Face to Face





A little noise wakes me up. Surprised, I look everywhere in the dark, trying to see what made this noise but I can only hear Seungho’s sleeping breath surrounding me. As I was about to go back to sleep, someone knocks on the door. It takes me some minutes to realize where I am and what kind of weird situation it is.


“Come in.” I say lowly, trying not to wake Seungho up.


The door opens and a girl comes in. Of course, I immediately recognize the ghost, my dead cousin Rian. I stand up and grab her wrist, leading her in the living room. This is probably my body which gives order now since my brain is too chocked to work. I shiver when I realize her hand is cold like a dead body’s one.


            “Rian, is it really you?” I ask the ghost.


            She simply nods and sits on the couch while I try to sum up everything I know. “Come on Jinhee, it’s now or never!” I tell myself.


            “Can you talk?”




Once again, I shiver. Her voice is just like I remembered it, just like it was before everything happened. But at the same time, I could hear a crack in her voice who seemed as cold as her hand now. I look at the scar on her face and notice she has a lot of them on her knees and arms too. When I saw her the last time, all these were in blood and remembering that, I start to cry. No human should live again what broke him. I’m glad I didn’t talk to Cheondung about her back-to-life dead sister.


“Jinhee, it’s okay.” Her voice like a whisper tries to comfort me.


“It’s not!” I scream between my tears. “If it was, you would be Up-There or I don’t know! Why are you here? Rian, you’re dead!”


“I know.”


With a smile, she pats the couch next to her and I go sit there. I wipe my cheeks and sigh. Really, why do I have to live this? For a moment, I think about Seungho and his perfection, alone in the bed’s heat and all I want is to crawl against his torso to cuddle.


“I’m here because everybody is so sad.” Rian tells.


“Explain yourself.”


“Jinhee.” She grabs my hand in hers. “Since I’m gone, you don’t talk to the boys. No more friendship with Cheondung and even Mir is worried about you. You live with your mother and do whatever she told you to!”


“I know, It’s not good but what does it have to do with you?”


“Since when can you see ghosts?”


I bit my lower lip and frown. What is she trying to tell me? I don’t like it …


“Since you’re dead.” I simply answer.


“Did you ever wonder why? Did you also wonder why Seungho was able to see me?”


My eyes widen. I often think about why I’m able to see ghosts, I mean, who wouldn’t? But when Seungho came, I guess I just didn’t care. I didn’t think our relationship would go this far …


“So what? I said : explain yourself.” I repeat. “Seungho can see you because he’s your killer’s son? He was right, you planned all of this for us to met like some kind of Cupid?”


“No I didn’t plan that and you decided to sleep together by yourself too.” She adds with a laugh.


I blush a little. Now, I’m a grown up woman of 23 years old but Rian still has the appearance of a 17 years old girl. I send her a death glare and she stick out her tongue.


“Why now? Why did you came back right now?”


“I can’t tell you a lot about what happen after death but I wanted to fix what I broke. So I kind of escape and came here but then Seungho took a picture of me. I didn’t care so I walked to your house but I bounced into him and then, he realized I was a ghost and he came to see you. That’s all! Pure coincidence! At first, I didn’t even know about his father being my killer. Maybe it’s some kid of divine work …”


Divine work … I can’t believe all of this are only coincidences.

I sigh and look at her. Do ghost keep growing up after they die? Apparently, no. I wonder how her life is … Thinking about that, I can feel my eyes getting wet again. Please, not another crisis of tears, I’m pathetic enough right now without crying.


“I guess you don’t love Cheondung anymore, since you did the do with Seungho!” She smirks.


“Shut up! You shouldn’t laugh about others’ ual life!”


She bursts of laughing and I cross my arms in a sigh. She’s really terrible sometimes!

I wonder if Seungho can hear us. I planned to be silent but this conversation was all about screams, tears and laughs. Well I guess he’s still sleeping since he didn’t come in the living room.


“So, I’ll go back.” Rian says.


“Back where?”


“Back to death. I’m here since more than two months now, it’s time to go home!”


“You won’t go to see Mir?” I ask, surprised.


“I already did. Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. Now, all my mistakes are fixed. You won’t be able to see ghosts anymore.”


I blink. Is it true? My nightmare is over? She will go and it’s over?


“Wait a minute! What about you?”


“I’m dead. We shouldn’t even be able to talk!”


Then, everything starts to look like a movie to me. Sometimes, I even wonder if I really lived this or if it was a dream.

Silently, her white dress starts to glow, making her whole body shine in a pure white light. She waves at me a last time with a smile and I can feel rivers running down my cheeks.

Suddenly, she disappears and I’m just there, alone in Seungho’s living room. I fall on my knees and start to cry, again and again. I just lost a member of my family for the second time and I still didn’t say her anything. No goodbyes, no “I love you” …


Are humans unable to say goodbye to people they truly love?







A/N : You know what? The next chapter is the last one ...

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kiba_phoenix #1
Chapter 13: Happy ending all around. I really liked your story.
Chapter 13: Yeay! Happy ending! 8D
It was a really nice story, I enjoyed it much much much ^^
Chapter 12: Nooooo! Why is it over already ;_; There better be a happy ending with Seungho >.< ... pretty pwease? >///<
Chapter 10: Shocking awesome :D
kiba_phoenix #5
Chapter 10: Ha I figured it was either Seungho or his father that hit her.
Chapter 10: I never saw that coming O.O
Frankly, I thought it would be Seungho (drunk driving or something like that >.<)
And a kiss! yeaaaa ^^
Chapter 8: Is she really going to go through with it? :O
What about Seungho? :(
Chapter 6: and now because of that, I'm starting to think that Seungho had something to do with her death O.o
Oh my :/
Chapter 3: I bet you there's going to be some plot twist with that cousin of hers :O
Keep it up, it's really good so far! ^^
Dalily #10
Chapter 2: this is quite interesting..keep it up..fighting!