ten. part 3

WonKyu Fics

sorry for the long wait guys~ thank you for your patience. I really was suffering with the writer's block and where I wanted this to go. it was rewritten so much, I honestly lost count. I promise I won't make you wait another month for the next part ^^



“Kyu, wait!” Siwon shouted, but it was no use. The elevator doors had closed before he even got the words out.


Hitting the wall with his fist in frustration, Siwon knew he’d miss Kyuhyun if he waited for the other elevator to reach his floor. His eyes flicked over to the staircase door nearby, and it took only a moment before he was off. Racing down the hallway, Siwon shoved open the door and began bounding down the flights, his feet moving impossibly fast as he ghosted the stairs.


He had to beat Kyuhyun to the first floor. He had to.


When he reached the bottom of the staircase, he burst through the door and then darted across the main floor to the front door. Just as he pushed open the heavy door, he saw Kyuhyun standing on the corner, clearly waiting for a taxi.


“Kyu!” panted Siwon, throwing himself on Kyuhyun’s back.


Kyuhyun used all of his force to shove the exhausted Siwon away from him.


“No, get off of me! I don’t want to go through this again!” Kyuhyun shouted at him as he walked a bit further up.


“Kyu, really…I tried,” Siwon still panted as he walked towards Kyuhyun, slightly bending at the waist.


“Once! And then you gave into him so easily, it was as if you didn’t care—just…go on your date Siwon and leave me alone!” said Kyuhyun, furious he was breaking down into frustrated tears again.


“I won’t go! I swear I won’t—just come back inside, please, please!” said Siwon trying to grab for Kyuhyun again.


“No, I’m going home! I don’t want to see you!” said Kyuhyun moving away from Siwon again as he saw an open taxi coming down the street.


“Kyu, I’m sorry, just please don’t go like this. Don’t go when you're angry at me—


Kyuhyun ignored Siwon as he stepped towards the approaching taxi, ready to grab the door handle when it stopped.


“Kyu no!” Siwon lunged forward and pushed the door closed the moment Kyuhyun tried to get in.


“Move your hand,” Kyuhyun said lowly through gritted teeth.


“Don’t go. If you don’t, I won’t,” pleaded Siwon as he tried to get Kyuhyun to turn and face him.


“It’s too late for that now. Why didn’t you say this when I asked you before? Why does everything you do have to be reactionary? I want you to not go because it’s what you want, not what you think will make me stay…you blew it Wonnie. So please, just move,” said Kyuhyun as he stared at Siwon through the glass of the car window.


Not wanting to cause a scene or make things worse between the two of them, Siwon removed his hand from the door. Kyuhyun immediately got into the taxi and looked straight ahead, even though he could feel Siwon’s eyes on him.


Siwon stood there helplessly on the sidewalk, watching that taxi disappear into traffic as it headed in the direction of Kyuhyun’s home. His hands tugged at his hair as he tried desperately to think of what to do next.


Glancing at his watch he tried estimating how much time he had left before Kyuhyun made it back to the dorms. Maybe just ten or fifteen minutes if the driver was slow or traffic was heavy.


Reaching for his phone in his pocket he quickly dialed for the only person he knew he could count on to help him right now.


“Siwon-ah?” asked Leeteuk’s voice when he picked up the call.


“Hyung!” said Siwon in a panicked voice.


“Wh—Siwon—is everything okay?” asked Leeteuk noticing the sound of Siwon’s voice instantly.


“No…uh, listen, Kyu and I…we got into a pretty big fight just now and he just hopped in a taxi to get away from me,” said Siwon tugging at his hair again.


“What happened?” asked Leeteuk softly.


“I…Hyung I can’t explain it right now. I just…I need you to help me,” said Siwon as he moved to the corner of the street to hail himself a taxi.


“What do you need me to do?” asked Leeteuk.


“Just…I don’t know what he’s going to do when he gets there, but I need you to help me get him to listen. I’m on my way, but I know that he’ll beat me there, so can you just try to get him to agree to see me. You know how he gets when….”


“Just hurry here Siwon-ah and we’ll see what we can do, okay?” said Leeteuk reassuringly.


“Thanks Hyung, I’ll be there as soon as I can,” said Siwon as a taxi approached him.


When Siwon got into the taxi, he failed to notice that a car had been sitting idle across the street for the last twenty minutes. It was a black KIA with out windows. The driver was leaned back in his seat, watched Siwon carefully with the phone pressed to his ear.


“He’s just getting into a taxi now,” said the man’s deep voice.


“Do you think he’s going to follow the boy?”


“Probably,” the man said with sigh. “Should I follow him?”


“Of course. When he reaches his destination, send me the address and I’ll take care of the rest.”


The man didn’t have any time to answer before the call suddenly hung up.





Kyuhyun slammed the front door of the apartment shut behind him after rushing through it.


Four heads turned to see him walking through the living room, his face down with his hat pulled down low over his eyes.


“Kyu?” asked Leeteuk as they watched Kyuhyun make a b-line straight into his room, that door slamming behind him as well.


Leeteuk let out a sigh as he looked at Kangin who he was nestled against and Ryeowook and Yesung who were sitting at the other end of the couch.


“What do you think that’s all about?” asked Ryeowook with big eyes as he stared at the others.


“One guess,” sighed Yesung as Leeteuk moved to stand up.


“Teuk, you don’t need to get involved every time this happens, they have to learn how to figure these things out on their own without a mediator,” said Kangin reaching out to stop him.


“Well, Siwon isn’t here and my maknae is upset now. This whole relationship is still really new for them Kangin-ah. And not to mention Kyuhyun’s first. He needs someone to help him through it,” said Leeteuk as he shook of Kangin’s arm.


Kangin rubbed his forehead in frustration as Leeteuk approached Kyuhyun’s door. Upon reaching it though, it suddenly opened and out stepped a pouting Sungmin holding his blanket and pillow.


“Remind me to kill Siwon the next time I see him,” Sungmin mumbled looking at Leeteuk as he shook his head.


“Don’t worry, I’ll fix it,” said Leeteuk with a reassuring smile as he patted Sungmin’s shoulder before tapping on the door.


Kyuhyun lifted his head up from his pillow at the sound of the knocking.


“Min I said I needed to be alone tonight!” Kyuhyun called out.


“It’s me Kyu, can we talk for just a few minutes please?” asked Leeteuk.


Kyuhyun was silent as he rubbed his eyes. He wasn’t in the mood to talk with anyone. But he knew Leeteuk would be persistent and he knew he couldn’t avoid everyone forever.


“Fine,” was all he said and then moments later the door opened and Leeteuk stepped in.


Without saying anything Leeteuk closed the door behind him and walked over to Kyuhyun’s bed. He took a seat at foot of it, leaning his back against the wall. Kyuhyun was laying on his side in the fetal position, saying nothing as he stared blankly at the wall.


“So…what did he do this time?” asked Leeteuk choosing to skip the pleasantries. He knew with Kyuhyun it was always better to be as direct as possible.


“I hate him,” was all he said softly.


“Why?” asked Leeteuk seriously. Again, he knew that the best way to make Kyuhyun open up was to not be condescending.


“He doesn’t love me anymore,” Kyuhyun said plainly with a shrug of his shoulders.


“Why do you think that? Did he say that to you?”


“He didn’t have to Hyung. Actions speak louder than words.”


Leeteuk sighed as he looked at Kyuhyun curled up into himself. He could see his ruddy cheeks and red eyes and his heart genuinely ached for him.


“Come here Kyu,” he said opening his arms to him.


Kyuhyun glanced over at him and then slowly crawled over to Leeteuk and nestled into his warm hug.


 “Kyu, listen to me, you and Siwon are still really young. I know you think that relationships are supposed to be simple, but you have to understand that while loving someone is beautiful and fun, and freeing, it’s also scary and difficult. It takes some time to find out how to balance all of that. I’m sure that what ever happened was just a silly mistake that you’ll be able to move beyond soon enough.”


Kyuhyun shook his head as a tear rolled down from his eye, across the bridge of his nose, and then down onto Leeteuk’s shirt.


“Can you tell me what it is that he did?” Leeteuk tried when it looked like Kyuhyun wouldn’t volunteer the information.


Kyuhyun looked down, focusing instead on tugging on the end of his sleeve. He couldn’t bring himself to say the words. If they came out again, it made them real, it gave validation to every bit of anger that he was feeling. Truthfully, he was hoping that Leeteuk would be satisfied with just never receiving an answer and they could continue on laying here, with Kyuhyun’s face nestled safely against his beating heart. But Kyuhyun knew that couldn’t be the case. And so, it was quiet for a few moments before he was finally ready to speak.


“I was already feeling a little bad, because…he hadn’t called me all day. And he always calls me Hyung…even if it’s just to ask if I’ve eaten. So I thought, maybe for once, I’d surprise him by going over to his place tonight since we have time off. But he already had plans to have dinner with someone else,” sniffed Kyuhyun.


“With who?” asked Leeteuk shaking his head softly in disbelief.


“Kim Yura,” Kyuhyun grumbled out.


“Who is she?”


“The girl his father wants him to marry,” Kyuhyun sighed.


“What?!” Leeteuk said louder than he meant to.


Kyuhyun slightly jumped from Leeteuk’s outburst.


 “I’m sorry Kyu, but…marriage?” said Leeteuk patting his shoulder soothingly. “Siwon’s parents are planning for him to get married? Don’t they—he can’t just—why has he not said anything to the company or us about it?!”


“I don’t know Hyung, it’s still unofficial. But apparently his father has been arranging these blind dates for him for months now. He told me he had cancelled all of them before, but suddenly his guilt has caught up to him,” Kyuhyun sniffed again.


“Kyu,” sighed Leeteuk, understanding now, but still unsure of what to say first to ease this pain. “You have to know that’s not what he wants, right? Why else would he have begun this relationship with you if he had plans to marry anyone now?”


“Boredom?” Kyuhyun said dryly.


“I don’t think so,” Leeteuk said gently as he brushed Kyuhyun’s bangs out of his eyes.. “You know Siwon better than all of us. Does he ever make you feel like a cure for his boredom when you're with him?”


“It doesn’t really matter, does it Hyung? He’s there with her now, after I begged him not to go. If he can’t stand up for me now, how can I count on him in the future?”


“I can understand how you feel Kyu—


“Can you hyung? Really? Has Kangin hyung ever done this to you?” asked Kyuhyun through narrowed eyes as he looked up at Leeteuk.


“No, but he has disappointed me before. I know what it’s like to expect everything from someone and how crushing it can be when they fall short of that. But that’s the problem Kyu, you're expecting perfection—


“If perfection is not wanting your boyfriend to go out on a date with a girl, then yes, I’m sorry Hyung, I guess I am,” huffed Kyuhyun pulling away from Leeteuk and moving to sit on the edge of the bed.


Leeteuk put his hands to his head as he let out a deep breath.


It was quiet for a few minutes before either of them spoke again.


“I’m sorry Hyung, I’m just…I didn’t expect this to hurt so much. It’s like the more I think about it, the worst the pain gets. I want to trust him so badly, I really do. But I’m more scared of her taking him away from me than anything.”


“There’s no way that could happen with just one dinner though Kyu.”


“He told me that’s all it took for him to fall in love with me. Just a few moments. And then that was it. Maybe it’ll happen again, and he’ll let it, because he’s scared,” said Kyuhyun looking back at him.


“Scared of what?” asked Leeteuk as he watched the tears build up behind Kyuhyun’s eyes once again.


“Our company…the fans…society…his father. Everything. When we’re in his apartment, he’s so loving and gentle and…perfect. But when we step beyond that door, everything has to change and I hate it.”


Just then they were interrupted by a commotion coming from outside Kyuhyun’s bedroom.


“Wait a second Kyu,” said Leeteuk rising off of the bed to walk to the door.


Kyu sat, puzzled as to what could possibly be going on, when he suddenly heard a distinct voice.


Leeteuk stepped out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him, leaving Kyuhyun alone in his room. He saw Siwon and Kangin in the space between the kitchen and the living room, close to arguing as Kangin blocked Siwon’s way deeper into the apartment.


“Hyung! I need to talk to him, get out of my way!” said Siwon trying to break past Kangin’s blockade.


“Teuk is in there now! And from the way Kyu stormed in here a while ago, I can be pretty sure that he wants nothing to do with you, so I think it’s best if you just leave for the night,” said Kangin putting his hand on Siwon’s chest.


“Kangin-ah,” said Leeteuk, breaking everyone’s focus.


“Hyung!” said Siwon taking this moment of distraction to rush past Kangin and reach Leeteuk. “Is he in there—can I talk to him?”


“Teuk this is why I told you that you shouldn’t get involved—now they’ve brought this to the dorm!”


“What was I supposed to do then, just let Kyu cry alone in his room?” asked Leeteuk shaking his head with a frown.


“He’s still crying?” asked Siwon softly.


“Yes you idiot! He’s been balling ever since he walked through the door! And if you think we’re going to let you in there just to let you— started Kangin.


“Siwon-ah…Kyuhyun told me what the fight was about—why would you even let something like this happen?” asked Leeteuk touching Siwon’s shoulder.


“Hyung, it wasn’t my choice—


“I believe that. But the way you went about it was just careless. How did you think he was going to react to news like this? How would you have reacted?” asked Leeteuk as he made Siwon look into his eyes.


Siwon sighed.


“I tried to keep it a secret for as long as I could—


“What secret?” asked Kangin.


Leeteuk and Siwon were quiet.


“Teuk, what secret?” pressed Kangin.


“Siwon-ah, this has become bigger than the two of you now…I think they deserve to know,” said Leeteuk, urging him to confess.


“My father has been arranging blind dates for me ever since he found out about Kyuhyun and I dating. He wants me to get married—


“What?!” came a collective outburst from Kangin, Yesung, Ryeowook, and Sungmin.


“Married?! Since when is getting married now an option?” asked Kangin.


“Oh poor Kyu, no wonder then,” said Ryeowook glancing at Kyuhyun’s door.


“At least now I have a good reason to kill you,” mumbled Sungmin rising from the sofa.


Siwon took a step back as he glanced at the other members.


“Why didn’t you just tell your father that you weren’t interested—tell him you're busy with schedules, he knows the policy in our contracts, right?” asked Yesung.


“It doesn’t matter. Even a ten year engagement would be better than nothing for him,” sighed Siwon.


“Have you met this girl yet? Maybe if you explain that you’re just seeing someone else, she would understand,” said Ryeowook.


“It’s too risky, that’s going to lead to too many unwanted questions,” said Kangin.


“Well what else is he supposed to do? It’ll seem strange if he keeps putting off the dates, right?” asked Sungmin.


“But if he goes, it would completely crush Kyu,” said Leeteuk softly.


“Exactly,” sighed Siwon as he walked closer to the door.


He put his head and his hand against the wood as he listened for a few moments.


“Baby, please…let me in. I’m sorry. I understand how much this hurt you. And see? I didn’t go…I came straight here, just to be with you. I don’t care what happens because of it, all I care about it you letting me hold you again,” said Siwon softly.


Kyuhyun was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at his feet. He had heard everyone’s words and now Siwon’s were filling his ears.


“You were right. I didn’t try hard enough earlier. But I’m gonna change that…I swear to you, this will never happen again. You are my first and my last, and if it comes down to me having to tell every last person on this planet, then that’s fine. I won’t hurt you again. You have my word.”

It was quiet as everyone waited to hear the stirrings from within. Siwon sighed, thinking that maybe Kyuhyun was serious when he said that he blew it.


“Just give him the night Siwon-ah, just to think things over,” said Leeteuk touching Siwon’s shoulder.


Siwon refused to budge from the door.


“I’ll just wait here then, if that’s okay,” he said.


Leeteuk looked at the other members who either nodded or shrugged.


“Okay then,” said Leeteuk.


Just as everyone was turning to leave Siwon at the door alone, the knob turned and a small crack opened in the door.


Siwon gasped before stepping quickly into the room, terrified that if he didn’t, the opportunity would be lost forever.


“Kyu!” he breathed, shutting the door behind him.


Kyuhyun said nothing as he threw his arms around Siwon’s neck, burying his face in his shoulder.


Siwon understood what Kyuhyun needed and simply wrapped his arms around his waist, holding him tightly.


The lasted like this for mere moments before Kyuhyun pulled away and looked at Siwon for a moment.


Siwon opened his mouth to speak when suddenly Kyuhyun raised his balled fist.


The first punch was soft, as it collided with Siwon’s shoulders. But the next one, and the ones after where quicker and filled with fury. As Kyuhyun’s angry fist collided with Siwon’s shoulder again and then his chest, repeatedly pounding into him, Siwon said nothing. He simply waited until Kyuhyun had had enough and went back to burying his face in his neck.


He could feel the dampness of Kyuhyun’s tears and saliva soaking through his shirt, and warming his skin.


“You came,” Kyuhyun finally breathed out, barely above a whisper.


“I told you I wouldn’t go,” said Siwon just as softly as he planted a gentle kiss to Kyuhyun’s neck.


Kyuhyun sniffled in response as he felt Siwon press more kisses to that same spot, determined leave a mark of his love so that Kyuhyun wouldn’t forget again who came first.


Outside of the room though, just as things were getting back to normal and the members had settled down on the couch again, there was a knock on the door.


“I’ll get it,” sighed Kangin.


He rose and walked to the door. Checking the security camera he let out an audible gasp.


“Kangin-ah, who is it?” asked Leeteuk looking over his shoulder at Kangin.


“I have no idea,” he said opening the door to reveal a woman standing in a skin tight red dress and a scowl on her face.






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Thank you!
sorry for the LONG wait guys. a lot has recently popped up in my life, but I have been working on this! just very slowly...


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mykyunie #1
Chapter 18: I love it
kyufever #2
Chapter 17: I miss your stories :) i always come back to read it every once in a while
Sikyu143 #3
Chapter 14: Unniee....please update TEN parts...T__T
Pinkhotel #4
Chapter 18: Hahahaha,, so it's one of flashback story when changmin meet Mina for the first time,,, and it's actually happy end because Wonkyu help
Chapter 18: i thought something serious happen to changmin, well actually just want to impress someone. Lol hahaha changmin the k-pop star falling in love with the girl who make him crazy over o,o
good luck changmin...
Chapter 17: daerim's friends really innocent and cute XDD admired wonkyu so much. Hahhaa
siwon pls look around bfr u took off ur shirt, you make their child looking ur good abs. LOL
Chapter 16: hahahaa so cuteeee daerim!!!!
She is most younger to understand to be silent in church. LOL
don't be stressed kyu, you should listen what did siwon's told. Kkkkk
Chapter 15: where will you go? Why so long? Ughh your baby will missed you and sulking all over the time won TuT