
WonKyu Fics

“Is she awake yet?” asked Kyuhyun chewing on his bottom lip.


“No, baby she’s still sleeping,” chuckled Siwon. “Honestly, I think you're more worried about this whole thing than she will be.”


“Well, you know how she was last night Won, I don’t want you to have to deal with that again,” sighed Kyuhyun.


“Baby, she’ll be fine, you’ll be back soon, and with any luck she’ll probably still be sleeping.”


“No, Wonnie, you really need to wake her up. It’s past ten,” said Kyuhyun.


“But she looks so peaceful lying there Kyu,” cooed Siwon.


“Yeah, well she’s peaceful now. Wait until tonight and that’ll be a different story. Wake her now, please,” said Kyuhyun.  “And call me back later, Yesung is giving me that look again, I gotta go.”


“Well it’s only the third time you’ve stopped to call, I can’t imagine why he’d be upset,” teased Siwon.


“Don’t make me sound like a crazy person!” laughed Kyuhyun. “I’m just worried about my baby!”


“I know, I know and when we hang up, I’ll go wake her up and I promise to keep her busy and happy until you get back. So just relax and sing well,” said Siwon.


Kyuhyun took a deep breath, “I will. Just remember to call me later, when she’s awake, okay?”


“I will.”


“Good—Yah Hyung! Give it back!” Siwon heard Kyuhyun’s voice suddenly yell.


“He’ll get this back after the next take Siwon. Have a good morning,” said Yesung before ending the call.


Siwon laughed as he shook his head before hanging up as well. As he pocketed his phone, he walked down the hallway and towards his bedroom.


When he peeked into the room, he saw that Daerim was still sleeping, spread out in the middle of the bed. With a small laugh he walked further into room and stood at the foot of the bed where he watched over her.


Kyuhyun had convinced Siwon into letting Daerim sleep with them last night after feeling guilty when Daerim had cried at the news of him going to the studio. Once morning had arrived, Kyuhyun had been able to sneak out without waking her. And as they had hoped, she had gone on to sleep late into the morning peacefully, long after Siwon had also left her in the room alone.


But, it was getting rather late in the morning, and knowing that she needed to wake up soon, here Siwon stood before her. Leaning forward, Siwon put his hands down on the mattress and proceeded to crawl on to the bed. He moved his way forward until he had just reached Daerim’s sleeping form.


Her brown hair was flared out in a tousled halo around her head. One of her small hands was grazing the side of her soft cheek while the other had been carelessly left to the side. Her cute small rounded tummy rose and fell with each steady breath she took. While her legs were bent at the knees and jutting out in different directions, making it look like she had been dancing in her sleep. Siwon stifled a chuckle as he admired how her pose completely contradicted with the calm of her little face.


Siwon sighed as he chewed on his bottom lip. He hated to wake her up when she looked so peaceful, but Kyuhyun had urged him to not let her sleep too late, or she wouldn’t sleep later. Having actually slept late himself, he decided that since they had missed breakfast time, they should at least have brunch, and so here he was. Carefully deciding the best way to wake her up.


“Daerim-ah,” he said softly.


Daerim stirred over so slightly, only to settle once again back into her comfortable position.


“Choi-Dae-rim,” Siwon sang, making his voice a bit deeper.


Daerim pouted in her sleep, but nonetheless her eyes remained closed.


Siwon smiled already knowing that she wouldn’t be that easily shaken. He would have to pull out the big guns.


So he leaned down and pressed his lips to her stomach, blowing air through his mouth to make a motorboat sound.


Daerim’s eyes suddenly blinked open as she woke with a jolt. When she realized what was happening, she instantly started giggling. Siwon smiled and then leaned down to do it again.


Drawing her knees up, Daerim erupted into giggles once again, trying to roll away from Siwon’s mouth.


Flipping onto her stomach, she thought that she could escape him, but he just blew another raspberry onto her back.


“Appa!” she laughed as she looked at him over her shoulder.


“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” he chanted as he made the bed shake with his hands.


Daerim smiled as she tried to find her balance on the shaky bed, falling over every time she attempted to stand up.


“Appa! No shake! I’ll fall down!” she laughed as Siwon finally ceased making the bed wobble.


 “Are you finished hibernating my little baby bear?” he asked with a smile as he attempted to smooth down her wild hair.


Daerim rubbed her eyes as she nodded.


“Good, are you hungry?”


Daerim nodded once again, but then she paused.


“Is Kyu appa home?”


“No baby…he’s still singing with Wookie samchon and Sunggie samchon,” said Siwon apologetically.


He could see the sadness starting to grow on Daerim’s small face, so he knew he had to think of something fast.


“Will you help Appa make brunch?” he asked. “I really need help and you're the only one that can do it. So will you help Appa?”


Daerim gave him a soft smile and nodded eagerly.


“Thank you aegi-yah, come on, let’s get started!” said Siwon holding out his hands.


Daerim quickly moved to the end of the bed and Siwon swopped her up high in the air before bringing her to back down to rest on his forearm.


“Hmmmm, what should we make? What should we make?” Siwon hummed to himself as he headed towards the refrigerator with Daerim’s arms slung around his neck.


“Mmmm…tteokbokki!” chirped Daerim.


Siwon snorted and then pinched her cheek.


“You are definitely Cho Kyuhyun’s daughter,” he said as she buried her face in his neck with a laugh, trying to avoid his fingers. “Tteokbokki is snack food aegi-yah, we need a healthy and hearty breakfast so you can grow up nice and strong.”


Daerim nodded thoughtfully as she watched Siwon pull out the ingredients one by one and set them on the counter.


Once they were all out and scattered on the countertop, Siwon put Daerim down and started separating everything.


“Wonnie appa I no see!” Daerim whined as she bounced up and down beside him.


“Oh, I’m sorry sweetheart,” said Siwon as he glanced around the room for something she could stand on. “Uh….wait right here.”


Daerim watched curiously as Siwon disappeared from the kitchen. When he re-entered moments later he was holding a small white step stool. He unfolded it and then leaned it against the counter. Then he lifted Daerim up and planted a kiss on her cheek before placing her on one of the steps.


Now that she could see everything, Daerim was more interested to help Siwon prepare their meal.


“So, Daerim-ah, what should we make with carrots, peppers, onions, ham, and eggs?” asked Siwon putting his hands on his waist.


Daerim pouted her bottom lip out as she thought hard before her eyes suddenly brightened.


“A cake for Kyu Appa!” she finally said throwing her arms in the air.


Siwon laughed at how excited Daerim was at the prospect of making a cake.


“A cake sounds nice aegi-yah, but I don’t think we can make that with only these foods. Maybe a pancake…or an omelet!” said Siwon clapping his hands together.


“Om…om-muh-let-uh?” Daerim said scrunching her nose.


“Yes, omelet, we’ll cut everything into really small pieces and then mix it together with egg in the pan. It’s Appa’s favorite breakfast and Kyu appa really likes it too. So maybe you will,” said Siwon as he began taking out the ingredients from their packages and containers.


Once everything was exposed, he took out a chopping board and one of their knives. Reaching for the bell pepper first, he began to slice it into strips before chopping it into fine pieces. Daerim watched with utter fascination as Siwon handled each vegetable, leaving the peppers in a small pile and then moving on to the onion. As he was finishing up chopping the ham, Daerim tugged on his shirt.


“Wonnie appa…I do,” she said looking up at him.


The last thing to chop were the carrots. Kyuhyun had cooked them the previous night for dinner, so they were already soft, and wouldn’t prove to be too difficult for her.


“Okay aegi-yah, you can try,” said Siwon putting down the knife.


He reached into the knife holder and pulled out a smaller knife, placing it on the counter before scooting Daerim and the stool closer to himself.


Daerim’s baby milk teeth grin was wide as Siwon steadied her little hands. With one hand on the knife and the other on the small carrot, he slowly ran the blade over the vegetable, creating small pieces on the cutting board.


“Appa! I did it!” exclaimed Daerim, not minding at all that Siwon’s hands were there.


“I see aegi-yah, well done,” said Siwon placing a kiss to the top of her head.


After they made it through the first carrot, they started in on the rest, with Siwon taking peeks at Daerim, amazed at how she stared intently at the task she was doing.


He was so proud of how well that she was doing and he thought it would be cute to show Kyuhyun how they were spending their morning. So with one hand he reached into his back pocket and pulled his phone out, opening his camera app.


“Okay Daerim-ah, look at Appa and say cheese!” said Siwon taking a holding up his phone.


Daerim’s head looked up from the pile of chopped baby carrot that she was still pleased about helping make.


When she saw the phone in his hand, she squinted her eyes and gave him a lopsided smile.


“Cheeeesssuuuhhh!” she called out looking towards him.


Siwon could barely contain his laughter at the adorable sight as he captured it.


Daerim giggled and then proceeded at eat a small piece of carrot.


Siwon opened his messenger and proceeded to send the photo straight to Kyuhyun’s phone, with the message: Good Morning Appa!


Kyuhyun was in the middle of a take when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. When a break in the music came, he quickly slipped it out of his jeans and then opened the message. Seeing the image made a smile appear on his face as he relished in how cute his daughter was. But just as he geared up to begin singing again, his eyes zeroed in on what it was the Daerim was actually doing.


He missed the starting mark which caused Yesung and Ryeowook to cut the music altogether.


“Is something wrong Kyu?” asked Ryeowook’s voice coming in through the speaker.


“S-sorry Hyung, I—can I take a quick break?”


“We just took a break five minutes ago!” cut in Yesung’s voice. “We’ve been working all morning on this song, I just want to finish it already Kyu!”


“I know, I know, but it have to call Siwon while our daughter still has fingers,” mumbled Kyuhyun dialing his husband.


What?” he heard Yesung faintly ask before Ryeowook hushed him.


Kyuhyun ran a hand through his hair as he waited impatiently for Siwon to pick up.


“Hold on aegi-yah, it’s Kyu Appa,” said Siwon as he backed away from Daerim to pick up his phone.


“Hey baby, how’s recording going—


“Are you insane?!” bellowed out Kyuhyun.


“Wh…I don’t know, why?” asked Siwon pausing.


“Why is our three year old playing with a knife Siwon?!”


“Oh, that. Baby, no she’s not playing with it, she’s just helping me make some brunch,” said Siwon relaxing a bit.


“How is it even possible that you don’t see the wrong in this?” Kyuhyun mumbled as he palmed his face.


“Kyu, it’s not as if I gave her the knife and walked away. I’ve been helping her the entire time,” said Siwon.


“But why would you give her a carrot of all things to cut? She’s too young, and it’s too dangerous, and I don’t like it. Just…please take the knife out of her hands, please,” sighed Kyuhyun.


“Okay, baby, relax, it’s was a cooked carrot from last night and we already finished that part, I promise you when you get back, she’ll still have all ten fingers.”

“Wonnie appa! I talk to Kyu appa!” Daerim said bouncing around him.


“Do you have time to talk to her for a minute?” asked Siwon leaning down to pick Daerim up with his free arm.


“Sure, “ said Kyuhyun glancing over at the sound booth and then turning his back to Yesung’s annoyed glare.


“Okay aegi-yah,” said Siwon hitting the button on his screen so that the call would go on speakerphone.


“Kyu appa?” Daerim called out experimentally.


“Aegi-yah! I’m so happy you’re awake! Did you sleep okay?” beamed Kyuhyun, a smile appearing the moment he heard her voice.


“Yes Kyu appa! Me and Wonnie appa are cooking!” she squealed happily.


“That’s wonderful baby, what are you making?” smiled Kyuhyun, happy to hear her excitement.


“Mmmmm, I don’t know….” She mumbled.


Siwon leaned close and whispered in her ear quickly.


“Om…om-uh-let-uh?” she fumbled out.


Kyuhyun laughed as he shook his head.


“Really Siwon?” he chuckled.


“I figured, I’d start introducing her to them early,” said Siwon with smile.


“Well eat well aegi-yah and be a good girl for Wonnie appa. I’ll be home soon, okay?”


“No, Kyu appa don’t go!” said Daerim sadly.


“Baby, I have to. The sooner I finish working, the sooner I can come home. I’m almost finished, I promise.”


“How much longer?” she pouted.


“Just a little bit longer. I only have one more song to do, and then I’ll be there, okay?”


“Okay, appa…I love you!” Daerim sang out.


“I love you too aegi-yah,” he said, a little sad to have to hang up.


“Good bye baby,” he heard Siwon’s voice say.


“Good bye Wonnie…no more sharp utensils!”


“Fine, I’ll do all of the chopping. Daerim wanted to try flipping the omelet anyway.”




“Just kidding baby, I know how you feel about letting her play with fire. …what about mixing the mimosas to go with it though?”


“I’m hanging up now,” sighed Kyuhyun.


“I love you!” Siwon squealed like Daerim.


“Uh-huh, you too,” Kyuhyun sighed with a small smirk. “See you later Wonnie.”








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sorry for the LONG wait guys. a lot has recently popped up in my life, but I have been working on this! just very slowly...


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mykyunie #1
Chapter 18: I love it
kyufever #2
Chapter 17: I miss your stories :) i always come back to read it every once in a while
Sikyu143 #3
Chapter 14: Unniee....please update TEN parts...T__T
Pinkhotel #4
Chapter 18: Hahahaha,, so it's one of flashback story when changmin meet Mina for the first time,,, and it's actually happy end because Wonkyu help
Chapter 18: i thought something serious happen to changmin, well actually just want to impress someone. Lol hahaha changmin the k-pop star falling in love with the girl who make him crazy over o,o
good luck changmin...
Chapter 17: daerim's friends really innocent and cute XDD admired wonkyu so much. Hahhaa
siwon pls look around bfr u took off ur shirt, you make their child looking ur good abs. LOL
Chapter 16: hahahaa so cuteeee daerim!!!!
She is most younger to understand to be silent in church. LOL
don't be stressed kyu, you should listen what did siwon's told. Kkkkk
Chapter 15: where will you go? Why so long? Ughh your baby will missed you and sulking all over the time won TuT