
WonKyu Fics

Crush on the Appas


Daerim turned around, glancing at her friends strangely as two of them murmured behind her back, clearly excited.


Nara, her best friend, shrugged as she too glanced at the girls who were clearly buzzing with energy.


“What is wrong with you guys?” Daerim asked, not understanding their excitement.


“Nothing Unnie, just please, open the door already,” said Heeyoung, her tall friend with long straight hair, clearly the most impatient.


The other girl voiced her agreement and Nara simply shrugged again as Daerim turned to put the code in to unlock her front door.


Once the door was open, the two eager girls continued giggling as they hurriedly removed their shoes and then walked ahead of Daerim and Nara, looking around as they stepped deeper into the apartment.


“Omo!” said Heeyoung as she spun around, taking in everything about the large apartment.


Eunseo, whose was the shortest of them all, but with large eyes and wavy brown hair, grabbed Heeyoung’s hand and dragged her over to a giant book case along one of the walls in the living room. It was filled with albums and awards that both Daerim’s fathers had won throughout the years, independently and as Super Junior. It also contained photos from ceremonies and rehearsals, with famous celebrities and friends.


It was their careers contained in one space and both girls couldn’t tear their eyes away from it.


“I think we’ve found our answer,” mumbled Nara as she casually slung her bag off her shoulder and took a seat on the couch.


“That’s not fair, I mean, it’s kind of a natural thing to be interested in. That’s why my appas put it there, so people could admire it,” reasoned Daerim also taking off her bag.


“Yeah, their peers. Not girls a third their age,” laughed Nara.


Daerim shrugged.


“Well,  we should at least get started on the project. I think we can count them out for being productive. Thank god your appas aren’t home,” sighed Nara as she opened her bag.


“I think you're right, “ nodded Daerim, but her attention was diverted when she saw the two girls wander away from the bookcase and began peeking down the hall.


“Are you looking for something in particular?” she asked curiously as she walked over to the girls.


They both jumped when they realized they were being spoken to.


“Uh, well, it’s just…are you Appas home—especially your Siwon appa—“ asked Heeyoung.


“No! Your Kyu appa, is he home?” Interrupted, Eunseo.


Daerim sighed as Nara laughed in victory that she had been right.


“So this is why you wanted to be partners with us? To see my fathers?” asked Daerim, disappointedly.


Ever since starting high school, she and Nara had found it difficult to meet genuine friends when it became known early on that between them they had three famous fathers and a handful of equally famous “uncles”.


“No! It’s just…your Appa is just…well I mean,” said Heeyoung, clearly embarrassed.


“Look, her appas aren’t home. So take a photo or two of their wall, and then maybe you two should just go. Daerim and I can do the project by ourselves,” said Nara.


“No! Please, look, we’re sorry, we are fans of your appas—“ admitted Heeyoung.


“Obviously,” said Nara crossing her arms.


“What she means is, of course this isn’t the reason why we wanted to partner with you. We liked you before we had any idea who your fathers are, I swear. But if they were home, we’d just like to meet them. If they're not,  it’s okay, we still want to stay and work with you,” said Eunseo, genuinely as she looked at both Daerim and Nara. “And we’re sorry. You girls are great, we’re not just here because of your families.”


Daerim glanced at Nara who sighed, looking at both girls before giving Daerim a nod of approval.


“Okay,” said Daerim with a soft smile. We can go to the living room and work at the table there.”


It had barely been thirty minutes before the front door opened and all the girl’s attention was diverted away from their notebooks.


They heard soft mumbling and then a curse, before seeing Kyuhyun walk in, arms filled with grocery bags.


All four heads turned when they heard him step in and finally make his way to the kitchen. After lifting all of the bags on the counter, he walked around to the other side, which was in the kitchen, to begin putting everything away.


He had begun to hum a song to himself as he went into the first bag, only to naturally look up and finally see the eight pairs of eyes that were fixed on him.


“Oh!” Kyuhyun said, startled that he wasn’t in his home alone.


“Hi Appa,” said Daerim casually.


“Hi, sweetheart, Nara, and…?” asked Kyuhyun, not sure of who the other girls were.


“Heeyoung, it’s nice to meet you Mr. Cho,” she said shyly.


Kyuhyun nodded with a smile as he walked out of the kitchen and over to where the girls were sitting at the table.


Eunseo sat with slightly parted, as though she wanted to speak, but the words wouldn’t come out.


The other girls looked at her, only to laugh when they saw her clearly panicking now that he had approached them.


“This is Eunseo samchon, she’s your biggest fan. Apparently she stole her imo’s albums and old posters of you and has them all over her bedroom wall,” teased Nara.


Eunseo’s eyes grew. “Yah!”


“Oh, was I not supposed to tell him that?”’ laughed Nara playfully.


“It’s nice to meet you Eunseo, I’m always happy to meet Daerim’s school friends…and a fan,” he laughed gently.


“T-thank you,” she said softly, bowing deeply, to which the other girls laughed at again.


“What are you ladies working on today?” he asked.


“We have a Chinese presentation to work on,” said Daerim.


“Oh, that shouldn’t be too difficult should it?” asked Kyuhyun knowing for a fact that while Daerim was good at this subject, Nara had been speaking Mandarin since she was born because of her mother.


“Don’t worry samchon, I’ll keep the ship afloat, “ said Nara cracking her knuckles. “Hopefully these others wont make us sink.”


“Yah!” the other girls laughed, punching her arms lightly.


“Actually Kyu appa, we’re all pretty much at the top of our class. Eunseo went to middle school in China, so she’s basically like a native,” laughed Daerim.


“Oh, wow, that’s impressive Eunseo, what city did you study in?” asked Kyuhyun turning towards her.


“Uh…um.. it was uh,” she said turning pink at suddenly being addressed by him.


“Beijing, what’s wrong with you?” Giggled Daerim.


“She’s in love,” whispered Heeyoung.


“Unnie!” whined Eunseo turning to her.


“You just wait until her Siwon appa comes home,” teased Nara as she looked over at Heeyoung, who looked down, her cheeks flushing.


“Would you all like something to eat or drink?” asked Kyuhyun sensing the other girls were getting uncomfortable.


“Oh, Appa did you remember to get—


“Yes, I got your strawberries,” Kyuhyun said knowingly to which Daerim smiled.


“Thank you Kyu appa.”


“How about you girls?”


“Anything is fine,” said Heeyoung softly.


Eunseo just nodded along intensely.


“Well, I’d love some shrimp chips samchon,” said Nara.


“All right, I’ll bring over strawberries, shrimp chips and a few extra things for you all, just hang on a moment. Daerim-ah could you help me please?”


“Okay Appa,” she said hopping up and following after him towards the kitchen.


“You know,” he started once they began going through the bags of groceries. “You really shouldn’t tease those poor girls like that.”


“We’re not really teasing them Appa, okay, well, maybe Nara is,” said Daerim when she saw his eyebrow raise.


“But it’s just because ever since we had to leave our old friends behind and go to the international high school, it’s hard to find friends that like us for us. I told you on the second day that one girl told everyone who are fathers were. So now we’re constantly worried that you're the only reason they want to talk to us.”


“I remember, and I’m honestly sorry sweetheart. I know it’s hard for you to find genuine friends. Do you think that’s the case with these girls?” asked Kyuhyun glancing over at them as they talked with Nara.


“I thought so, at first. But I think we all get along quite well actually,” said Daerim with a small smile.


“Good,” said Kyuhyun returning it. “I know you didn’t have your heart on going to this school. But I think having good friends will help you enjoy it more.”


Daerim nodded and moved to put away the container that her appa handed her.


As they were still busy in the kitchen, the front door opened and they all heard two pairs of footsteps and a basketball drop to the floor.


“Kyu Appa!” called Hyunjin as he ran in, quickly looking for Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun and Daerim watched as only his bouncing hair was visible above the counter before he turned the corner into the kitchen.


“Appa, I’m hungry! Me and Wonnie appa played basketball for two whole hours! It’s so hot outside!” he exclaimed falling against Kyuhyun.


“Okay aegi-yah, then you need to go get out of these clothes and take a shower, when you finish, I’ll have something ready for you.”


“Appa!” groaned Hyunjin, frowning as Kyuhyun made him stand up properly. “I’m too hungry to wait! Please, can’t I just have something now?’


As Hyunjin continued to try and argue his way to food, Siwon finally walked in front of the counter.


“Kyu, baby can I have a glass of water. We ran out and I’m dying.”


“Appa!” yelped Daerim.


“What sweetheart?” asked Siwon, concerned as he saw the look on her face.


Kyuhyun looked over at Siwon and then put his hand to his mouth to hide his smile.


“Appa please! Put your shirt on!” groaned Daerim putting her hands to her head as she could already see her friends faces.


Siwon had completely removed his shirt and was currently wearing only his basketball shorts and socks, which was entirely normal in their household. Unbeknownst to him, there were three visitors sitting behind him, getting an eyeful of his toned back, the curve of his , and his strong calves.


“Wonnie, meet Daerim’s school mates,” said Kyuhyun trying not to snicker as he motioned behind Siwon.


Siwon immediately turned and saw Nara and two girls with their eyes wide and mouths open, gripping onto each other for support.


“Hi samchon,” laughed Nara as he hurriedly put on his sweat soaked shirt once again.


“Hello, girls, I apologize,” said Siwon, smiling though he was slightly embarrassed.


Heeyoung looked at though she may pass out at any moment so Nara took the liberty of introducing them all.


“Samchon, this is Kim Eunseo and Ahn Heeyoung, your biggest teenage fan these days I think,” smiled Nara as she motioned to both girls. “And you all of course know this is the one and only Choi Siwon.”


“It’s very nice to meet you both,” Siwon said with his famous dimpled smile, making Heeyoung let out a small whimper.


“I-I’ve seen every one of your films and dramas—I was so glad when you returned to making them—your last film was phenomenal—I saw it five times in the theater—your character was so funny, and charming—when do think your next one will be? Will it be a historical drama—or—or action, maybe even romance?” asked Heeyoung her eyes growing bigger and bigger.


While Eunseo had been rendered mute in front of Kyuhyun, Heeyoung seemed unable to filter all of her thoughts.


“I think you might need this. You have a little something there,” whispered Nara handing Heeyoung a tissue as she motioned to the corner of .


Realizing how crazy she must sound, Heeyoung looked down, “Sorry Mr. Choi.”


“It’s perfectly alright. But you’ll have to excuse me, I need to go take a shower and change into something more appropriate,” said Siwon with a small wave as he back away and walked towards the hall. “I’ll check in with you all later.”


As he passed the opening to the kitchen, he peeked his head in, “No one wanted to warn me before I walked half into a room with two teenage girls I’ve never met before?” he asked in a hushed voice.


“How was I supposed to know you would walk in with your shirt off?” shrugged Kyuhyun innocently.


“When don’t I after a run or basketball?’” asked Siwon shaking his head incredulously.


“Appa can you forget about your own embarrassment for a moment and understand that I now I am going to have to hear about how you stripped in front of my classmates right in the middle of my living room for at least the next month,” said Daerim.


“Stripped?!” said Siwon louder than he meant, making the other three girls laugh.


“Ugh! Please! Just go!” groaned Daerim pushing him out of the kitchen, only to grimace when her hands touched the dampness of his shirt.


“Fine, fine, I’m going,” said Siwon holding up his hands in defeat.


“Yah, Choi Hyunjin! Stop it, those are for your sister and her friends!” said Kyuhyun when he heard the clanking of the bowls while Hyunjin tried to eat some of the girl’s food.


“Kyu appa, I’m really hungry!” whined Hyunjin as Kyuhyun pulled him away.


“Wonnie,  take this one with you, please?” said Kyuhyun smacking Hyunjin’s bottom before pushing him towards Siwon.


“Fine, fine,” said Siwon as he put his hands on Hyunjin’s shoulders. “Oh, and Kyu?”


“Yeah?” asked Kyuhyun absentmindedly as he returned to handling the groceries.


 “Since you’re in snack making mode, maybe you could make me whatever you’re making the kid here as well?” he asked with a smile.


“And maybe one extra for us to split?” chimed in Hyunjin.


“Will the two of you go?!” laughed Kyuhyun shooing him out.


“Fine!” groaned Siwon, mimicking Hyunjin’s early whines before lifting the boy and tossing him over his shoulder, making the grumpy child laugh finally.


Daerim slumped against the counter as she heard the girls squealing together about what had just gone down, suddenly coming back to life after they were sure Siwon had gone.


“In one afternoon, Wonnie appa may have permanently ruined any chances of me having a normal high school career,” she mumbled glancing at Kyuhyun.


“Maybe,” Kyuhyun laughed handing her the tray of food, “but he’s definitely made it about ten times better for your two new friends.”



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sorry for the LONG wait guys. a lot has recently popped up in my life, but I have been working on this! just very slowly...


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mykyunie #1
Chapter 18: I love it
kyufever #2
Chapter 17: I miss your stories :) i always come back to read it every once in a while
Sikyu143 #3
Chapter 14: Unniee....please update TEN parts...T__T
Pinkhotel #4
Chapter 18: Hahahaha,, so it's one of flashback story when changmin meet Mina for the first time,,, and it's actually happy end because Wonkyu help
Chapter 18: i thought something serious happen to changmin, well actually just want to impress someone. Lol hahaha changmin the k-pop star falling in love with the girl who make him crazy over o,o
good luck changmin...
Chapter 17: daerim's friends really innocent and cute XDD admired wonkyu so much. Hahhaa
siwon pls look around bfr u took off ur shirt, you make their child looking ur good abs. LOL
Chapter 16: hahahaa so cuteeee daerim!!!!
She is most younger to understand to be silent in church. LOL
don't be stressed kyu, you should listen what did siwon's told. Kkkkk
Chapter 15: where will you go? Why so long? Ughh your baby will missed you and sulking all over the time won TuT