
Rocky Ellwood the Ghost whisper


          School ended and I planned on leaving right away I picked up my things and stood to my feet. Ji eun followed chatting about a boy group concert but I didn’t listen, nope I was wondering what happened to angel why did sehun become so defensive about this hana chick and why and the hell do I care. My thoughts were stopped by a lurking body who had a her arms crossed and her usual party with her.

      I took in a breath hearing ji eun finally stop and look up to a pissed off maeri “what now” I asked not in the mood nor caring why she looked like puffed eye pissy puffer fish. “you that’s what” she said walking up to me I groaned rolling my eyes and taking ji eun hand and ignoring her tell me off speech as I walked passed maeri leaving her lost but not caring.

     “Yah Rocky” she yelled but I ignored her pulling ji eun passed the boys not missing the glare sehun gave me. I scuffed shaking my head and walking down the hall.

     I did the usual remove the tax’s and throwing trash away with little care “if you like we can share lockers” ji eun offered I looked to her a smile on lips. “sure I find my shoes smelling a trash as the days go on” I told her she let a light laugh go “oh also would you like to come over” ji eun asked smiling big. I looked to her a smile of my own coming on.

       “sure” I told her “how about us” I looked up along with ji eun spotting the guys “sure the more the merrier” ji eun gleamed standing. I didn’t object but I also didn’t accept as I stood up and closed the locker.

        I turned leaving out first, we got to ji eun home which was your normal house. It was cute and simple and I liked it “omma I’m back” she called opening the door and sliding off her shoes.  We did the same as we heard a happy voice say “welcome back” ji eun took my hand finally I have a friend to bring home I smiled at that thought as I came face to face with her mother. “mom meet my friends” she said as we entered the kitchen to see a loving woman who looked in her mid 30’s icing a cake as a middle school child sat on a counter chair looking at us in silence.

      She smiled lovely as she placed down the icing and rushed over stating “aigoo my ji eun-ah finally brings a friend home” she said hands on my cheeks as she examined me before pulling me into a hug. 

      Her name is park minyoung, she was married to a man who is the father of the two but he passed and she decided to remain a widow even though her heart yearns for the bread man. She has been worried about ji eun wondering if she would end up almost committing suicide like she once tried. Her daughter minah is a playful child who has many friends so she doesn’t worry for her too much. As for nari she is in college and is dating someone, sure she worries about the youngest dongho but that’s if he will turn out like a lazy bum.

     As of now she was glad to see me even the smile on her face showed but seeing the other three she blushed pulling away to greet them. I watched minah walk over eyes narrowed as she searched mine “are they real” she asked I looked to her seeing we were close in height “well I cant take them out” I told her she nodded her head crossing her arms. “yah~ minah don’t be rude” her mom said swatting her arms but when she touched my cheek and examined me I heard her wonder the same.

      “unni~” a voice of a young boy, dongho, was heard before a wobbling into the kitchen but once his eyes met mine he scrabbled to jieun legs hiding his face. I was used to this even in places that were familiar with my skin type it was always the eyes that made the kids scream “monster” he whined into her leg.
     I groaned “I’m not a monster” I told him “yeah don’t be rude” ji eun hissed “uh uh” he said back “nu uh” I said like I was his age. “your eyes are silver like a monsters” he said to me as he stood his ground. Well kind of seeing he still held onto jieun. “So your’s is brown” I told him “mine is normal” he said “
and boring” I said back he pouted sticking out his tongue. I did the same and went back and forth until kai stepped in between us “sorry about her she can be a child” sehun said. 

       “tch” I folded my arms “well were going in my room” jieun said to the three who watched us as if we were entertainment. She turned guiding us and I made sure to stick out my tongue once more. He furrowed his brows pouting and I smiled proudly following the group.

        “nice room” kai said as we entered the room. I scanned the place and found a normal teenage room. I notice a poster board of five boys holding instruments. One held a mic like he was singing, another held drumsticks, the third held a bass while the last held a guitar. “X” I read out loud “yeah there concert is the one I want to see” she said to me smiling. “kyungsoo is so dreamy that I cant wait to see them” she gushed I smiled looking to her. “Who is kyungsoo I asked her” she smiled “well kyungsoo is the lead vocal, chanyeol is the drummer and rapper but he can also play the guitar, he is lay the guitarist he also has this cute dimple and the bassist is jongdae the cutest thing on earth” she said smiling widely. 

        I watched her smiling myself “mhm nice but why did you three well why did you come” I asked sehun turning on my heels I notice a smile go away from his lips. Wait was he smiling at us? Shaking the thought away with his ugly words “cause we can” he insisted. 

       “well next time don’t” I told him folding my arms “please not now I called you over to study and show you off not to fight with sehun oppa” ji eun said. I scuffed “oppa” I asked “yeah I’m three months older” he said proudly “you look more like three years” I told him as he lost the edge and growled at me.

        “can we please start studying” kai asked I knew he was only using it to stop thinking about maeri just by his irritated face.

      “done” jieun stretched her arms I yawned “yup finally” as I stretched my arms “well lets call it a day because it’s late” tao said collecting his things. “yeah I bet auntie is tearing out her extension right now” I groaned “she wears extensions” kai asked me. “nope figure of speech” I cleared standing to my feet.

      ”well thanks for coming over” jieun said smiling I looked to with furrow brows “honey were your friends all but sehun that is” I said laughing at the last part “ha just because were not friends” he made a motion between me and him “doesn’t mean were not friends” he said doing the same thing but with jieun.

      “bye jieun-ah thanks for the study hall” he said smiling to her I scuffed “bye jiji see you tomorrow” I said to her he scuffed and I rolled my eyes heading for the door. 

    “you kids leaving” jieun mother asked “nae” we told her standing by the door “well come back any time” she said smiling. we nodded sliding on our shoes “bye unni by oppa” minah told us “bye minah” we said back “bye hyung and monster” I glared at the boy “noona” he said correcting himself in fear “bye and see you soon” I said hauntingly as he gripped his mother who laughed.

   “see you even scare kids” sehun said as we walked down the steps and out the gate “go die in a hole” I hissed at him. jongin laughed along with tao as sehun scuffed. I sighed “bye tao bye jongin” I told them “yah what about me” sehun asked narrowing his eyes “bye ugly duck” I said back to him “ha look whose talking” I rolled my eyes walking away after waving to the other two.

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i will update tomorrow sorry for the lack of update


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