
Rocky Ellwood the Ghost whisper

“I’m home” I called into the house after walking jieun home “rocky in here I got something” I walked into the kitchen spotting auntie holding a bracelet “whats that” I asked her “this will help you stop reading minds” she said smiling as she rushed over snapping it on my wrist.

           “now the only way to know anything is by touch” she said smiling. I knew with out reading the only reason why she bought this was for the mean comments people made about me and because of my strong desire to be normal. “thanks” I said moving it around “your welcome” “but can I still see ghost” I asked her “of course that’s the money maker” she said grinning. 

        I laughed shaking my head “but before we go out to work eat and do your homework” she told me. I nodded saying “yes” as I grabbed a choco pie and heading to my room.  I finished the snack and headed down in changed clothes “ready” auntie asked smiling.

      We got to the place and it was a church uncle passed me a camera “go walk around” he told me I nodded walking off on my own. It’s easier this way seeing ghost hate being drawn out and judging by the other ghost hunting groups here we needed to have a edge.

        I walked around the building snapping random pictures as I walked to the back there was a garden and a pound not to far from it. I smiled at how painting like it look before snapping a picture. I notice a woman after taking the picture lowering the camera I notice her hand trace over a flower. She looked young pale skin and black hair. I watched her shift her gaze slowly sensing me she looked at me shocked before shuffling a smile my way.

          I smiled back “rocky-ah” I turned to see jieun rushing toward me I looked back to the woman and she was gone. Must be one of the ghost seeing I sense more than one. “what are you doing here” she asked catching her breath “my aunt and uncle are ghost hunters and I help out” I informed her she nodded “you” I asked her “my father runs the church” she told me I nodded.

         Taking in a breath “rocky” she called her voice sounding worried “yes” I answered her “why did you choose to be friend me?” she asked I could sense her suspense even with out reading her mind. “I know what it’s like to be bullied and I know what its like when people could act like it wasn’t happening” I said remembering my own past.

          “I see” she said looking out “are you sure it’s back here” I turned my attention to where I came from. I looked spotting a black hair, tan black hair pale light brown head. I heard ji eun taking a breath and knew that tan boy was kai. Always the good looking ones who bully right. I notice them stop and look to us I turned around “I should go back to work” I sighed moving passed her but something stopped me. 

              I turned my head to a window my breath getting caught as I looked to the window that was covered with a curtain. I bit my lip feeling the breath caught in my throat causing me to cough. I leaned forward trying to get the air out. “rocky” I felt a hand on my arm and swirls of vivid pictures flooded my mind about this place and the history of it. 

               I saw four deaths in this place a young girl, two woman one long haired the other short hair another was a man about mid 20s. I felt a bolt jolt through me I grabbed ji eun arm and pulled her away jumping and falling to the ground as something greater fell behind us. I felt her tremble as I looked over spotting the fear in her eyes she stared in utter shock and I moved my gaze to see the source.

              A heavy looking shelf laid where we stood in broken pieces standing I took in the scene flicking more pictures. Sensing a presence above I moved back flicking more moving the camera down stood a man, two young women and a young girl. I then knew that the one from earlier in the garden was there. I bit my lip hearing commotion come from around us as people swarm to see if ji eun was ok. I looked to her feeling bad. However eyes bored into me making me look to light brown hair, I then realized he was the rude guy from school. I frowned as two hand rest on both shoulders “rocky you ok” I looked to auntie smiling to reinsure her I was fine. 

           “what happened” chad asked me “let’s just say a young girl two women and a man isn’t to happy about us being here” I told him.

         We walked to the room that shelf came from it had a the shape of it like someone’s tan marks. “it didn’t go out the window” one of the hunters said looking around. I notice auntie by jieun holding her shoulders to calm her down. “it’s to heavy to carry up a flight of steps” another said examining one that was exactly like the one that fell.

       I walked to the wall hand tracing where the shelf was. I felt an overbearing aura from the wall as my hand snapped away like I was shocked by something.

          I bit my lip frowning “you feel as well” I looked meeting dark hair and panda eyes. “mhm” I nodded looking to the wall “even out there” he asked I knew he was talking about my display outside. “even out there” I repeated taking a breath “how many are there” he asked “four” I told him he nodded “then I was right” he said touching his chin thinking. 

          I looked at him taking in his features other than the dark bags under his eyes he was pretty attractive also built if I must say. “oh” I looked back to him and not his body “I am tao by the way” he extended his hand “I- ugh we go to your school” he said directing me to the other two “rocky” I told him he nodded his head taking back his hand that I ignored. 
             “rocky come on were taking ji eun home” auntie said to us. 

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i will update tomorrow sorry for the lack of update


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