
Rocky Ellwood the Ghost whisper

Sorry for the late update i moved the wrong file to microst so it's been stuck the computer that works when it wants to but i am back with 7 so enjoy, comment and subscribe. ~wiggling eyebrow~


             “you see her don’t you” I looked to tao who watched me intently “um wait what” I asked him.  
        A smirk touched his lips as I drew in a breath “nai nai, you see her right” he said to me as I tensed up right then in there. How did he know? “so you do” he said smiling as he sat right next to her on the bed I watched him and occasionally looked to her as she raised a brow tilting her head slightly. 
        “you can see me dear” she asked it was so cute and innocent I nodded with out realizing he caught it. “Tell me is she doing well” he looked at me with worry and a soft gaze that let me know they must have been close “tell him yes and that his mama should stop singing she sounds like a dying cat” a laugh escaped my lips.
        “what did she say” he asked seeing there was no turning back I said “yes and your mom sounds like a dying cat when she sings” I told him he looked to the floor chuckling “that’s good and it more of a dying whale” he said causing her to laugh. I smiled at how they looked by each other sharing a laugh but something snapped in my chest.
        “How did you know” I asked him “ah I saw you in the field talking to yourself but It was weird because I sensed an aura next to you” he told me “aura” I asked he nodded “yeah unlike you I can only seeing auras of living and dead things” he told me. I nodded my head understanding before sitting down. “don’t worry I wont tell anyone” he said to me “you know when I yelled at kai for touching me” I said wanting to tell him why.
         “yup sehun wont let me forget it” he said with a light laugh I smiled before going serious on him “when I touch someone I can see their past, present, future, deepest desires and darkest hour” I told him.
      “however this bracelet stops me from seeing the dangerest desire and scary hour plus mind readings” I told him fiddling with it. I felt a hand snake onto mine as I looked to him shocked.
     Looking into his eyes a movie played. He was like every kid who had two working parents alone but his grandma filled that void he grew up well meeting people but he moved here due to him being Chinese it was rough people outcasted him. He played the loner only to come home to a warm friend, his nai nai. She baked him cookies as he studied wu shu to keep hold of his roots and to help him with bullies. wasn’t till the 8th grade he made friends to hold dear to him sehun and kai.
      They were broken like him and only looked for happiness in this dry world. It was green in his world, birds sung and flowers grew but a storm came and took all that from him. Sure he laughs and smile but nothing will ever be the same.
     It wasn’t until I saw my reflection in his watery eyes did I notice my own tears smiling. I let go of his hand taking in a breath, its always more emotional when your holding their hand and feeling what they felt. “does ji eun know” he asked searching my eyes I sniffled shaking my head as I stood to my feet turning my back on him. I looked to the clock noticing it was almost time for me to look at something chad and auntie got from a ghost hunt.
        “I have to head home” I told him clearing my voice “I’ll have someone take you” he said wiping his own face. I nodded collecting my things.
          I sat down the file not all to well with tao finding out, to add to all of that I wanted to finish seeing kai’s for some reason I connected to his. I laid down my head on the file. 
         “don’t think to hard” I jumped sitting up and looking around “over here, love” I turned meeting a man black hair, pale skin and good looking. I took in a breath “why are you in my room” I asked him closing the files. “I was drawn here” he said his voice was deep and husky and made me feel as if I would play with fire if I helped him. 
          “drawn to me or this house” I asked walking over and sitting on my bed before laying on it. he appeared next to me back on the bed and facing up just like me. “don’t know maybe the house because I haven’t seen you a day in my life” he said. I looked over to see his eyes closed and he seemed to be taking things in “what’s your name” I asked him. He turned his head and looked into my eyes not budging as he looked at me with a soft intense gaze “angel” he breathed. I took the breath he breathed stating “rocky”.
          “can you help me rocky” he asked I eyed him “do you remember your life before death” he shook his head looking up “only thing I seem to remember is a face” he told me.
         “wow she pretty” ji eun exclaimed as we sat on the roof top she drunk her juice. “mhm” I hummed looking at it “who drew it” she asked me “me last night” I told her studying the picture “why” she asked me. 
          “ah a friend emailed me and asked me to draw her, he says he seen her before but cant remember” I informed her that much. “sweet he must like her” she told me. I looked to her smile and nodded “you are here” sehun said disappointed if not anything “yup now leave” I growled he smiled saying “I am having a great day  and I wont let you she devil ruin it” I felt a bolt shot through me as I sneered directing my attention to a sad yet happy kai. 
             “whats up with mr. tied down” I asked tao who sat by me taking the note pad away. “he and maeri broke up last night” sehun told me still smiling “why” I asked him not hiding how happy I was “she turned out to be a totally different person” he simply said. I nodded looking to tao “who is she” tao asked me. 
       “ah a friend of hers says she is all he remembers” jieun said smiling while she said that I gave him a look he understood. “whats his name” tao asked me “angel” I told him and I notice a slight change in his face he brushed my hand I know him but so do sehun and kai “how” I mouthed as the others chatted. My hand brushed his as I took the pad angel is soo hyuk and he died last month “hey isn’t that hana noona” kai asked catching the picture “what” sehun asked looking over to it. I hide it just in time but his furrow brows told me it was to late “who was your friend” he asked me. I bit my lip standing “come on ji eun lets head back” I walked to the door that was soon blocked by an angry sehun “who is he” he asked me. It sent a chill down my back as I cowered away “angel” I said in utter fear.
       He looked at me in disbelief “angel is dead how could he possibly” he stopped staring at me intently. “I don’t know alright” I said flashing on him “I get emails for a side job I picked up from a friend some guy name angel emailed me a month ago sorry for just now getting to it” I said moving passed him as he stood shock and walked out the door.
       Angel I am going to re kill you!!!
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i will update tomorrow sorry for the lack of update


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