
Rocky Ellwood the Ghost whisper

         I sat on a rock drawing when a figure took place by me “do you know anything” I looked to my left spotting angel “you followed me to the park” I asked looking to him. I looked spotting jieun and the boys picking bring snacks “well I was bored alone” he said I looked to the pad “the girl I drew is called hana” I told him.


         I felt him flinch as if I did “the three boys know her and you” I said before looking to the jieun who called my name running over “look what I got” she said smiling holding out a cookie and crème ice cream cone. I took it smiling “she made sure to get the same as you” jongin said grinning as jieun blushed.


         “Well isn’t that cute” I asked ruffling her hair as she took the spot where angel was. I notice him now leaning against the tree not too far from us. “So about that emailed request,” sehun said I the ice cream noticing jongin hit his arm as in saying not now. “I only take request I don’t ask questions,” I said not wanting to go on this. However, I knew I would find something.


        “Ok I understand that” he told me “can I ask a question” I asked looking to him and the boys. “Who is hana to angel” I asked looking at sehun intently as I notice a irritated yet sad expression cross his face. I looked to tao who looked to the boy in sympathetically and to jongin who ate his ice cream with a lot of focus. “They dated” he told me “sehun-ah” a light sweet voice called. My heart stopped as I looked to see a beautiful young girl.


       I felt a pain cross over my chest as I looked to angel, pain, sorrow and longing was on his face. I looked over to sehun talking to her with such a lively expression such interest and… love in his eyes. It hurt seeing this but I don’t know why seeing I have a strong dislike for him.


     I figured it was targeted to hana and I was feeling what angel was feeling. “Rocky” a worried voice pulled me back to earth as I looked to see a worried jieun “are you ok” she asked softly. I nodded my head “yeah I just” I paused suddenly feeling the need to leave “can we walk” I asked her. she nodded as she took my arm and helping me to my feet. The worry on her face went in her mind.


        I locked eyes with angel walking pass him and his expression seemed to mirror mine. “Ok so what was all that” jieun asked as we stood on the bridge in the park. I began wondering if I should tell her or harbor this feeling within me. that was until a had took mine I’m here for you I looked to her face and it read just that. “What if I told you” I paused taking in a breath I looked to the water “what if I were to tell you can see things others don’t” I said looking to her.


        She looked at me lost and her mind told me the same “Jieun I can see ghost” I told her. the wind blew between us as she stared at me lost. Her grip left my arm “I can also read minds, with touch I can see your memories also other things but this bracelet stops the mind readings that is unless I don’t touch you” I watched dropped and waited for to call me a liar to runaway thinking I want attention or I have mental issues.


      “Really” was the only thing that left her parted lips. I stared at her lost “then you know I like” she paused holding my hands “yes” I said to her “and you know” she paused once more and I laughed “yes” I added.


     “Ha” she laughed smiling out at the water as she leaned on the rail “then that photo” she asked looking at me curious “that’s just it” I said looking to my hands “it wasn’t emailed to me angel, the dead guy came to me about three days back and asked me to help him” I told her. “So that time in the field” she asked “you saw me” I asked her “yeah” she rubbed the back of her neck “I went looking for tao for sehun and I found him looking at you as you talking to yourself” she said eyes going big. “Or to a ghost that is” she said I nodded “yup but she was a sweet one” I said leaning on the rail.


       “So what are you going to do about angel” jieun asked, “Well I was thinking on a little investigation with sehun and this hana girl” I said she smirked. “Are you sure that’s a good idea” I looked to my left spotting angel sitting leaning his back on the rail.


     “That feeling I got from you was you remembering something big or small” I told him. “Yeah and I will help her” jieun said smiling looking aimlessly in the direction I was. “he smiled saying thanks” I told her she smiled “you should draw a picture of him” she whispered in my ear “will do kid” I smiled ruffling her hair.


     “hey why did you two leave” jongin asked as we came back to the spot this time spotting hana and sehun stopping their convo “had to pee” I said bluntly sitting on the grass “I just went with her” jieun said shrugging. “you must be jieun and rocky” she said extending a hand to jieun who shook it then to me.


        I looked to it then sehun and saw him clench his jaw. I reached out taking it “yeah and you are hana” I said smiling as I took it all in.


        She was a bright girl, had it all, daddy’s little girl and mommies angel. However once she started dating angel it all went downhill they risked everything for each other. She broke up with him because her father didn’t approve she did it and a few days after angel died in a car accident.


      “so I hear you and sehun-ah don’t get along to well” she asked smiling to sehun who only groaned. “Can’t be friend everyone” I said placing on a fake smile, something about her made me want to move away from her. she nodded looking at me intently “well I hope we can be friends at least” she said smiling I looked at her wanting to slide off the bracelet to see if that was true and why did she have an interest in me but I stopped placing on a smile and nodding.


              “she seems fake” I told jieun as we walked down the road she only laughed. “I thought I was the only one” she said to me “I feel as if she is living a lie or she is a lie” I said looking to her. Jieun thought “well what did you get from touching her” jieun asked “nothing much just her side of their love story and why the relationship came to a end” I summed up. “mom” she asked I nodded “pretty common here” she sighed.


                     “is that all you got” we jumped turning around to see tao and kai “don’t sneak up like that” I groaned walking a head “he knows” jieun asked rushing after me as tao and kai tagged along.

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i will update tomorrow sorry for the lack of update


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