
WonKyu Fics

I wrote this a while ago. there isnt any specific time setting. it could be from a few years ago, it could be from now.




Kyuhyun shifted slowly in his sleep, not wanting to give in to waking up.


“Baby…I have to go now.”


Kyuhyun frowned at these words. His ears had heard them clearly and yet his body refused to act.


“I have to go to the airport…the car will be here any minute. Will you kiss me goodbye?”


Feeling a soft kiss pressed to his temple, Kyuhyun whined in his sleep before forcing himself to open his eyes.


“Wonnie?” he croaked out.


“Yeah baby, I have to go now, it’s time,” said Siwon Kyuhyun’s hair.


It was still slightly damp and the fresh smell of Kyuhyun’s shampoo immediately hit Siwon’s nose, making him smile sadly, knowing that this would be the last time he’d smell this for awhile.


Kyuhyun relaxed as the fingers his scalp, making him forget what was about to happen until Siwon’s fingers finally pulled away.


“Wait! No!” said Kyuhyun suddenly becoming alert.


He popped up quickly as if someone had prodded him with a brand, angry with himself that he had fallen asleep.


The last thing he had remembered was lying on his back, with his eyes closed, feeling Siwon’s tongue work the inside of his mouth. He had refused to let Siwon go the entire night, determined that he could convince him to do the impossible: stay.


“It’s not time is it?! It can’t be!” said Kyuhyun scrambling to find his phone that was lost somewhere in the twisted mound of sheets he was currently enveloped in.


Siwon held his up, making the screen glow in the darkness of the room, the numbers 4:25 am slapping Kyuhyun like a cold hand to the face.


“But I—I fell asleep—I didn’t mean to fall asleep—why didn’t you wake me?!” asked Kyuhyun, his heart racing in his chest.


“There was no point in staying up all night Kyu. You need your sleep, you have a schedule in the morning—


“I don’t care! You knew it was our last night…” Kyuhyun trailed off, the words tasting bitter in his mouth.


“Just go back to sleep, okay? I will call you later once I get there and once you're awake. There’s no point in getting worked up now—“ started Siwon as the back of Kyuhyun’s hair again.


Kyuhyun was hearing none of this as he gripped Siwon by his shirt and pulled him close.


Siwon’s hand felt heavy on Kyuhyun’s back, but he welcomed the weight. He wanted the heaviness to consume him, to pin him down to the mattress and never let him go, but sadly, he knew it couldn’t last that long.


His body trembled as he exhaled, fighting to hold back the tears. He didn’t want to cry now and risk missing any of what was to happen next. He wanted to remember the feeling of fingers crawling up his spine, cupping the back of his neck, and carding through his thick dark hair, moving the strands in slow waves.


A loud sniffle made the man beside him sigh uneasily.


“Baby…please, don’t do this to me,” Siwon whispered. “You promised me…”


“I know,” Kyuhyun started, his voice already hoarse. “But it’s…it’s hard,” he hiccupped.


Siwon removed his hand from Kyuhyun’s back and used it to rub over his own face.


“You knew this had to happen…you knew I had to go,” Siwon tried, though he knew his words weren’t making it easier.


Kyuhyun’s exhale came out as a rapid staccato, vibrating all the way from his chest.


“I just…don’t want you to go,” Kyuhyun said plainly, looking into the palms of his hands as if they held the answer.


When he heard Siwon say nothing, he turned to look at him, tears dripping rapidly from the ends of his eyelashes, nose, and chin.


“I know. But I have to. It’ll only be for a little while—


“Six weeks,” spit out Kyuhyun.


Siwon sighed.


“Things are just starting to be normal again,” Kyuhyun said sadly. “I finally have time to spend with you and now you're leaving me.“


“But when I come back, I’ll be all yours. Every bit of me, including my time, it’ll all be yours,” said Siwon reaching over to wipe away a stubborn tear that refused to fall from Kyuhyun’s chin.


Unable to respond to what he and Siwon both knew as an empty promise, Kyuhyun turned his head away so that he could dry his wet face on his pillow case.


Siwon’s hand continued to knead his back until Kyuhyun’s head turned back, but only exposing an eye to him.


“I’ll miss you,” he croaked out.


Siwon leaned close to Kyuhyun’s face, placing his head on the fluffy but now damp pillow as well.


“Well I’m not going to miss you,” Siwon said softly.


“What?!” Kyuhyun snapped, his brown furrowing as he moved to sit up. “How can you say that?!”


“Listen, listen,” Siwon chuckled, as he quickly moved on top of Kyuhyun, straddling him in an effort to calm him. “I have to be without you to miss you, right? And I don’t plan on ever doing that. You're gonna be there with me the entire time baby. Right here.”


Siwon took one of Kyuhyun’s hands and brought it up to his chest and then inside his shirt. After letting go of the anger he had suddenly felt, Kyuhyun let his fingers the skin right above Siwon’s heart.


“Understand?” Siwon asked now Kyuhyun’s cheek softly.


Kyuhyun nodded, a mild relief washing over him.


“Good. Now, I have maybe two and half more minutes before manager hyung calls, and I want to spend it with you in these arms, so come here,” said Siwon lifting his arm up.


Kyuhyun quickly snuggled against him, pressing himself as close to Siwon as he could.


To their dismay, it had only been a fraction of the time that Siwon had said before they both felt Siwon’s phone buzz through his pocket.


“I gotta go,” said Siwon moving to pull away.


“No, I still get you for another minute at least,” said Kyuhyun tightening his grip.


“Baby, you have to let go,” Siwon whispered running a hand through Kyuhyun’s hair before kissing his cheek again.


It took a few more seconds before he felt Kyuhyun nod and then let him go.


Standing up from the bed, Siwon’s eyes stayed on Kyuhyun as he watched him kneel on the mattress.


Neither said anything as Siwon reached down to grab his backpack off of the floor.


Once he was wearing it, he turned away and walked out of the bedroom and into the living room to grab his suitcases.


Arguing with himself to try and decide which whether or not he could stand watching Siwon actually leave, Kyuhyun’s head snapped up when he heard the wheels of the suitcases rolling across the wooden floor.


Leaping off the bed, he stumbled through the still mostly dark apartment to see Siwon standing at the front door.


Siwon glanced over his shoulder. There Kyuhyun was standing, hair tousled, shirt falling off of one shoulder and his dark briefs peaking out under.


Trying his hardest to be brave, Kyuhyun lifted his hand to give a soft wave, his face still heartbroken, unable to give even the smallest smile again.


Siwon nodded and then opened the door, dragging his bags out with him.


Looking back one last time, he pointed at Kyuhyun and then towards his own heart before letting the door close, separating them.




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sorry for the LONG wait guys. a lot has recently popped up in my life, but I have been working on this! just very slowly...


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mykyunie #1
Chapter 18: I love it
kyufever #2
Chapter 17: I miss your stories :) i always come back to read it every once in a while
Sikyu143 #3
Chapter 14: Unniee....please update TEN parts...T__T
Pinkhotel #4
Chapter 18: Hahahaha,, so it's one of flashback story when changmin meet Mina for the first time,,, and it's actually happy end because Wonkyu help
Chapter 18: i thought something serious happen to changmin, well actually just want to impress someone. Lol hahaha changmin the k-pop star falling in love with the girl who make him crazy over o,o
good luck changmin...
Chapter 17: daerim's friends really innocent and cute XDD admired wonkyu so much. Hahhaa
siwon pls look around bfr u took off ur shirt, you make their child looking ur good abs. LOL
Chapter 16: hahahaa so cuteeee daerim!!!!
She is most younger to understand to be silent in church. LOL
don't be stressed kyu, you should listen what did siwon's told. Kkkkk
Chapter 15: where will you go? Why so long? Ughh your baby will missed you and sulking all over the time won TuT