Past doesn't change






As planned, it’s Sunday and I’m in front of Seungho’s door. Damn, why am I so nervous! I have to make him tell me the truth but if my knees keep trembling like that, it’ll be hard to intimidate him.

However, I ring on the door and few minutes later, Seungho stand in front of me. Wearing a black shirt and some grey sweatpants, I can clearly say I just woke him up. He sends me a death glare but I ignore him and go in without waiting for his permission. His dark circles were already here when I met him, he won’t make me feel guilty!


“What does that mean? Why are you here?” He asks, pissed off and in lack of sleep.


“I need you to tell me the truth. Rian’s ghost talked to Cheondung. You hide something about the car, right? Maybe you even know who killed her.”


I try to stay calm but of course my voice goes up by 2 octaves at least so I just send him a killer glare like he does. He gulps and goes on the sofa.


“Yes, I know who it is.”


Seeing how desperate he looks, my anger vanishes. Maybe I was a little too rough. It looks like a went from the lawyer of 26 years old to a lost little child. I sit next to him and ask him to tell me everything.


“You may hate me after that …” He sighs.


“It’s too late, I can’t hate you anymore.”


He looks back at me, not understanding. I blush a little, thinking about the fact I almost confessed and ask him once again to tell me everything.


“When I did those researches about the car, I discovered something. I realized I knew the driver so I went and talked to him because I wanted to be sure. This man … he admitted everything and gave me a letter. I didn’t even open it because he said I had to give it to you.”


“Who’s this man?” I ask, really curious and nervous at the same time.


Seungho doesn’t answer and just stands up, looking for something in his stuffs. When he comes back, he only gives me a white letter. Cautious, I open it and start to read it out loud.


Baek Jinhee,


I learned you became really close with Seungho and I hope you take good care of him. But this is not what I really wanted to say to you. We never met but there is something dark on my conscience and I feel like you’re the one I should admit everything to.


A few years ago, I had a beautiful white car. As I was in the streets of Seoul, I hit someone. Your cousin was the victim. After the shock, I was about to get out of my car and help her but I didn’t because I saw a man running towards her. So I started again my car and drove away.


It may seems really selfish but another person was dying. My wife had a cancer and the doctor called me. Her fingers started to become blue and she was going to die soon. This is why I was driving so fast that day and why I left this young man taking care of the girl I hit.


I’m not saying it was the good choice. I regret it every day and this is why I went to the funerals. I saw you and your friends, just a bunch of teenagers, crying for their friend. This is why I want to apologize now. Baek Jinhee, please forgive me.




Yang Soowon, Seungho’s father.”




I stay speechless for a moment, my tears wetting the paper of the letter. I turn and face Seungho, crying as much as me but trying to hide it. He was really lying but I would have done the same if that happened to me.


“Seungho …”


I want to say something but nothing comes out so I just hug him as tight as I can. I can feel his grip in my back


“Jinhee, I’m sorry …”


“You don’t have to be, I’m not angry. I told you, I will never hate you.”


“I love you.”


My hand get crisped on his shirt automatically. Did I really hear what I think I heard? My heart skip more than a beat and starts again after what feels an eternity.

Seungho breaks the hug and stands up in front of the sofa, turning his back to me.


“Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” He says blankly.


“That’s fine. I love you too …” I almost whisper as I back hug him.


I can feel him chuckling and grabbing one of my wrists. I just stand here, unsure about what to do but I don’t feel like Seungho minds. However, after turning back, he totally takes the lead and kisses me, my wrist still caught in his right hand while the other goes on my waist. A strong sensation runs in my stomach while I pass my free arm around his neck, pushing him closer to me. My brain disconnects and my whole body is focused on his plump lips against mine.












A/N : Pretty intense chapter right? The revelation and a kiss :D

I hope you enjoyed it. Did anyone thought about Seungho's dad? I'm not a big fan of dramatic things and with the mother's cancer, I feel like I did too much ... Well, hope you liked it anyway.

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kiba_phoenix #1
Chapter 13: Happy ending all around. I really liked your story.
Chapter 13: Yeay! Happy ending! 8D
It was a really nice story, I enjoyed it much much much ^^
Chapter 12: Nooooo! Why is it over already ;_; There better be a happy ending with Seungho >.< ... pretty pwease? >///<
Chapter 10: Shocking awesome :D
kiba_phoenix #5
Chapter 10: Ha I figured it was either Seungho or his father that hit her.
Chapter 10: I never saw that coming O.O
Frankly, I thought it would be Seungho (drunk driving or something like that >.<)
And a kiss! yeaaaa ^^
Chapter 8: Is she really going to go through with it? :O
What about Seungho? :(
Chapter 6: and now because of that, I'm starting to think that Seungho had something to do with her death O.o
Oh my :/
Chapter 3: I bet you there's going to be some plot twist with that cousin of hers :O
Keep it up, it's really good so far! ^^
Dalily #10
Chapter 2: this is quite interesting..keep it up..fighting!