Chapter 07

When We Say

You, Sunggyu, and Dongwoo sat in the back, you in the middle seat of course. The car ride there was just as awkward and tense as it was when you first walked into Sunggyu’s house, seeming like everyone was waiting for something to happen to you.

This time it was your turn to break the silence, “So how’re you feeling, Sunggyu?”
“Hmm, I have mixed feelings," he replied. 
“Aww, but why? You’re going to the school of your dreams! You’re finally going to be a singer, imagine your future! I’d be super excited if I were you.” You said with a genuine smile.
But I want you in my future, Sunggyu thought. “I’m excited. I’m just unsure, I guess. I mean, just because I’m going to that school doesn’t mean I’m actually going to be someone.”
“You really think they wouldn’t have accepted you if they didn’t think you could be someone?” you said trying to reassure him. Dongwoo sat there quietly and just nodded at your previous statement.
“Hmm, I suppose you’re right. But still, I guess the thought of leaving bothers me.”
This time you had to force the smile on your face, “You’ll meet other people. Who knows, they’ll probably be better. We’ll just be little people to you.”
Sunggyu couldn’t hide his look of disbelief when he looked at you, only to see right through you again. Why are you saying things you don't mean? he thought. Dongwoo couldn’t keep quiet anymore, “He can’t forget us, we’re his best friends!” But as much as you didn't, you wanted Sunggyu to forget you. You thought it would make his life easier and if he forgot you then maybe it wouldn’t be hard for you to forget him either.
“Dongwoo’s right, I can’t forget you two. That’s like asking for the impossible.”

The rest of the car ride there the three of you spent reliving memories and sharing inside jokes.

It finally hit you when you arrived at the airport. Everything was so surreal, you just couldn’t believe it was happening but it was. Sunggyu was leaving. Sunggyu’s parents dropped you, Dongwoo and Sunggyu off first before parking their car in the lot where they could pick it up when they come back. Sunggyu’s parents were going with to help him settle in so you and Dongwoo had to get a taxi back home.
The time spent waiting for Sunggyu’s parents was silent again. You guessed it all had finally become reality for them as well.

The Kim family finished checking in. This is it, the three of you thought, the final goodbye.
It took all of your will power to not cry now but were only able to stand it knowing that you could cry all you wanted later, not in front of Sunggyu.

Dongwoo was the first to say goodbye to Sunggyu. “Hey man, you take care. We’ll still be here. And don’t you dare forget about us,” he said with a weak laugh. Dongwoo was just as hurt as you were that Sunggyu was leaving but was better than you at hiding it.
“I won’t. No, I can’t,” Sunggyu said confidently. “I’ll be home for Christmas so we’ll see each other again.”
“Alright, have a safe trip. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Dongwoo said with his eyes dark. Anyone listening would have thought it was just a normal statement to say to a friend warning them not to get in trouble. But Sunggyu knew what Dongwoo really meant. “I won’t do anything that would hurt her,” Sunggyu spoke quietly now. “You better do the same.”
“Well, I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon.” Dongwoo’s words pierced Sunggyu’s heart like a sword. Realization dawned on Sunggyu.
“Take care of her, I will be back.” Sunggyu said, emphasizing his last few words. Dongwoo just nodded before giving him a hug.

You were too absorbed in your own thoughts to hear what Dongwoo and Sunggyu were saying. Do I ask him to stay? No, no, I can’t do that. What do I say then? Please forget me? You’ll live easier that way? No. I don’t want him to forget me. What…
Sunggyu called your name and you were finally able to escape the hell that your thoughts were going through right now. He walked over to you and pulled you into a tight hug. It was that type of hug again, the one that on any other day would make you feel better, but instead made you feel worse. You bit your lip to hold back your tears as you embraced him back. What do I say? Thoughts again racing in your head.
Please don’t tell me you love me, it might actually make this easy, Sunggyu thought.
“I love you,” you said weakly.
Damn it, he thought. Sunggyu pressed his lips to your forehead before he looked down into your already watery eyes. “But I’m not the only you love, am I?”
You tried looking back into Sunggyu’s eyes but they weren’t the usual warm brown shade. They were cold this time. You looked away searching for comfort. Your eyes laid on Dongwoo who was busy saying goodbye to Sunggyu’s parents.
Sunggyu looked to where you were looking and sighed. He kissed you, not his usual soft kiss but a kiss full of lust, passion, and almost anger, not caring whether Dongwoo saw you two or not. This was one of the unspoken rules between the two boys; they could kiss you, just never in front of each other.
You broke the kiss, unable to understand why Sunggyu was acting like this and quickly checked to make sure Dongwoo didn't see you two. His back was turned to the two of you. Thank god, you thought.
Sunggyu let out another sigh. “It’s okay. I’ll be back," he said hoping it wouldn't be an empty promise. 
All you could do was nod at this time.
“Come on, Sunggyu. We’re going to be boarding soon.”
Sunggyu nodded back to his mom before looking back to you, “I love you too. I’ll call you every chance I get to talk and text you when I can’t.”
“Oh, by the way. I got you something.” Sunggyu pulled a little pink box with a bow out of his backpack and handed it to you. You moved slowly, shock and awe taking over every part of your body. Sunggyu couldn’t wait anymore and opened the box for you. It contained a silver infinity symbol necklace, diamonds embedded into the symbol. “I’ve seen you eye this a couple times whenever we went to the mall. Please accept it. Just think that I’m yours forever, my love for you is infinite, no matter what. Okay?” 
You looked up at Sunggyu, unable to hide your tears anymore. Why can’t this be a movie, why can’t I go with him? You thought. Sunggyu wiped away your tears with his thumb and hugged you again. He proceeded to put the necklace on you and then placed his arm around your waist as you both walked towards his parents and Dongwoo.

Sunggyu’s mother could see the hurt in your eyes, “Don’t be sad, sweetie. He’ll come back. I won’t allow him not to.”
She was always so kind to you but you never understood. You were basically leading her son on. Other moms would hate you for being like this but why was she so nice to you. These thoughts always racked your brain whenever she talked to you.
“Thank you, Mrs. Kim. And I’ll make sure to be here when’s back. Have a safe flight!” You said with a bit of enthusiasm, happy at her attempt to cheer you up. “You too, Mr. Kim. Have a safe flight.”
“Thank you. Have a safe trip back home, some taxi drivers are sketchy. Take care of her, Dongwoo,” he replied while walking off with the rest of his family.
Why can’t this be a movie, why can’t she come with me? Sunggyu thought. He couldn’t even bear to look back knowing that if he looked at you with your sad eyes one more time, he wouldn’t be able to leave. You watched the backside of his figure thinking, please look back. You just wanted to have one more look at his face before not seeing it again for a while. The realization didn't seem to dawn on you enough when you first arrived at the airport as it hit you harder this time around. You completely let go and tears started flowing silently as Sunggyu walked through the doors that separated the airport and didn’t look back.
“Did you still want to go watch airplanes taking off?” Dongwoo asked as he went to hold you.
You basically latched onto him, needing any kind of support right now. “No, let’s just go home,” you managed to say.


Sunggyu looked back towards your direction as the doors separating the airport had closed. Every emotion ran through his body. He wanted to hit something, break down, and laugh out of disbelief, all at the same time. How could I let her go so easily?!  He thought, almost yelling to himself inside his head. Why couldn't she ask me to stay?! I would've if she just would've asked me. But he knew you couldn't do that. I'm going to my dream school, I'm going to become famous and I'm going to take her with me to live a life of luxury, I should be happy. At this point, Sunggyu just wanted to run back to you and hold you forever. He just couldn't believe the step he had taken when he walked through those doors. 
"Come on, son. You'll be okay." He felt his father put his hand on his back and guide him along. "Everyone goes through hard times like this, especially when they're in love. Not everything is easy." 
"Your father's right, Sunggyu. Everyone has to say goodbye at one point. But if you're really meant to be then this isn't the end." His mother's voice always managed to make him feel better.
"It just that I can't be around for her anymore." Sunggyu said in a calm tone.
"It's okay, she has Dongwoo now," your father said, seeming to not think. 
Dongwoo, Sunggyu scowled hearing his name now. Even though he was Sunggyu's best friend, Sunggyu hated the thought that he was taking care of you now. 
"She should be with me," Sunggyu said almost sounding possesive.
"If she really loves you, she'll wait for you." Sunggyu's mother said trying to reassure him. "Now come on, we need to board." 
Sunggyu shed a tear as he walked onto the plane, the first week we spent together, did it mean nothing to you?


Dongwoo sat close to you as you both entered the taxi he was able to hail. You were still silently crying.
I won’t make you cry like this anymore, Dongwoo thought. I’ll take care of you now.

It was traffic on the freeway going home and by now you had cried all you could. You had fallen asleep in the nook that was created when Dongwoo put his arm around you. During this time Dongwoo was able to see the necklace Sunggyu had given you. What does he think he's doing? Dongwoo thought, Marking his territory? But she's fair game now, a sly smirk showing upon Dongwoo's face.

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Sungjae_love #1
Chapter 22: Authornim! This is daebak
pleasepleaseplease update! ;___; im a new subscriber and i immediately love your story. it made me cry at 4am TT^TT
Yeonsu #3
sunggyuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! <3
i'm gonna meet sunggyu while jogging, am i.....
can i stay in bed with dongwoo instead.
Whoa~ We came back together!! :P
seriinie #6
Sunggyu ;_______;
Kyaaa~~ Update soooon~<3 I realllyyyyy LOVE this story ! <3
DS0611 #8
This story is too goooooood
onlyinfiction #10
*poke* UPDATE? :( <3