What I got through



“So, what are we going to do?” Seungho asks. “Call her while holding our hands in front of a pentagram?”


“Really funny but actually … no!” I retort. “Stop joking around please!”


“Well, I was pretty serious …”


He replaces the book he was holding on it shelve and comes to seat next to me. To be honest, I’m just as lost as he is right now. In movies, you have to talk to the spirit so it goes or just burn his bones with salt but I’m not sure it will work in our case.

Since the last time we met, four days ago, I keep thinking about how I could help Seungho but really, I have no idea.


“Give me your phone number.” He says.


“Close your eyes.” I order him, before asking. “Why would I do that?”


“So if a ghost attacks me, I can call you.” Obediently, he closes his eyes but still keep giggling little.


“What make you think I will come, running, to save you from a ghost?” I ask with a blank voice. “You! Aren’t you able to stay still for five minutes?!” I scream after he moved again.


Such a child! But at least, he doesn’t move anymore and I can hold his warm hands without him laughing like a kid. He even forgets to answer to my question.

Quietly, I tell him to stay still and to see the ghost girl of the coffee. Maybe he will be able to remember details and then, I could find who this girl is. But Seungho is a man so he recalls her black hair, white skin, nice body in a white dress …


“Yes, I saw that too!” I stop him before he keeps bragging about her curves. “Anything else?”


“I think she has a scar actually …”


“And you’re only thinking about it now!”


I start to scream and hit him. I want to get rid of this spirit and go back to my ordinary life! I will still be able to see ghosts but at least, they won’t attack me each time I want to drink a tea!

I stand up and start to look at the books’ covers, what I always do when I have to think. I can feel Seungho’s glance in my back but ignore it and take the empty book I was drawing on last time. Then, I go back to my seat and start to turn the pages, not giving a single gaze towards the man next to me. I sure feel quite lonely … When I look at all this portraits, they all have the same look, empty.


“Did you draw all of this?” Seungho asks me.


I nod and he takes the book from my hands. He starts to turn the pages just like I was doing but I can clearly see on his face that I impress him. I didn’t take this book out of it shelve to show him my talents but right now, I’m quite proud of myself. Well of course, it doesn’t solve our problem nor the terrible headache who starts invading my brain …


“It’s her!”


Suddenly, Seungho stands up, looking at me with widen eyes. What does it mean?

I notice he holds the back at a special page, the last portrait I did. This is actually the girl I drew the day I met him. I stare at the pure face and recognize the features I saw, back in the coffee shop. You just need to add a fringe to the drawing and this is exactly the ghost!


“It’s her? ... The ghost is that girl?” I stutter, shocked.


“Yes! Who is she? Why did you draw her?” He keeps asking, now completely excited.


“She is my cousin. She died four years ago …”


“Oh … Sorry …”


“It’s fine … But why would she come back now? And to you?”


“To let us meet?” Seungho proposes.


For a moment, I consider his answer. Is that even possible? A dead girl from my past would come back as a spirit to make me meet this man …I shiver and feel cold sweat running down my spine. Immediately, Seungho takes me in his arms. I almost choke of surprise and try to go away but he sure has a lot of strength! Upset, I take a deep breath and punch in the stomach, incredibly weak by report to his arms.


“A 26 years old man with a baby stomach?” I smirk.


“I’m 3 years older than you, I can’t have a nice body like you do!” He laughs and finally breaks the embrace.


Is it a compliment or just his usual way to be? Finally, I guess I’m quite happy that I’m in his arms because he can’t see how red my face turned. This guy is really getting on my nerves. All this situation I getting on my nerves! Seungho seems to notice it because he breaks the hug, takes my hand and without letting me some time to grumble, pulls me out of the shop.

I didn’t even have the time to grab a coat! With a genuine smile, Seungho leads me in the town until we reach a peaceful park.


“What are we doing here?” I mutter then start to scream. “It’s cold! What if I get sick?”


He sighs and then laughs. He’s almost thirty, how can he be so cute?! I sigh and with a pout, he places his black jacket around my shoulders. Why is he doing that?


“You look like a desperate lover trying to seduce me.” I say.


He raises his eyes with a smile and then his lips. I think he is hiding me something and I don’t know what. And it’s driving me crazy little by little …


“What are the ghosts’ aims?” He asks.


“I never talked with one of them. Probably, revenge and regrets …”


“Do you think they could come back for love?”


I frown. Love? I heard about love stories who are more powerful than death, maybe a spirit possessing someone to keep loving its other half or protecting their families from the other side. Even if those kind of stories were true, why me? I never had a passionate romance with a now dead man! And I don’t think Seungho did …


“What I mean is … they can be like Cupid …” He adds, seeing me deep in my reflexions.


“Like Cupid?” I repeat, astonished. “They chose two humans that would look good together and reunite them by haunting them?”





“Well … More or less. It’s the only explanation that seems possible …”


I stay silent and Seungho doesn’t add anything. We are just two adults waiting on a bench. If we move a little closer, we could look like a couple. This is what he means again? My dead cousin willing us to date? I sigh loudly and I see him looking at me from the corner of my eye.

Seungho sure is good looking. I mean, no need to lie that even if I know him for like a week, he is really attractive. Even if it was a one-night stand, I will be ok with it. We’re both consenting adults so it will be probably great … But all he says, does it means he wants to date me? Highly improbable …


“What do you want to do?” I ask in another sigh. “To get rid of your Cupid?”


“Is it too much if I ask you to check some things about your cousin?”


I look at his awkward face and lift my shoulders, telling him I don’t really care.




A/N : So, I just wanted to thanks my 6 subscribers because that looks awesome to me! Like, this is my first fanfic and seeing that 6 persons like what I write make me want to do always better ^^

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kiba_phoenix #1
Chapter 13: Happy ending all around. I really liked your story.
Chapter 13: Yeay! Happy ending! 8D
It was a really nice story, I enjoyed it much much much ^^
Chapter 12: Nooooo! Why is it over already ;_; There better be a happy ending with Seungho >.< ... pretty pwease? >///<
Chapter 10: Shocking awesome :D
kiba_phoenix #5
Chapter 10: Ha I figured it was either Seungho or his father that hit her.
Chapter 10: I never saw that coming O.O
Frankly, I thought it would be Seungho (drunk driving or something like that >.<)
And a kiss! yeaaaa ^^
Chapter 8: Is she really going to go through with it? :O
What about Seungho? :(
Chapter 6: and now because of that, I'm starting to think that Seungho had something to do with her death O.o
Oh my :/
Chapter 3: I bet you there's going to be some plot twist with that cousin of hers :O
Keep it up, it's really good so far! ^^
Dalily #10
Chapter 2: this is quite interesting..keep it up..fighting!