
Rocky Ellwood the Ghost whisper

I sat at my desk head down last night I couldn’t sleep well seeing I kept envisioning the whole events yesterday plus those four faces not to mention miss garden lady. “this is all to much” I groaned as me and jieun sat in the music room “what” she asked me “yesterday I-” I stopped remembering she doesn’t know. 

             “nothing” I groaned rubbing my temple “ha I knew it” I looked up spotting tao, kai and I found out yesterday light brown and cold eyes was sehun. “why are they here” ji eun asked hand latching onto my shirt as she looked scared at the ground. “don’t know but I wish they would shut up” I growled “so you’re the new girl that everyone has been chatting about” kai said proud.

      “I met you yesterday” I said as if he was bothering me “true but it wasn’t formal or anything” he said grinning as he knelt down in front of me. He grinned extending his hand “kai” he said as he did it. I looked to it knowing the exchange I would get from it and decided not to “rocky” I said back to him not extending mine. “rocky?” I looked to pale ice prince “yeah why want to slander my name seeing I blocked your path yesterday” I asked narrowing my eyes he scuffed rolling his eyes.

         “he is sehun” Tao said to me “sehun?” I questioned finding his name oddly familiar “yeah want to slander his” kai asked with a chuckle still In front of me “maybe” I sighed looking to tao “so what brings you here” I asked him. “well I wanted to talk about yesterday” I looked to jieun who didn’t look to ok with it “don’t worry I only wanted to know what did the photos you take look like” he asked me. 

       I shrug “sorry but that is my aunts and uncle job I just assist for extra cash” I shrugged “will they have them after school” kai asked a little to eager for my taste “yes so we can prove once and for all ghost don’t exist” sehun said I smirked at his ignorance “sure” I said standing to my feet “come on ji eun I have to copy your homework from yesterday” I told her she hoped to her feet happy to go.

      I gathered my things and waited for jieun who was surprisingly fast today. We left the class and I notice maeri and the es I sent a side glare at her walking passed them with ji eun I notice them shudder and looked forward. I walked passed the boys door just as they left out. “arent they coming” ji eun asked “yeah but I don’t want to be associate with lame people” I said sending her a smirk she gave it back laughing a little. 

       Once a block away we waited for them “hey how come you didn’t wait for us” kai asked out of breath as tao looked to us intently and sehun stared with his same face on. “one I don’t want anyone getting wrong ideas, two jieun more important than you seeing photo to clear sehun hate for ghost and three I just don’t want to be associate with you all” I said smiling before turning around and heading to my house. 

        “did you have to be that harsh” ji eun asked catching up “no but it’s better this way don’t you think” I asked her not looking over knowing she would agree. Its victim lesson number one don’t ever befriend the cool kid it always blows up in your face life isn’t like those movies. 

       “I have a question” I looked to kai as we came to a cross walk “why don’t you want to be associated with us” he asked I could tell he was mr. befriend every living thing. “nothing personal but I don’t” I sighed crossing the road as it came our turn to go. 

        “yah wae” he whined his hands clamping onto my arm. 

        My breath drew in as everything flooded into me. please be my friend~ please~ Yah! Go away your annoying. it was like a memory mixed with he really wanted from people. Not to mention I saw his lonely childhood, he was always turned away by kids who found him annoying just because he was poor yet he still smiled. Honestly he was dating maeri just because he got attention for it sehun and tao seemed to be the only ones who liked him for him.

       “Yah!” I yelled snatching away I watched his face flash a sight of hurting boy. I bit my lip as I felt someone push me back “don’t yell at him” sehun said I looked to see him looking to me with a face that held hate and disgust it was so familiar I drew in a sharp breath. I rolled my eyes “no I shouldn’t have touched her” he said sad I looked at him now feeling bad.

        “I overreacted” I said catching the air and attention “let’s hurry before I say something else” I told them in mostly a mutter that their ears just so happen to catch. 

      “I’m home” I called into the house removing my shoes. “oh come see the photos they turned out great” she sung from the kitchen. I lead them into the house as their eyes goggled over everything in it. “I like this one the best” she smiled looking up she stopped looking at the group I brought “don’t get too happy three only came to see the pictures then they’ll be gone” I said moving into the living room leaving them with auntie.

      “Roxanne Ellwood didn’t I ever teach you manners” she scolded me I ignored her plopping on the couch biting the apple I snuck from the basket. “please excuse her she’s not used to having normal friends” she said shouting the normal friends part. I scoffed looking at the wall, I tuned them out thinking about kai’s past 

        “yah don’t touch me” a kid shouted at the small country boy “poor people don’t know what ‘I don’t want to be your friend means’” another shouted as he helped his friend away. “go back to your shack in the country” another yelled getting laughs. Kai watched them leave before slumping to the ground letting a tear fall.

        I bit my lip, I wanted to know more seeing I snatched away before I could go even further into his mind and heart. “actually we were going back today” auntie said I stood to my feet. “coming rock” she called to me I looked back to the her and the group I brought back. “oh your going” she said before I could speak getting a chuckle from jieun and kai I looked to them watching them bite their lips. Great how fun I thought.

            Here we were walking to the back where the book shelf fell. “so this is this picture” auntie said passing it to tao who nodded. A breeze tickled my ear as I heard “this way” I turned around spotting the garden I walked to it spotting a head poking around the corner. I took her as the young woman who smiled at me from that day.

        I walked over before kneeling in front of her I looked over noticing the group gone. “good their gone now come with me quickly” the woman said taking my hand. I allowed her to pull me as a smile formed on her lips “I cant believe I can touch you” she grinned. I smiled at her happiness taking in her profile.  She was young 23-25, black hair was drapping down her back as she wore a 60 type outfit and she was beautiful “by the way I am min young” she giggled after saying so “I don’t get to say that often anymore” she said sitting on the grass. I notice we were on a heel that was at least 10 feet from the pond. 

       “or at all for that matter” she said after thinking on it “well I am rocky” I told her “and I say that too much” I said getting another giggle from her. “well I wish I could say it as much as you can” she said smoothing out her dress with her small, pale hands “tell me min young why do you come here often” I asked.

      “ah you mean the garden” she said getting what I met “well this is where I met him” she said looking to the water lovingly. “that is before I died” she said a sad feature gracing her face. “tell me about him” I said placing my knees to my chest willing to listen seeing it must be rare for her “how about I show you” she said touching my hand.

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i will update tomorrow sorry for the lack of update


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