Chapter 22: Getting a Job.

Can a Harsh Life Get Better? *Junior Year*

You were unable to concentrate today, usually your very focused during the school day. In P.E you felt really dizzy, and at one point you were probably going to pass out. You went to the nurse and she just told you to lie down for awhile.

'Like thats going to work' you say, but you have too because shes staff, staff are always right blah blah blah.

You ended up falling asleep for an hour, missing the rest of P.E, atleast thats what the nurse told you.

"Oh, I have to get back to my class!" you tell her.

"Oh, are you feeling well? Maybe you should stay a bit longer?" she asks

"No, I think I can handle the rest of the day, Thank you" you say.

"Alright honey, whos your teacher so I can clear this up for them"

"Mrs. Lingly" you say

"Alright, get well!" she says while you head out.

You feel a bit better, but still light-headed. You manage through the day, until its time for dismissal.

You walk the steps to the exit, when you feel a slight tap on your shoulder.

"Ms.______, Can I talk to you for a moment?" Mrs. Lingly says to you.

"Uh, of course" you reply.

"Well, so far you are excelling in your exams, -"

"Oh, really? wow, I never would've thought" you say

"Ha, well anyways, we thought you could, well, help me grade the...lower standards students exams."

"But, what about my other exams" you say, puzzled.

"Well, we thought, that you don't have to take them!" she says.

"Oh, wow um, who else is going to be with me?" you ask,

"I'm unsure at the moment, but when are you avalible?"

"After school, I guess..." you say

"Alright, sounds great!" Mrs. Lingly says, walking away.


So you stayed with Mrs.Lingly after-school to grade the assesment tests and it was boring, but you realized over the time that you need to do something with your life besides hanging out after school with 12 perfect guys everyday which is sad but is the truth.

So the first place that came to your mind to get a job at was none other than....McDonalds.

Its was convienent because it wasnt too far and getting a job then was quick and easy, I mean all you have to do is take peoples orders right?

Not so right.

Once you got there, your soon to be co-workers gave you a dirty look and examined your school uniform which was the sailor type ( your favorite ) and you got the job because you have good grades and are able to maintain them throughout your high school experience.

You werent taking peoples orders because apperently you had to be "promoted" and so you started out by making fries, packaging burgers, etc. You wore a mcdonalds cap and apron. Ew.

By the end of your shift ( from after school to 6:30 pm ) you earned 24$ which is enough to buy a outfit at the mall with lunch.

You secretly grab 2 mcchickens and some fries and stuff them in a bag, one for you and one for Kyungsoo when you get home.

You take a taxi home, tired of smelling grease and smoke from peoples breaths in the drive-thru. You reach your home and your boyfriend greets you at door.

"Hey _______, what took you so-" he chokes on his words once he reads your uniform cap

"OHHH, you got a job at...McDonalds? Seriously?" he says, unimpressed.

"Thats the best I could do after-school..I mean" 

"Is that McChicken I smell? Nevermind I love your new job! Keep up the good work!" Kyungsoo says grabbing the paper bag, placing it on the kitchen counter and grabbing his fair share of fries, leaving some for you.

You change, and take a shower, you smell the smell of McChicken and you get hungry since you havent eaten since school.

You take your burger and fries, go into your room ( you share with kyungsoo ), turn on your laptop, and skype with your BFF since she wanted to show you her prom dress, and you showed her yours.

You had a fun night, but finally called it quits at around midnight. Shutting off your laptop, changing into your pjs and hopping into your bed that smelled like fresh laundry.

"Kyung, did you do the laundry whilst I was working?" you ask him.

"Yup, I had nothing better to do..You have quite the collection of pantie-"

"Shut up and go to sleep Kyungsoo you dont know what your talking about" you say giving him a cute little punch.

You never mean it, atleast you think you do.



FINALLY I AM DONE WITH THIS CHAPTER UGH it felt like forever! Wait for prom chapter ;')

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cindy_hoang #1
Chapter 24: I am really confused. With this chapter.
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 26: Yaya!! Didn't waste my time reading this!!
flioravak #3
Chapter 19: ^^ hehehe that was so cute! <3
flioravak #4
Chapter 18: YES! PLEASE~!
Lovelyy_April21 #5
Chapter 19: Well who doesn't like a little Cx
Finally she seen her mom and I wonder why she didn't tell her about her date
Update Soon(:
Lovelyy_April21 #6
Chapter 16: It will be nice to see it from his POV (:
Update soon (:
Fanfictrainee #7
Chapter 16: Please update author nim! Can't get enough, and D.O. POV plz? AHHAHAH thanks
flioravak #8
Chapter 10: Are you going to be continuing this? because it's soooo good! i laughed a lot while reading it, or is this the end of this series?