







Cheondung and I, we leave Mir’s building and go back to the car. As soon as I close the door, Cheondung sighs and punches lightly the steering wheel. I know he’s frustrated but so am I! This situation is getting worse and worse …


“How are we going to know who was driving that car!” He whispers.


“Why did you ask this about Seungho?”


Cheondung looks at me a few minutes, his face empty of all expressions. I can’t tell if he’s angry, nervous or disappointed and I start to feel uneasy. Whatever! His question was really weird and I won’t stop to frown until he answers me.


“You may trust him but it’s not my case.” He finally says.


“Fine. But actually, he may be the one to help us with that missing car …”


“What do you mean?”


“He’s a lawyer I remind you.” I retort “He probably have access to some hidden files.”


Cheondung sighs again, frustrated that we need Seungho’s help but drives to my building. He probably knows that since we are normal citizens, a lawyer is the best way to get rid of the ghost.

I say him goodbye a little more harshly than I thought but still, I’m mad at him.

When I come in the building, I go to the little fortune-teller shop but my mother is already sleeping and all the lights are off so I climb up the stairs and go to my own apartment. Luckily, I don’t live with my mother. I’m glad I can have my own apartment, even if it’s the same building that the creepy shop.

Once my coat and my shoes taken away, I grab my phone and send a message to Seungho. “We may need your help as a lawyer, come to my house.”

Maybe I should just meet him tomorrow … But it’s too late, the message is send.



Twenty minutes later, I hear someone knocking on the door and I open to Seungho, still stuck in his work suit. Honestly, he looks really good in this Men in Black’s style but I won’t admit it so I just and welcome him in.


“Did you learn new things with your friend Cheondung …”


At the way he says “friend”, I can clearly see that Seungho doesn’t like him, just the way Cheondung is suspicious about him. I sigh and throw him a death glare. Is this some kind of disease or what?


“Why don’t you like him?” I ask.


“Do you still love him?”


I almost choke on my own saliva but just widen my eyes at this weird question. Why would he care? It’s my life. I could be in love with a drug dealer, it still would be none of his business!


“Cheondung? No.” I answer honestly. “But I missed him a lot during those years.”


He nods, looking satisfied by my answer. Egh … what is that? Are these two going to fight if they meet again? They looked normal when they met the first time but now, it’s really like they don’t like each other …


“So, what did you learn?” He asks again.


“The car. A white sport car, probably bought the same year. With a 4, 7 and 8 in the license plates.”


“What if I can’t found it? It’ll be the end? No more visits to your old guys friends?”


“What? You never met Mir and you’re going to tell me that you don’t like him too?”


He doesn’t reply and I just sigh, going in the kitchen to make some tea. I don’t know why but suddenly, I feel really tired so, a cup in my hand, I just lie on the couch and sigh again and again. Slowly, I fall into the arms of sleepiness.





When I open my eyes again, it’s night. A pale light goes through the windows and I’m alone, lying down on my bed.

I get up and go in the living room, trying to find a clock since my phone is dead and suddenly, I notice a weird shape on the couch. A little surprised, I realize it’s Seungho, quietly sleeping in his suit. I smile and brush some of his hair, falling back on his forehead.


Suddenly, a hand catches mine and a gasp escapes from my mouth. Half-sleeping, Seungho turns on his back, facing me from the couch.


“What are you doing?” He mumbles.


I don’t answer and start to look somewhere else, feeling like I’ve been caught while killing someone. But when I try to free my wrist, Seungho pulls me to him and I end up kissing him from above the couch.

If my mouth was free, I would probably choke but with so much surprise, all I can do is to concentrate on his full lips. After what feels like a century, I can move my hand again and I get away in my room, like a zombie.

Because this is literally what I am now, a zombie. It must be around 2AM and my brain is disconnected. After hitting the door, I finally climb in my bed and try to go back to sleep. Sleep will erase everything I don’t want to think about …






A/N : I have a lot of exams right now so I can't post a lot but I'll try to do my best. Love you all~

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kiba_phoenix #1
Chapter 13: Happy ending all around. I really liked your story.
Chapter 13: Yeay! Happy ending! 8D
It was a really nice story, I enjoyed it much much much ^^
Chapter 12: Nooooo! Why is it over already ;_; There better be a happy ending with Seungho >.< ... pretty pwease? >///<
Chapter 10: Shocking awesome :D
kiba_phoenix #5
Chapter 10: Ha I figured it was either Seungho or his father that hit her.
Chapter 10: I never saw that coming O.O
Frankly, I thought it would be Seungho (drunk driving or something like that >.<)
And a kiss! yeaaaa ^^
Chapter 8: Is she really going to go through with it? :O
What about Seungho? :(
Chapter 6: and now because of that, I'm starting to think that Seungho had something to do with her death O.o
Oh my :/
Chapter 3: I bet you there's going to be some plot twist with that cousin of hers :O
Keep it up, it's really good so far! ^^
Dalily #10
Chapter 2: this is quite interesting..keep it up..fighting!