! This semester started like two weeks ago, and I haven’t been able to see you, Sandeul hyung, Jinyoung hyung, or even Shinwoo hyung! I miss you guys, and even though it’s just summer classes and they’ll be done in three weeks, I reeealllly miiisss you hyyuuuung!” dragging out words to pull guilt from the older.

            “I thought Shinwoo hyung was also taking summer semester classes..?

“He is! That’s what makes me even more sad; we go to the same freaking school, and I haven’t seen him once!” even though Baro couldn’t see it, Gongchan threw his arms into the air. “Ugh, listen hyung, my class is about to start in like five minutes. I’m going to that little sushi restaurant by your house at noon; if you want a free lunch, swing by. Okay, text me later if you’re going to be there or not. Bye hyung!”

“No, don’t hang up – that poop..” Sunwoo continued to himself. ‘He must really be lonely if he’s calling me. But either way, free lunch with a lovely dongsaeng’. Checking the time as 10:15, Sunwoo felt excitement supersede his anxiety about Sandeul.


            Shambling along to the sushi place, Gongchan was glum that he hyung had neither confirmed nor denied he would be there. Hearing the ding of the entrance, he began searching for a place to sit when he spotted a familiar pair of shoulders.

            “Hyung, why didn’t you text me?” he whined as he slung himself from behind Sunwoo.

          “I just wanted to keep you on your toes; you know. Not expecting anything, and end up pleasantly surprised” stating simply and standing to give a proper hug.

            The waitress coms to talk their order and the pair catch up. “So how’s your relationship with Jinyoung hyung going?”

            Nearly spewing water on his face, Gongchan recovers and questions “How did you know we were dating?”

            “Well, I kind of figured and you confirmed” Baro quipped, looking smug as ever. “Don’t you live near him? Like almost in the same building, near.? Why don’t you two just move in together?”

            “Um, cause we’ve only been going out for like two months now.. but we have known each other as friends for a few years. Maybe I’ll bring up to him; I’ll stop over there after we leave here. Have you kept in touch with the others recently?”

            “Um, yeah.. Sandeul and I actually just moved in together. And Jinyoung hyung and I talk fairly often; and that where I actually found out that you two were dating. I called him the other day for relationship advice and he used you and him as an example” trailing off nonchalantly.

            “Hyung, I thought you were single and not looking?”

            “Ugh, yeah I am single, but I have eyes for, someone. Are you finished eating? It’s getting kind of late, and I think I left some laundry in before I left..”

            Getting irritated about his dodged questions, Gongchan suggests “Sure, I’ll go pay. Do you want to go for a walk at talk… about relationships?”

            “Um, yes. I already confessed, so I guess I might as well get as many opinions as possible” rising with a huff of defeat and wandered outside to wait for Gongchan.


            Sleepily sitting up, Sandeul feels off; like something was very wrong. With half closed eyes, he goes to where the bathroom should be only to run into a wall. Finally coming to his senses, he realizes his is not in his apartment. Eyes fully opened, he returns to from where he was and sees Jinyoung coming from somewhere looking worried.

            “Are you okay?”

            “Uh, yeah. I woke up and forgot I slept here and tried to go where my bathroom should have been; but there was a wall there” rubbing his head and stuttering sleepily.

            “Good, I though you fainted again. Do you want some breakfast? I’m making kimchi fried pancakes.”

            “Oh yes please. I am so hungry.”

            Seated across from each other, Jinyoung eyes Sandeul while he eats, trying to think over the best way to start questioning him about Baro.

            “Sooo, is there anyone you like as of recently?” hoping to be discrete, but knowing he failed Sandeul’s expression darkens.

            “Hyung, couldn’t you have waited until after I eat? I knew you were going to ask me about yesterday, but really while I’m eating?”

            “I can’t wait, I’m a nosy hyung. So, now that you know what I’m going for.. why not answer some questions I have!” sounds like an excited child.

            Dropping his shoulders in failure of eating in peace, he nods and prepares for the onslaught on questions.

            “Okay, how about I ask a bunch of questions and then you can answer instead of back and forth? Cause I feel like if we do that, I’ll forget some questions.

            The younger nods again and Jinyoung starts “How do you feel about Sunwoo? Did you feel like he liked before he confessed? Will you continue to be friends if you don’t feel the same toward him? Will you continue to live together? Did you know he was gay, or bi, I don’t know..? When do you plan on talking to him?”

            Taking a deep breath and preparing to disclose his soul, he responds “Sunwoo is my best friend, of course I love him. He’s been there for me whenever I needed someone to talk to, whether it was my parent’s divorce or my depression. He never let me be alone, which is why I thought it would be a good thing to move in together. So regardless of what happens, I still want him in my life; he’s my rock” starting to tear up he pushes on.

            “I did not know he was bi, or even if he is just gay and was confused until recently.. But I never thought he like me other than a friend or a brother. As for how I feel, I really don’t know, hyung. I’m pretty confused myself. I’ve never had a girlfriend, let alone a boyfriend. So I don’t even know how to go about telling him my feelings cause I’m afraid I’m going to say something wrong or not tell him everything I want or it’s not going to come out like how I want.”

            Jinyoung sat there processing everything the blubbering mess had to say countered “Do you think that you might be gay? Not saying it to joke or anything, but you haven’t said you don’t like him? And even if you’re bi, would you mind TRYing to be in a relationship with Sunwoo? He’s pretty fun to be around, and the worst thing that could happen is there is some awkward tension after you dismiss his confession..”

            Letting what the older said sink in, Sandeul composed himself and muttered “I wouldn’t mind trying a relationship with him.. Like I said though, I never tried with other people because I never really felt like I deserved that kind of happiness or more so I never felt I needed it. If I had my job and school, a few good friends, I felt I never needed a ‘significant other’ to make me happy. I didn’t want to be in a situation where I would be the cause of someone’s pain when I didn’t pay then enough attention, or if I felt we should break up.”

            “Sandeul-ah, I think you overthink things. You’re what, twenty now, and you’ve never had a girlfriend, which means you haven’t had your first kiss right? Let alone any kind of ual relation with another person. The way I see, you could learn quite of bit from Sunwoo-ah. Why don’t you ask him to teach you how to love?”

            “Can you teach love though? I thought it was something that humans just naturally knew how to do when they felt it? Like breathing when first born, or talking..”

            “Well obviously not, if a twenty year old is having difficulty with it” getting sassy at his dongsaeng, Jinyoung devised a plan. “Why don’t you go home and cook a dinner for Sunwoo, then phone him to come home and you two talk? That is the only way you two are going to go forward from this. Whether it be as a couple or continue as roommates.”

            “But hyung, I’m scared” curling his knees to his chest, his big and puppy-like.

            “Come here, precious dongsaeng. Before you go, we’ll go a variety of scenarios. And I’ll make sure he’s not there long enough for you to prepare his favourite dinner. Okay?”

            “O- okay” stammering shakily and mentally preparing himself for his makeshift confrontation lessons. 

a/n: I apologize for the length between updates; I tried to update from my nieces tablet like three days ago, but then it died and I didn't save! So I lost motivation for a few days and then lost the ideas... and now here's this. Thank you for reading(!) and tell me what you think. Gamsahmnida OTL 

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sarangheexo #1
And Jinchan's sweet moment is just too sweet ;-;
The last part tho ><

Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 7: Oh my goodness:o I wonder what will happen with Baro and Sandeul o.o
I hope they will be okay T^T

Great update and I'm looking forward very much to the next update:D
Chapter 7: hahahahha xD zico on top of sandeul..oh baro be jelly XD nice update
Lisett #5
Chapter 7: Good chapter, keep up the good work!
Chapter 7: Finally~ Waah~ ㅋㅋㅋ
I like this story even more ♡
Jinchan sweet moment~
And I hope everything between Badeul would be just fine.

Thank you for updating! ^^
Chapter 6: Yay! Of course a yay! Hehe~ It's good that Zico is with Sandeul so Baro has to worry no more. And the Jinchan!! Ah~ You killed me!! My Jinchan feels~~

Thank you for updating ^^ This story is daebak
Chapter 5: Waah, poor Deullie :( It's sad that he wanted to hurt himself. And the Jinchan!! That last part killed me!! Ah~ You've gnt me wanting more~ haha
Thank you for updating ^^ See you at the next chapter ^^
Chapter 4: Finally I got some time to read this.
This is great. The plot is interesting. Will Badeul get together?? And more Jinchan, please ^^
I hope you update it soon. Thank you.
Chapter 2: hmmm . wonder what happened to Deullie to ever think he don`t deserve to be love >_< . waiting for your next update !