
Rocky Ellwood the Ghost whisper
Lunch a time where I can be at peace goofing off with ji eun in the music room as we song childish songs we made up. However today was different seeing the presence of a in our spot made my skin crawl. “why are you here” I asked in a hard tone. “I was looking for the big girl and the dog” she said with a smile. 
            “oh please girl you look like a dried out raisin what someone lost their boyfriend” I asked referring to her bags under her eyes. She scuffed “kai knows better” she sneered “last time I checked he wasn’t a dog” I told her. She looked at me “oh right that’s you right” she said getting giggled from the three followers. 
            “ok I am done talking you have five seconds to get the hell out” I flipped moving forward brushing off ji euns attempt to hold me back please don’t coming from her. “look we have had a black girl here before don’t think I am scared because I am not” she said as a matter fact. “maybe so but me and her are totally different” I told her matter factly. 
          “were back-maeri why are you here” kai asked and like an over dramatic bi-girl she is “oppa she threatened me” she said hugging onto him her groupies nodded. 
       Kai looked at me “really” he asked me “probably you heard what she said to you” sehun sighed “she said something to you” maeri said moving away so she can glare. “sehun” I flipped him off and he frowned “wolf monkey” I flipped off maeri as well “kai believe what the you want but keep your friend and chick away from our area got it” I hissed taking ji eun by the wrist as she mentally cursed me out about how they were going to get me but really try I’ll pound all their asses on my wall.
          “do you know what you did” ji eun asked as we sat on the roof “yes I hear-” I stopped realizing she doesn’t know “what” she asked me “nothing just don’t hang around me if your scared” I told her hoping she would. “I’m not leaving you seeing you stood up for me and you’re my friend” she to me. I smiled at her “thank you baby” I said wrapping my arms around her.
     She blushed a little and I giggled before laying back on the concrete ground. Looking to the clouds “I wonder what she’ll do” I asked out loud “all I know is that you should check your shoes for now on” she said to me. “and your locker” she added “petty” I sighed closing my eyes.
        I opened my locker standing on the side and garbage came out “mhm gross but not as bad as Islam bullying” I told ji eun who grabbed a trash can. “look tax” I said dumping my shoe out “only thought japan did it” I said watching in amazement seeing this never happened to me seeing my eyes scared people off.
         “why are you so amazed by this” ji eun asked crouching next to me “this never happened to me usually people thought I was a witch due to my eyes and not to mention the fact I seem to glare at people when ever I am neutral mode” I told her she let out airy laugh. 
         “what is this” I looked up to tao who stood by sehun “ugh panda why did you bring the Mitch” I asked. Sehun scuffed as tao tried not to laugh “look they put tax” I said looking to tao with a smile “and that’s a good thing” sehun asked “aint talking to you” I pointed to sehun. He rolled his eyes “I thought you didn’t want to be associated with us” tao asked.
        “right I was to caught up” I said hitting my head “to late people are watching” sehun said with a smirk. “fine I will befriend tao and kai once he gets off that lease” I said pointing to maeri who held onto his arm as they walked passed “you can give that one up” sehun said walking off “ it pretty boy” I yelled in English I know he understood seeing he flipped me off. 
         Tao laughed “shall we head home” he asked I nodded sliding on my regular shoes and following him out the place with jieun. 
        “thanks for walking me home” jieun thanked us I smiled waving a hand “no prob” I said to her. I watched her smile, turning on her heels he faced the gate a hand opening it and closing it before waving then darting away. follow me I turned spotting tao walking away furrowing my brows I lifted my wrist spotting the bracelet was gone. I looked to see him standing hand extended as he held it.
        “yah” I hissed running to him and taking it back making sure not to touch him. “shall we go” he was now walking away as I glared holes into his back. One thing that snuck into my head was how did he do it and why. I doubt he knew as I followed him into the rich prince of seoul “rich kid huh” I scuffed looking about “your house was pretty big as well don’t you think” he turned his head silently so the words would go over his shoulder.
      “my house belongs to the mildly rich person you my friend are on a different scale” I told him looking about “well” he stopped as I stood next to him “wait till you see my house” he smirked.
       We stood in front of a traditional shrine like house with Chinese characters framing the part where last names stood. “come on” he said walking a head pressing a code so the gate opened he looked back making sure I was following which I was seeing I don’t know how to get home from here.
     We walked up the path and I notice a man in sand making lines in a circle I wondered how and the hell would he got of there. I turned spotting a woman tending to a bush all them stopped and bowed to him as we passed. Their eyes caught me with surprise and suspicion but softened as I sent a kind smile before looking to the ground.
    We walked into the big doors to a really traditional house dragons here and there small tree on a table under a chandler. Round circle door ways the house coated in a purple and white color bringing things out here and there. I notice a man in a suit “zi tao how are you sir” he spoke in Chinese but that was the only thing I caught before everything went foreign for me. 
     Yes I have been to china but they learn English there well some who bother so it wasn’t a need to know base even if I took a class in the 6th grade while I was there. “hello” the man said to me bowing I did the same before hearing “she’ll be in my room we have homework to attend to” tao told him as he walked a head I bowed once more before following behind. “hope you know I don’t need your help with any type of homework” I told him only to get a low chuckle “I figured you’ll say that” I looked to him wondering if I was that predictable.
      We entered his room which was huge by the way “whoa and you say I am rich” I said scanning the place. He chuckled again sitting down his things.  I felt a chill run through my body as I turned my attention to a woman on his bed. She was old 67 if I had to guess, gray hair, baggy skin but not too baggy just here and there baggy. She seemed sweet and was short and chubby a real winner. 
        “you see her don’t you” I looked to tao who watched me intently “um wait what” I asked him.
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i will update tomorrow sorry for the lack of update


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