
WonKyu Fics


“Kyu appa!” whined Daerim as she tugged on his shirt. “Can’t we play a game or do something fun together, please?”


“Not right now aegi-yah,” sighed Kyuhyun as he walked into the living room carrying the laundry basket full of clothes that had been dried. “I still have a lot of work to do. How about you draw something or read for a while?”


Daerim released the hem of his shirt with a pout.


“I don’t want to draw…I want to be with you, can’t we read together?”


“You know I would love to read with you, but I can’t right now. If you want to do something together, why don’t you help me with the laundry?” he asked as he put the basket on the floor and then sat down on the couch to begin sorting.


Daerim scrunched up her face in disapproval at the suggestion as Kyuhyun went ahead and began folding things and creating piles on the couch. For a few minutes she simply stood there, watching Kyuhyun as he sang softly to himself, getting lost in the routine of the task. But this proved to be even more boring, so not knowing what else to do, she plopped herself on the couch beside the piles and started playing with the socks that Kyuhyun tossed in that area.


Smiling to herself as she picked up two socks, she began to make sock puppets, acting out a small scene from a drama that she had seen recently on television.


Kyuhyun found it cute at first and smiled at her as he continued to work, but then Daerim quickly got tired of the romance and made a fight break out between the two sock lovers. The fight resulted in her knocking a pile of freshly folded shirts to the floor, making Kyuhyun close his eyes and exhale deeply.


“Daerim please!” he suddenly snapped as he chucked down the shirt that he had been folding and looked at the ruined work he had already done.


“Sorry Kyu appa,” she muttered softly as she bent down to pick up the now messy shirts.


It was just turning into late morning and Daerim and her boredom were already beginning to drive Kyuhyun crazy. Not to mention the fact that he was about halfway into his second pregnancy and it had made his energy levels and his patience a lot lower lately.


He had already anticipated that since Daerim had a break in school that she would want to spend the entire day being his shadow, but he was already overwhelmed and the idea of having a six year old hanging off of him all day was sounding less and less appealing.


“Okay baby, I’m just about ready to leave,” said Siwon walking into the living room.

He was dressed in a simple but well fitting black suit, but with no tie and his shirt ed just enough to give a peek of  his collarbone. His face was freshly shaven and his dark hair was combed and parted deeply on the side, just the way he knew Kyuhyun loved.


“Wow, Wonnie appa you look so handsome!” said Daerim hopping up on the couch to get a better look at Siwon.


His smile was cut short when he saw Kyuhyun moving around the stacks of laundry to get to him.


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Wonnie wait.  You can’t leave yet,” said Kyuhyun with a panicked look on his face.


“Hey, easy baby, not too fast,” Siwon pleaded as he went to meet him halfway. “What’s the matter?”


“I need you to take Daerim with you,” said Kyuhyun looking him seriously in the eyes.


“But Kyu…I’m going to a fashion event. It’s not 100% child friendly,” said Siwon with a soft laugh as he shook his head.


“I know, but she’s been restless all morning and I swear if we keep going on like this, you're going to come home to one of us either being dead or insane, so please, just take her with you,” said Kyuhyun gripping on to his arms. “I won’t be able to get anything done if she stays, look what happened with the laundry.”


“Daerim-ah, did you do that?” sighed Siwon looking over at the pile of messy clothes and then back at Daerim.


Daerim looked up at Siwon with an innocent smile. “I was just playing drama Wonnie appa. My sock couple were having a fight. I didn’t mean to do it.”


“Please Wonnie. Listen, I can have her dressed in ten minutes, maybe even faster. Just please, if you care at all about having a clean house and a sane husband, you’ll take her,” begged Kyuhyun.


Siwon nodded with a smile, “Okay baby, I’ll take her with me, don’t worry.”


“Okay, just ten minutes, and then she’ll be ready!” said Kyuhyun with a smile.


“Daerim-ah, you're going to come with me today. So you need to go with your Kyu appa and get dressed really quickly, okay?” said Siwon as Daerim walked over to him.


“Really?!” squealed Daerim.


Now that Siwon had begun acting and modeling again, he occasionally was able to bring Daerim along to sets and small events. She loved going with him as the coordis always let her play with the clothes, accessories, and their makeup so she was beyond ecstatic about the prospect of going with her Wonnie appa for the day.


“Wonnie what kind of event is it again?” Kyuhyun called out from down the hall as Daerim skipped after him.


“It’s a fashion show for Kim Joo Hyun. Her first collection is debuting,” said Siwon as he picked up a shirt from the ruined pile of laundry and began to fold it. “But she’s a very contemporary and street style oriented artist, so it’s not too formal.”


“Okay, I have the perfect thing,” said Kyuhyun.


As promised, ten minutes later Daerim emerged dressed and ready to go in a sweet black skirt with little white heart polka-dots and a white shirt with a large black heart across it. Pulling her hair back from her face was a small black and white headband.  


“Appa do you like my skirt?!” asked Daerim as she came running up to Siwon.


She spun in a quick circle as she stood in front of Siwon with a large smile on her face.


“You look beautiful sweetheart,” chuckled Siwon as she bounced in front of him. “Are you ready to go?”


She nodded as Kyuhyun walked back into the room.


When Kyuhyun reached them his eyes immediately glanced down at the stack of once again perfectly folded laundry.


“Wh—why did you do that?” he asked shaking his head with a smile.


“Because. I want you to relax while we’re out, really Kyu,” said Siwon pulling Kyuhyun closer to him.


“Well, thank you Wonnie, but I have a lot more work to do,” protested Kyuhyun glancing around the apartment. “That’s why I needed you to take her out.”


Siwon shook his head. “No, baby, you’re going to sit down, watch something, take a nap, eat something, and then repeat. I’ll take care of the rest when I get home.”


Kyuhyun sighed as he raised his eyebrows. “You know I can’t do that.”


“But you're going to try,” said Siwon bringing his face close to Kyuhyun’s. “Take a rest for at least an hour. If not for you, then the baby, okay?”


Kyuhyun nodded softly, prompting Siwon to lean forward and capture his lips to seal the deal.


“Promise me?” asked Siwon softly.


“I promise,” Kyuhyun nodded with a smile.


“Good,” said Siwon with a smirk.


“Appa!” called Daerim from the front door. She was sitting on the floor currently pulling on  her sneakers.


“We’ll be back in the evening, okay? That should give you plenty of time for a good rest,” said Siwon pecking his lips again.


Kyuhyun nodded and then watched as Siwon walked over to meet Daerim and slip on his black shoes.


“Are you ready aegi-yah?” asked Siwon putting his hand on her back.


Daerim nodded and then turned back to look at Kyuhyun. Even though she knew better than to run in the house with shoes, she bolted quickly across the room to give Kyuhyun a hug.


“Good bye Kyu-appa!” she beamed looking up at him, her chin resting on his belly.


“Have fun aegi-yah,” he smiled her cheek as Siwon opened the front door.


After breaking away, Daerim ran back over to Siwon and then out the front door.


With one last shared smile, Kyuhyun and Siwon said a silent goodbye and then they went their separate ways.




When Daerim and Siwon arrived at the hall, Siwon decided to forgo the red carpet part of the event, so as not to expose Daerim to the many flashing lights and endless questions posed by the paparazzi.


Instead they went straight into the hall that the fashion show was being held in so that they could go backstage and greet the designer.


From the moment that they entered the main room, Daerim was in complete awe of the grandness of it all. As they walked in through the large doors, the center of the room was dominated by the long runway. It was an almost blinding white catwalk that was elevated to about the level of everyone’s knees once sitting. Because the show wasn’t ready to start yet, many of the seats were still vacant, and it gave off a bit of a cold atmosphere, but that didn’t stop Daerim from having a giant smile on her face.


As she held Siwon’s hand he led them past row after row of simple white seats until they reached a wall of thick black curtains. Slipping past them, they left the quiet of the nearly empty room only to stumble into the chaos of the backstage area.


Daerim immediately clung close to Siwon as they maneuvered their way past the models getting dressed and having their makeup applied and hair done.


“Appa, what’s happening?” asked Daerim as she tried focusing on one person only to have them move before she could process what was going on.


“Everyone is getting ready for the show aegi-yah,” chuckled Siwon as he moved Daerim in front of him and she quickly leaned against his legs.


“Do you know all of them?” she asked titling her head up to look at him with big eyes.


“Some of them, sure,” he smiled looking down at her.


Just then, they heard a voice call out Siwon’s name. As they looked over they saw a woman with a long silky black hair walk over with a man in all black and white. The woman was wearing thick framed glasses and a black leather tee with white shorts and simple black flats. The man beside her was in a suit with black glasses and gloves.


“Joo Hyun-ssi, Karl-ssi, it’s so good to see the two of you again,” Siwon smiled as both individuals stepped forward to great him. As he shook their hands, coupled with a small hug, Daerim moved behind him, her face barely peeking out.


“I’m so glad you were able to come Siwon-ssi,” Joo Hyun said with a smile.


“Thank you for inviting me, I’ve always been a fan of your art and collaborations with other designers, so I’ve been anticipating to see what your first solo collection would be ever since you announced it,” said Siwon. “So far from what I can see, it looks absolutely amazing.”


“Oh, thank you so much! With Karl-ssi’s help, I think I was finally able to make something was the perfect balance of Parisian simplicity I was raised with and Korean street style that I love,” said Joo Hyun turning to look at Karl.


 “She’s being too kind. This was all born out of her keen mind. I was just happy to give a helping hand when I could,” smiled Karl as he patted her shoulder.


“I’m sure we’ll see your influence in the heart of her designs,” said Siwon with a smile.


“It’s only a shame that Joo Hyun wasn’t debuting any men’s wear as well, Siwon,” said Karl. “I’m so glad to hear that you’ve decided to make a return to what you were so clearly born to do. I see that you’ve only grown even more handsome over the years.”


Siwon slightly blushed as he smiled, shaking his head as his dismissed Karl’s kind words.


“And please tell me that this beautiful child is yours?” Karl asked nodding towards the two eyes he had just caught staring at him from behind Siwon’s body.


“Yes, I’m so sorry, this is Daerim, my daughter,” said Siwon looking behind him, so that he could move Daerim in front of him.


Once she was leaning against his legs again, Siwon her shoulders comfortingly, as he glanced down at Daerim and then back at Karl and Joo Hyun.


Daerim who had been unnaturally quiet stared up at Karl with large eyes.


“Daerim-ah, can you say hello?” asked Siwon with a warm smile.


“Annyeonghaseyo Karl-harabeoji. Annyeonghaseyo Joo Hyun-agassi,” said Daerim with small bows.


“Baby, you should speak English, Karl-ssi doesn’t speak Korean,” chuckled Siwon giving her a soft nudge.


Daerim made a small whine of protest.


“Come on, don’t be shy, you know how,” he said her cheek.


“Hello,” she said softly.


“What else?” smiled Siwon.


“Hello Mr. Karl,” she said backing even further into Siwon, though she had a shy smile on her face when she caught Karl and Joo Hyun’s ecstatic faces.


“My God she is so gorgeous Siwon,” said Joo Hyun cooing over her.


“Thank you,” said Siwon as Daerim continued to watch Karl.


“Yes, my dear?” Karl chuckled once he realized she was still staring at him.


“Why are you wearing sunglasses inside? How can you see?” she asked cocking her head to the side.


All three adults laughed as Daerim continued to look at him questioningly.


“They’re my special sunglasses. I’m a very shy person and they make me feel brave when I meet new people,” Karl whispered as he leaned forward.


Daerim smiled as Karl stood straight again.


“How do they make you feel brave?” she asked curiously.


“Because I can see everyone else’s eyes, but they can’t see mine. They never know what secrets I’m hiding,” he said with a small laugh.


Daerim laughed as well, feeling a bit more comfortable now.


“How old are you my dear?” asked Karl.


“Six,” she said stepping forward some. “How old are you?”


“Daerim,” said Siwon with stern tone.


Daerim looked down, slightly embarrassed when she realized her question was inappropriate.


“I’ll be 90 in two days,” Karl whispered.


Daerim’s eyes grew as she smiled again. “That’s older than both my Wonnie appa and Kyu appa together!”


Siwon cleared his throat, again afraid that Daerim might offend Karl Lagerfeld.


“Daerim, I really like your outfit, “ said Karl. “Black and white are my favorite.”


“Thank you,” said Daerim with a smile.


“Did you pick it out yourself?” asked Joo Hyun.


 “No, my Kyu appa picked it out for me,” she said happily.


“Well, you look so pretty,” said Joo Hyun with a smile.


“Thank you,” Daerim smiled again.


“Siwon?” asked Karl looking at Siwon now.




“Did you know that Joo Hyun was debuting a few pieces for children as well?”


“No, I didn’t that’s wonderful,” said Siwon with a smile as he looked over at Joo Hyun.


“Actually we were supposed to run them today, but our little girl model fell sick, so we were planning to just cut them from the show. The pieces would be the perfect size for Daerim,” said Joo Hyun with a smile.


“Oh, really? Maybe if she sees something she likes, we could purchase one later,” said Siwon.


“Well actually, what I was hoping to ask you Siwon-ssi was how you would feel about letting Daerim model the pieces for me?” asked Joo Hyun.


“Wh—what?” asked Siwon, his eyes growing.


Joo Hyun proceeded to ask Siwon once again, this time in Korean to assure no confusion.


“You want her to model?” asked Siwon still in shock.


“Yes, I think she’d be wonderful for it. She’s beautiful, the perfect age and size for everything I’ve designed. Why not?”


“Ah, well, the problem is that her father and I had agreed to keep her away from…this type of lifestyle for as long as possible. He would kill me, I’m sure of it,” said Siwon shaking his head.


“Oh Siwon-ssi, please consider it, I would really hate to not be able to run the pieces. It’s my first collection and it would mean so much to me if you would consider it,” said Joo Hyun holding her clasped hands out.


Siwon sighed as he looked down at Daerim who was looking at him curiously.


“Daerim-ah…Joo Hyun-ssi would like you to wear some of the clothes that she’s designed and walk down the runway with all of the other models. Do you think you would want to do something like that?” asked Siwon bending down to her level.


“Really?! I would get to walk on the big stage with all the other models?!” asked Daerim excitedly with a big smile as she looked at Siwon and then Joo Hyun.


“Well, yes. So you wouldn’t be too nervous?” asked Siwon.


“No, I want to!” said Daerim bouncing up and down.


“Baby, listen, you don’t have to. No one is forcing you to,” said Siwon stilling her by holding her shoulders.


“But Wonnie appa I want to!” said Daerim clasping her hands together.


“Uh…well, okay then,” said Siwon with a smile as he stood back up to face Joo Hyun. “I suppose if she wants to do it, then I don’t have a problem with it.”


“Wonderful! Daerim-ah, can you come with me so that we can get you ready?” asked Joo Hyun holding out her hand.


Daerim nodded before looking back at Siwon for the okay.


“Go ahead aegi-yah, I’ll be waiting for you,” said Siwon with a smile.


Daerim smiled as she took Joo Hyun’s hand and they hurried further into the back.


“So she’ll be following in your footsteps?” asked Karl with a smile.


“For today at least. I’m not sure how my husband will feel about it though,” said Siwon hesitantly as he the back of his neck.


“Well if she shows a real passion for it then it’s simple, he won’t be able to refuse,” said Karl shaking his head.


“I guess, we’ll see,” said Siwon with a nod and a soft smile.


“How about you sit with me for the show Siwon-ssi, so you can watch your daughter shine from the first row?” suggested Karl.


“Okay, thank you, Karl-ssi” said Siwon with a nod. “I’ll be with you in a moment. I just want to check on my daughter before they start.”


Karl nodded as he watched Siwon follow the path Joo Hyun and Daerim had taken.


Weaving  deeper through the cluster of people, Siwon soon found her towards the back, having her hair brushed as she stepped into the dress being held out for her.


“Wonnie appa!” she said happily once she spotted him.


He smiled when he saw how comfortable Daerim was with having people tend to her and how pretty she looked in the leather sheath dress Joo Hyun had designed.


“What do you think?” asked Joo Hyun looking up at Siwon.


“It’s very cute, I love it,” said Siwon with a nod of approval.


“Thank you! The only problem is the shoes are too small. But I think it still looks cute with her sneakers, so we’ll just let her keep those on,” smiled Joo Hyun with a nod as well.


“Appa I really get to walk on that runway like a real model?” asked Daerim excitedly.


Siwon nodded. “I used to do this when I was younger too aegi-yah. It’s a lot of fun, I think you’ll enjoy it.”


“Wonnie appa you were a runway model?” asked Daerim with a shocked expression. “But you're a boy!”


“Boys can be runway models too aegi-yah,” he chuckled. “But the only models here today are girls.”


Daerim nodded in understanding as the coordi continued to brush her hair some.


“Okay! I need all of the models to line up please!” they heard a voice call from the front.


“Daerim-ah, are you ready? It’s time to start,” said Joo Hyun holding out her hand again.


Daerim nodded, “Wonnie appa are you going to watch me?”


“Of course, I’m going to go sit with Karl-ssi now. I’ll see you out there, okay? Have fun and just follow the other models’ lead okay? I love you baby, good luck,” he said leaning forward to give her a kiss.


“Thank you Wonnie appa,” Daerim smiled and she took Joo Hyun’s hand once again and walked to the line up with the other models.


When Siwon took his seat with Karl he couldn’t help but feel restless. When he had agreed to take Daerim with him today, he’d had no idea this was going to happen. And now he wasn’t sure what he was gonna do if was this turned out to be one of the best experiences of Daerim’s life, or the worst.


 “Relax Siwon-ssi. If she’s anything like you, she’ll be a natural,” said Karl patting his leg.


Siwon smiled as the lights in the room darkened, the spotlights hit the stage and the music started.


As the collection mainly focused on women’s clothing it wasn’t until the end that Daerim appeared and Siwon hadn’t realized he’d still been on edge until he saw her finally take the stage. She was holding the hand of another model who had on a dress very similar to hers, only more adult appropriate. Joo Hyun had requested her models be happy and have spunky attitudes, so Daerim and the model she was with were smiling the entire time they made their way down the runway. Daerim really seemed to be happy as she walked the length, not showing any sign of nervousness or fear the entire time. By the time she reached the end of the catwalk, Siwon let out the breath he was holding and finally let a smile form on his lips.


When the models came out for their final walk Daerim came out holding Joo Hyun’s hand one last time and took a bow with her.


Quickly spotting Karl Lagerfeld and then her father, Daerim waved to them, received smiles and waves back.


As the show officially came to a close, Siwon and Karl made their way backstage once again to greet Daerim.


“Thank you so much Daerim-ah!” said Joo Hyun giving her a hug. “You did a wonderful job! Did you have fun?”


Daerim nodded. “It was so much fun, I want to do it again!” she said excitedly.


“Well for my next collection, I definitely want to have you back, okay?” she said as Siwon and Karl found them.


Daerim nodded when she suddenly saw Siwon.


“Appa! Appa did you see me?!” asked Daerim as she ran over to him.


“Yes baby I did. And you were absolutely amazing,” said Siwon lifting her up. “I was so impressed.”


“Appa it was so much fun! And Joo Hyun-agassi said that I can be in her show again! So can I?!”


“We’ll have to talk to your Kyu appa about it, first, okay?” said Siwon.


Daerim nodded eagerly, feeling that his response was as good as a yes.


“Karl-harabeoji did you see too?!” asked Daerim in English.


“Yes, I did. You did a wonderful job, I was very impressed my dear,” he said taking one of her hands and holding it between both of his.


Over the next short while, Daerim was absolutely floored as she received more praises from models passing by on their way to turn their wardrobe back in.


“Well I guess we need to get you changed so we can head back home and see Kyu appa, okay aegi-yah?” said Siwon.


“Oh, it’s not necessary,” said Joo Hyun with a smile.


“I’m sorry?” asked Siwon tilting his head to the side.


“I want Daerim to keep the dress as a present,” she said with a smile.


“Really?! Thank you Joo Hyun-agassi!” said Daerim with an even bigger megawatt smile.


“Uh, Joo Hyun-ssi that’s very kind of you, but that’s really too big of a gift. It’s not necessary. If Daerim really likes the dress, I’ll buy it—


“Oh, no. I’d be insulted if you did Siwon-ssi. Please, accept it as a token of my gratitude for Daerim’s great work,” said Joo Hyun.


“…well, if you put it that way, then yes, thank you,” said Siwon with a nod.


“Joo Hyun-ssi, we need you to come now and speak to the press,” said a young man with a headset who approached the small group.


Joo Hyun nodded and then turned back to Siwon and Daerim.


“Well, I have to go now, but I really just want to thank you again, and I hope to see the both of you soon,” she said leaning forward to give them both kisses on the cheek.


“You’re very welcome and congratulations. I’m glad we could help,” said Siwon with a small bow.


“Good bye Joo Hyun-agassi!” Daerim waved as they watched her disappear out of the backstage area.


Still standing among the hustle and bustle of the room, Siwon turned back to focus on Karl who just finishing greeting a few admiring models.


“So, Karl-ssi, what will you be doing for the rest of your stay in Seoul?” he asked.


“Well, first, hopefully having lunch with you and your charming daughter,” he said with a laugh.


“Oh,” said Siwon slightly shocked as he shook his head. “We wouldn’t want to trouble you Karl-ssi, I’m sure you have other friends you’d like to see while you're here.”


“Yes, but I’d rather spend the afternoon getting to know new friends,” said Karl with a smile.


Not knowing how to say no to Karl Lagerfeld, Siwon realized he had no other choice.


“Well, how does that sound to you Daerim-ah?” asked Siwon with a smile.


Daerim nodded ecstatically.


“Where do you recommend my dear?” Karl asked Daerim.


“Hmmm….we should go to my Wookie samchon’s apartment!”


Siwon chuckled, “I know Wookie samchon makes delicious food aegi-yah, but I think we might have to pick somewhere else.”


Daerim nodded apparently still thinking, before finally shrugging.  “I don’t know Wonnie appa.”


“It’s okay my dear, I know the perfect place, let us be on our way,” said Karl and he slowly led the way out of the hall with Siwon and Daerim following close behind.






It was late in the evening when they reached their apartment again, and once Siwon opened the front door, Daerim came bounding into the living room with a wide grin on her face.


“Kyu appa!” she said running over to him after spotting him on the couch.


Unfortunately, she failed to notice that he was fast asleep.


Unprepared to be woken up so suddenly, Kyuhyun blinked open his eyes in a panic as he moved to sit up on the couch where he had been sleeping soundly just moments before.


 “Kyu appa guess what?! Wonnie appa and I went to a fashion show and I got to be a model and meet Karl harabeoji and Joo Hyun agassi and they gave me a dress and a bag and even these sunglasses! Me and Wonnie appa had so much fun! I got to see models and designers, and everyone told me that I was really pretty and that Wonnie appa was really handsome and—


When he finally could focus on Daerim standing before him, he frowned, confused as to why she had completely changed from when he sent her off this afternoon.


“Wait, wh-what? Wonnie?” he asked shaking his head.


“Yeah baby?” asked Siwon walking over.


He had been cringing slightly near the front of the room the moment that Daerim began rattling off the tales of the day. He knew that she would want to tell Kyuhyun everything, which was fine, but he had hoped that it wouldn’t be in the first 30 seconds of them entering their home. Now he realized he had no choice but to play it all off as completely normal.


“What is she wearing? And what is all this talk about modeling?” he asked still frowning as he turned Daerim around so that he could examine the change in outfits.


“Oh, that? It was a gift,” said Siwon nonchalantly as he sat on the arm of the couch.


“A gift? Who gives a six year old a leather dress as a gift?” asked Kyuhyun shaking his head as he looked up at him.


“Kim Joo Hyun,” said Siwon. “But the glasses and the bag are from Karl-ssi.”


Kyuhyun tilted his head to the side. “Lagerfeld? When did you see Karl Lagerfeld?”


“He was at the show. He’s a supporter of Kim Joo Hyun and part of the collection had children’s pieces in it. When he and Joo Hyun-ssi saw Daerim, she insisted that she keep this dress. I think it looks cute.”


“It’s a leather dress Wonnie! And she’s six!” said Kyuhyun shaking his head. “And—is that a Chanel bag?!”


“Yes baby, it came from Karl,” said Siwon. “After we left the show, Karl-ssi stopped Daerim and I and asked if we could have lunch with him and Joo Hyun-ssi. So, I said yes, and before we left the restaurant, Karl-ssi gave Daerim this box. Inside was the bag and the sunglasses. He really took to her, I think he likes her even more than me now,” he chuckled.


Kyuhyun shook his head, failing to see the humor, “So I sent her out looking like a cute little Korean child and you bring her back looking like a Parisian designer’s child?”


“Karl’s German, baby,” said Siwon with a small pout.


“Not the point Siwon,” he sighed. “Why are the only things she still has on are her Nike’s?”


“Because the shoes they had were a bit too small,” said Siwon simply.


Kyuhyun gave him a “seriously” look as he shook his head.


“Fine, but you still didn’t answer my other question. What does she mean she got to be a model?”


“Well the model that Joo Hyun had asked to be in her show had to cancel, so since Daerim was the right age and size she asked if it was alright that Daerim take over and model the dress. She really wanted to try it, so I said yes…are you mad?” asked Siwon apprehensively.


“No, just….,” sighed Kyuhyun as he looked at Daerim. He could see the excitement still radiating off of her. Although he wasn’t the biggest fan of Daerim going down this path, especially at such a young age, he realized it was something that needed to be discussed at length, not immediately shot down.


Chanel? At six? I thought we agreed that we would keep her childhood as relatively as normal as possible,” said Kyuhyun.


“Baby, I swear I tried. I steered clear of the red carpet part of the event. We went inside and I was just planning to greet Kim Joo Hyun, but then we started speaking with her and Karl-ssi and one thing led to another. I was going to say no, but she just wanted to give it a try. It doesn’t have to become a regular thing if it makes you uncomfortable and we can go back to keeping things as “normal” as possible. But honestly, look at who her extended family is, look at us…our kids are not destined for “normal” lives,” chuckled Siwon.


Kyuhyun laughed as well, realizing that Siwon was right. Despite their efforts, to a degree Daerim’s life would never be 100% normal.


“Daerim-ah, did you really like modeling today?” asked Kyuhyun her hair back as he took in how much older she looked.


Daerim nodded, “Everyone was really nice Kyu appa and it was really fun walking down the big runway and getting to be with Wonnie appa all day!”


“Well, I’m glad you were able to spend some time with your Wonnie appa today. And I guess I don’t mind the dress so much, but the bag…let’s put that away until you're older, okay?”


Daerim chewed on her bottom lip as she looked from Siwon to Kyuhyun.


“What’s wrong aegi-yah?” asked Kyuhyun as he watched Daerim seem to struggle with making a decision.


“Can…can I keep my sunglasses?” she asked softly with hopeful eyes.


Kyuhyun scoffed with a smile, “Yes sweetheart, you can keep your sunglasses.”


“Okay!” smiled Daerim. She was more excited about the dress and the sunglasses than the bag anyway.


Daerim reached inside the purse and pulled out her sunglasses, slipping them on before handing it over to Kyuhyun. She then skipped off down the hallway, singing the song that had been playing at the show that afternoon.


“If she decides to become a model instead of a doctor or even a painter after this, I will never forgive you,” said Kyuhyun breaking into a smile as Siwon began laughing.


“And I’ll take full responsibility,” said Siwon putting both of his hands up. “But honestly Kyu, if you had seen her you might feel differently. She was really amazing.”


“Well I guess she’d have to be, it’s in her genes,” said Kyuhyun with a smile.


“Aww, thank you baby,” Siwon smiled moving to sit next to Kyuhyun.


“I meant me,” said Kyuhyun with a raised eyebrow.


Siwon snickered at Kyuhyun, not even attempting to hide it.


“I modeled too!” protested Kyuhyun shoving Siwon a little.


“I know you did. And you still could if you wanted to, you know that,” said Siwon wrapping his arms around his sulking husband and kissing his cheek.


“Thank you Wonnie,” said Kyuhyun as he leaned his head on Siwon’s shoulder. “But acting and modeling was always your passion. And…even though you have to be away from us a lot more these days…I’m glad that you're happier now.”


Siwon let Kyuhyun’s words marinate with him for awhile before speaking.


“I am a lot happier baby, thank you for supporting me through this…I know it hasn’t been easy for you, especially now,” said Siwon Kyuhyun’s stomach with one of his hands.


“As long as Daerim-ah stays happy and you get to spend time with her like this, I’m fine,” mused Kyuhyun as he rested his hand on top of Siwon’s. “And you promised that once seonmul is born, you’ll take more local jobs, so I think everything will be okay, right?”


Siwon nodded, “Yes, I’ll stay be closer to home so that I can take care of you and the baby like last time and help with Daerim. Speaking of…I think she really wants to keep doing this Kyu, what do you think we should do?”


Kyuhyun sighed. “The look on her face was really intense, wasn’t it? I suppose…if she really wants to give it a try and one of us is always there to make sure that she’s being treated well I don’t see why not. But then again, you're the one with the most experience in this world, so what do you think?”


He tilted his head up to better see Siwon’s reaction.


“I agree. I know that with the new baby we’ll have our hands full, but I’ll make sure that I can be with her whenever something like this happens again. With her still being a child though, I think it should be safe enough,” said Siwon.


Kyuhyun nodded, taking Siwon’s opinion as final word on the subject for now.


The soft sounds of Daerim’s happy singing floated down the hallway, as they sat together, quietly on the couch. Having spent the entire day apart, Siwon was happy to finally be able to run his strong hands over the roundness of Kyuhyun’s belly. The soft touches made them both smile and sigh happily when they were finally greeted with slightest of little thumps from inside.




a/n: I recently found out that korean's give their babies names before they're born called taemyeong which is like a nickname, I guess, to call them until they come into the world. I've decided that Hyunjin's will be seonmul, which means gift/present, since they found out about him on Christmas Day.

thanks for reading^^ 




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sorry for the LONG wait guys. a lot has recently popped up in my life, but I have been working on this! just very slowly...


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mykyunie #1
Chapter 18: I love it
kyufever #2
Chapter 17: I miss your stories :) i always come back to read it every once in a while
Sikyu143 #3
Chapter 14: Unniee....please update TEN parts...T__T
Pinkhotel #4
Chapter 18: Hahahaha,, so it's one of flashback story when changmin meet Mina for the first time,,, and it's actually happy end because Wonkyu help
Chapter 18: i thought something serious happen to changmin, well actually just want to impress someone. Lol hahaha changmin the k-pop star falling in love with the girl who make him crazy over o,o
good luck changmin...
Chapter 17: daerim's friends really innocent and cute XDD admired wonkyu so much. Hahhaa
siwon pls look around bfr u took off ur shirt, you make their child looking ur good abs. LOL
Chapter 16: hahahaa so cuteeee daerim!!!!
She is most younger to understand to be silent in church. LOL
don't be stressed kyu, you should listen what did siwon's told. Kkkkk
Chapter 15: where will you go? Why so long? Ughh your baby will missed you and sulking all over the time won TuT