




“So, this is Cheondung’s house ?” Seungho asks.


“Yes. Please, let me talk. I hadn’t seen him in years so …”


He nods and his lips while I knock on the door. Next to Seoul, Cheondung lives in a small house where he can be peaceful.


“Who is it?” I hear him screaming through the door.


“Cheondung, it’s me. Baek Jinhee!”


The door opens in a rush and a few seconds later, I’m in Cheondung’s arm. I can feel Seungho moving a little beside me but he says nothing and I tighten my grab in Cheondung’s back.


“Jinhee, I missed you so much!”


“I missed you too.” I mutter in a smile.


I really did. Cheondung used to be one of the most important person to me but after Rian’s death, we didn’t see each other a lot and finally went apart. Once he told me I looked too much like her and I replied that he reminded me Rian too.

With a smile he welcomes us inside, not even minding about Seungho. We both sat on the couch and Cheondung goes in front of us.


“I see you replaced me!” He laughs while pointing at Seungho. “I guess I wasn’t a good boyfriend enough!”


“What?” I choke. “We’re not dating! Seungho is a friend!”


“I thought you wanted to present me your future husband …”


“Can you just stop making scenarios in your head! How could I be married?”


Then I realize I’m already 23. Yes, I could be married … I look at Seungho and catches his glance, stuck on me since we got in the house. I thought it would be easy to know about Rian but … when I look at Cheondung’s puffy face, I know I can’t do that to him. We have been close since so long, he is like my brother. How can I ask him if he saw his sister’s ghost!

So, I just chat like nothing happened, like those four years disappeared. I can feel Seungho moving sometimes, probably wondering when I will bring the subject …


            “I’m going to make some tea. Jinhee, can you come?” Cheondung asks me.


Silently, I follow him in the kitchen, clearly knowing he wants to speak to me. Cheondung is smart enough to make tea so I wonder why he wants me there.


            “You know …” He finally starts, not looking at me. “We didn’t see each other since a while.”


I simply nod, it’s not a big news that we didn’t talk to each other since Rian’s dead. This is just Cheondung’s way to approach a serious topic.


“Look, I have something really important to say but … you will think I’m crazy …” He hesitates.


“I will never think that.” I reassure him. “… Unless you tell me leprechauns are talking to you.”


“Not leprechauns.” He laughs sadly. “But I think a ghost is talking to me …”


“Do you mean … your sister?”


“I think I saw her. And she talked to me but it looked so real and fake at the same time.” He sighs. “I don’t know, maybe I’m really turning crazy …”


He finally turns his head and stares directly into my eyes for the first time since the beginning of this weird conversation. I smile, trying to comfort him a little and pat his soft hair just like I used to do.


“Cheondung, I have to admit something too. Seungho saw Rian, he brought me a picture he took and I didn’t recognize her but then, I saw her in a coffee shop. She made all papers fly but when we got out, it was like nothing happened.”


“You saw her? Really?” He asks me, surprised. “But who is this Seungho?”


“I don’t know. I mean, I think he’s just a normal man.”


“Normal men don’t see ghosts.”


“Well …” I make a face. “Since, Rian’s death … I’ve been able to see ghosts …”


His eyes widen and I start to feel guilty for not being honest with him. I hate to lie. First, I’m really bad at it. Moreover, I feel bad when I get discovered, and I always get discovered …

So, I tell him everything. Everything since we went apart and I feel like all those years are being erased. Cheondung and I are finally going back to who we used to be to each other. When we hug again, I hear footsteps in my back and someone coughing to catch our attention.


“I know you’re talking, not making tea but you’re in that kitchen since twenty minutes …” Seungho says, uneasy.


We break the hug and go back in the living room, Seungho following us. A little awkward at the beginning, we all tell each other how we saw Rian. Three grown up people talking about their experiences with ghosts look a little weird …


“So, Seungho.” Cheondung becomes immediately serious. “Did you know Rian?”


“No. I never heard of her …”


“If Jinhee can see ghosts, it’s normal she saw Rian but why us too?”


“Maybe she wants revenge.” I propose.


“Then, we need to go see Mir.” Cheondung states.


“Mir? Who is it? Why?” Seungho asks.


“He was Rian’s boyfriend and was with her when she has her accident.” Cheondung explains.





A/N : I know I'm a little late but happy chinese New Year!~

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kiba_phoenix #1
Chapter 13: Happy ending all around. I really liked your story.
Chapter 13: Yeay! Happy ending! 8D
It was a really nice story, I enjoyed it much much much ^^
Chapter 12: Nooooo! Why is it over already ;_; There better be a happy ending with Seungho >.< ... pretty pwease? >///<
Chapter 10: Shocking awesome :D
kiba_phoenix #5
Chapter 10: Ha I figured it was either Seungho or his father that hit her.
Chapter 10: I never saw that coming O.O
Frankly, I thought it would be Seungho (drunk driving or something like that >.<)
And a kiss! yeaaaa ^^
Chapter 8: Is she really going to go through with it? :O
What about Seungho? :(
Chapter 6: and now because of that, I'm starting to think that Seungho had something to do with her death O.o
Oh my :/
Chapter 3: I bet you there's going to be some plot twist with that cousin of hers :O
Keep it up, it's really good so far! ^^
Dalily #10
Chapter 2: this is quite interesting..keep it up..fighting!