
Rocky Ellwood the Ghost whisper

         The lights flickered on as I heard whimpering I turned around spotting bomi in a corner shaking “I was one of many” I looked to my right catching her watching with sadness on her face. “of what” I asked “to be place here and tested on” she said back she looked at me sternly stating “this church wasn’t just for praying it was for testing” she said to me “we were used as lab rats as they tried finding cures for a flu those american soldiers brought along” she said pissed. 

          “not only were we tested but us females we were used for the late night doctors pleasures even little jinri” she said tapping her foot. “I see you four were the only ones to not move on” I sighed taking all this in as we entered a white room. I spotted the other three by her “no we didn’t” daeho said “but why try and hurt the father, priest and the fathers daughter” I asked them.

               “the priest tried to send us to hell” jinri said in a sad tone “the father was an accident we were just trying to scare him off” naeun said to me. “me and jieun” I asked them.

              “we needed you to see us before the others did” bomi cleared “funny way” I sighed “rocky” I looked up to see naeun “you’re the only one who can see us, who can help us move on” naeun said touching my shoulder. save us I nodded “you have been in this church for a long time right” I asked they nodded.

           “have you ever heard forgive and forget” I noticed daeho about to protest “not for them but yourself”. They nodded their heads “then do it I am sure god is waiting for you to come knocking on his door any minute now” I told them. 
            “but we have killed” jinri said looking down “repent and ask him to forgive and please” I walked over kneeling before her “don’t throw chairs at anyone else” I told her she laughed and I held out my pinkie she giggled taking it. 

           “the nicest ghost I have came by” I told them they laughed “our culture is different from yours” I nodded my head “true” I stated smiling.

           “Rocky” I opened my eyes only to close them “close the blinds” I groaned “were out side” I heard that cold annoying voice state. I growled sitting up and glaring at him “what happened” I looked to kai “we went looking for you cause you went missing and we found you here asleep” tao explained. 

         “I don’t know everything is a haze” I yawned standing to my feet and stretching. “well we found something” ji eun smiled holding up papers “well let’s go show the others” I told them they nodded standing when my eyes caught min young waving me over “I’ll catch up with you guys” I told them rushing to her. Once getting over there I stood facing the pond “gone” I asked “yup” she said smiling. I looked back and saw she was right “let’s sit” I said clasping to the ground. 

       “you did good” she praised thumbing me up “how” I asked her “I saw them move on” minyoung sighed smiling “isn’t your turn yet” I asked facing her with a smile “yah! Are you trying to get rid of me!” she yelled hitting my arm I chuckled looking out to the water “but yes I am I just wanted to thank you” she told me. 

           “why” I asked her “you know” she started I looked seeing a sweet smile on her lips “this is where kyumin proposed to me” she said fiddling with her finger I notice a band on her ring finger. “now that their gone maybe this place wont get torn down and it will remain for others to enjoy” she said smiling. 

         “I think even if the church gets torn down the garden will remain and the flowers will spread singing thank you minyoung for cherishing us” I told her with a smile as I looked to the sky. “Rocky” I looked to her “tell me your wish” she looked serious causing me to sit up straight “my wish?” I questioned “mhm what do you want to remain” she said looking to the pound watching a fish swim after another. “to be expected for who I truly am” I told her.

        She looked to me smiling “I have a feeling some people will do just that” she told me. She turned to the left and I spotted a door it was pretty held flowers around it with oak wood for the door. “seems like it’s time” she said standing to her feet. I followed her movement watching her move toward it. She stood right in front spinning on her heels to wave at me “take care rocky” she said smiling “you too” I said back smiling to her. She laughed turning and opening the door as a bright light shined out.

        I covered my eyes and by the time I dropped my hand she and the door was gone. 

       My head laid on the desk seeing I was still tired seeing Chad came back from Spain and we had a party talking about our weekends.

       “rocky” I looked up to a smiling ji eun “father says the ghost are gone” she grinned. I smiled back happy to hear “also he wanted me to give this” I watched her pull out a rose crafted glass “he found it in the garden and your name was in graved on it” I took it flipping it to see my name was on it.

        “By the way who is minyoung” I read her name with a smile “a friend” I told her placing the glass on my desk. 

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i will update tomorrow sorry for the lack of update


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