
WonKyu Fics

a/n: okay guys, bear with me.

this is the first piece I've written with wonkyu's second child making an appearance. as many of you know from the Merry Chrstmas Baby story, I decided to give them a second child. well it's a boy and I've named him Hyunjin. I plan to write kyuhyun's pregnancy with him later, so don't worry. but when I saw this photo, and a few others (^^), I just couldn't help myself!

So just a little headsup: 1. Hyunjin is 5 mos here. 2. which would make Daerim 7 y.o. and 3. Siwon no longer works in "the business world", he has returned to acting and modeling at this point (there will be more on that later)

I hope you enjoy^^


Kyuhyun slowly walked into the living room to see Siwon flipping over the parts of the sofa furiously.


The cushions were tossed over the sides of the sofa, laying haphazardly on the floor as Siwon was down on his knees running his hands along the interior searching for a piece of slim black metal and glass.


“Wonnie, what are you doing?” Kyuhyun asked seeing the devastation that Siwon was caused to their living room in a matter of minutes.


“I’ve gone through my luggage twice and I can’t find my phone anywhere! I swear I had it earlier and now I have no idea where I put it! I have to be out of here in thirty minutes in order to catch my flight and I can’t leave without it!” said Siwon panting hard as he stood up putting his hands on his hips.


Kyuhyun shoulders relaxed and then he snickered for a second when he realized the answer to Siwon’s problem was simple.


“Kyu, what about this is funny? How are you going to feel if I can’t call you while I’m gone?” asked Siwon with a frown.


“I don’t think that’ll be a problem Wonnie. Just come here for a second,” said Kyuhyun casually as he walked back down the hall.


“Kyu, I don’t have time—aish,” sighed Siwon shaking his head as he moved to follow him after realizing Kyuhyun wasn’t waiting for an answer.


Kyuhyun had stopped just a few feet in the doorway to their bedroom where he was waiting for Siwon. When he finally appeared beside him, he pointed.


“I thought you had learned by now Wonnie, if you’ve lost something, the better question is always ‘where is the baby?’” said Kyuhyun with a small chuckle.


Sitting up in the middle of their bed was Hyunjin and between his two small hands was Siwon’s phone. He didn’t notice Siwon or Kyuhyun standing there as he was completely occupied with trying to figure out the best angle to try and fit the phone into his mouth.


Siwon smirked as he looked up to the ceiling. “I guess it’s a little pointless asking how or why he has my phone at this point?”


“Well, he’s teething, so you know no object is safe from going into his mouth at this point. I guess we should just be glad that his experience is nowhere near as bad as Daerim’s was,” said Kyuhyun with a small shrug.


“That’s true,” said Siwon sitting on the bed beside Hyunjin.


As his voice drew nearer and the weight on the bed shifted, Hyunjin looked up with surprised eyes and smiled a gummy smile at Siwon. Every time he did that, Siwon swore it made his heart stop a little.


“Hey Jinnie,” he cooed the back of his soft brown hair. “So you had Appa’s phone this whole time? Why didn’t you tell me?”


Hyunjin pulled the phone away from his mouth for a moment to babble happily at Siwon, and a trail of saliva followed it all the way down to where it now rested on his lap.


Siwon cringed at the mess but then smiled as he saw Hyunjin lift his arms up towards him. His eyes grew soft as he picked up his son.


“Kyu…I can’t do it,” he said shaking his head.


“Do what?” Kyuhyun questioned with a frown as tried to understand Siwon’s meaning.


“I can’t leave him,” sighed Siwon as he closed his eyes, holding Hyunjin even closer in his arms. “I don’t want to.”


Kyuhyun watched as Siwon rubbed circles on their son’s back and tried not to let the reality of the situation hit him as well.


Daerim was at school now and she had said her teary goodbye this morning, which had been difficult enough. But eventually they had been able to send her off with the knowledge that when she came home today, her Wonnie appa would already be on a plane.


Kyuhyun on the other hand, had been pushing the approaching deadline into the back his mind, refusing to acknowledge the truth of the matter; Siwon was leaving for two months today.


It wasn’t the first time it was happening so Kyuhyun had simply refused to let himself get worked up about it. He had been so thankful that months had passed since Siwon’s last acting or modeling job had required him to travel for so long and he had somehow allowed himself to forget the sting of being left in the apartment without him.


“Wonnie,” he tried, clearing his throat. But he had to stop himself because he could feel the sting building in the middle of his chest.


“I know. I know I have to go. But all I can think about is…what if he…what if he doesn’t remember me when I come back?” asked Siwon softly as he finally looked over at Kyuhyun. “I know it’s only for two months, but he’s just five months old now.”


“Wonnie, I promise you, I won’t let that happen,” Kyuhyun said just as softly as he shook his head. That painful stinging had only intensified at Siwon’s words.


Siwon smiled weakly at him and then looked back at Hyunjin in his arms. He placed a kiss on his temple before walking over to where Kyuhyun was standing.


Passing him off to Kyuhyun’s waiting arms, Siwon hung his head low as he walked out of the bedroom, his phone fisted tightly in his hand.


Kyuhyun followed after him into the living room when he saw Siwon solemnly checking his things one last time.


Siwon had heard Kyuhyun follow into the room and he froze before turning around suddenly.


“I’m not going to go,” he said confidently.


Kyuhyun shoulders dropped and he sighed, exasperated, “Wonnie—


“No, Kyu look, I’ll just call manager Hyung and tell him they have to find someone else. I’ll tell him that the commitment is just too big for me now. I’ll take smaller jobs and—


“Wonnie, you have been wanting to work with this director for years. This chance isn’t going to come up again if you pass it up,” said Kyuhyun shaking his head.


Siwon’s eye twitched as he silently agreed with Kyuhyun.


“It’s okay if you're sad Wonnie, it’s even okay to cry if you need to, but you have to go, and now, or you’ll be late. The car to take you to the airport should be here any minute now, right?” urged Kyuhyun.


Siwon nodded awkwardly before his head popped up, with a small smile. “Why don’t you and Jinnie just come to airport with me?”


Kyuhyun’s eyebrows raised as he shook his head. “You know I hate saying goodbye to you at the airport Won. And packing everything up for him just for a one hour car ride both ways…no. We’ll walk downstairs with you and then you have to get into that car alone.”


“Will you at least text me until I get to the airport?” asked Siwon weakly.


“Of course Wonnie,” he said with a soft smile.


“And then once I’m there, we’ll Skype at least twice a day right? Once during the morning so I can see the babies and then once later at night so I can see just you, right?”


“Yes, I already agreed,” sighed Kyuhyun, though a smile had graced his lips.


Siwon smiled as well. He wanted to remember this feeling. Though his heart was heavy, he wanted to remember the feeling of when Kyuhyun smirked at him, letting him know he was a little frustrated but even more happy to know Siwon loved him so much. He wanted to store it away with the sound of his children’s laughter and the feeling of the wet kisses they left on his cheeks.


“Wonnie?” he saw Kyuhyun’s lips move.


“Yes, baby?” he asked snapping out of his reverie.


“Are you going to kiss me goodbye?” he asked, that smile still etched on his face.


It took fractions of a second for Siwon to close the gap between them. Siwon’s arms wrapped around Kyuhyun’s waist and Kyuhyun’s free arm wrapped snuggly around Siwon’s neck.


“We’ll be fine, don’t worry,” Kyuhyun said in his calm even voice as their foreheads touched, even though his heart was racing a mile a minute in his chest.


Siwon could only nod before he satisfied his need to kiss his husband. Hyunjin gurgled and laughed as he was hugged between both his father’s bodies. Siwon’s lips moved slowly against Kyuhyun’s, as he felt no rush to end the moment. But sadly, his phone which was now resting on top of one of his suitcases was ringing, signaling that the driver was definitely outside now.


“Don’t come downstairs,” Siwon said softly as he shook his head.


“Why not?” asked Kyuhyun, a tinge of sadness in his voice.


“Because I won’t get into the car,” said Siwon clearing his throat as he pulled away.


He the back of Hyunjin’s head before placing a long kiss to his forehead.


Kyuhyun felt slightly paralyzed as he watched Siwon slip on his shoes, and then his coat, and then reach for his bags.


“I’ll message you in the car, okay?” Siwon said putting on a brave face.


Now Kyuhyun could only nod. He watched as Siwon opened the front door and then moved his bags outside.


“Goodbye Jin-ah. Goodbye baby,” he said with his handsome smile.


“Goodbye Wonnie, have a safe flight,” Kyuhyun finally croaked out, forcing himself to let a smile be the last thing Siwon saw.


But it seemed that the second the door closed, separating them, both men felt the dampness of tears beginning to roll down their cheeks, something that didn’t surprise either of them.




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sorry for the LONG wait guys. a lot has recently popped up in my life, but I have been working on this! just very slowly...


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mykyunie #1
Chapter 18: I love it
kyufever #2
Chapter 17: I miss your stories :) i always come back to read it every once in a while
Sikyu143 #3
Chapter 14: Unniee....please update TEN parts...T__T
Pinkhotel #4
Chapter 18: Hahahaha,, so it's one of flashback story when changmin meet Mina for the first time,,, and it's actually happy end because Wonkyu help
Chapter 18: i thought something serious happen to changmin, well actually just want to impress someone. Lol hahaha changmin the k-pop star falling in love with the girl who make him crazy over o,o
good luck changmin...
Chapter 17: daerim's friends really innocent and cute XDD admired wonkyu so much. Hahhaa
siwon pls look around bfr u took off ur shirt, you make their child looking ur good abs. LOL
Chapter 16: hahahaa so cuteeee daerim!!!!
She is most younger to understand to be silent in church. LOL
don't be stressed kyu, you should listen what did siwon's told. Kkkkk
Chapter 15: where will you go? Why so long? Ughh your baby will missed you and sulking all over the time won TuT