Chapter 20: The Week of the Exams

Can a Harsh Life Get Better? *Junior Year*

You are so glad you could make it through the morning, since you had your first exam for the week. Algebra. You didn't study, but you were confident in your results.

"Hey Natalie, how did you do on your test? you ask her.

"Better than usual actually!" She says 

"Good, I think I did okay". You say when you get distracted by a glittery sign you noticed.

"Hey, what does that say?" You say


"Oh we'll at least we both have someone to go with" says an excited Natalie

You are excited too, but your too worried about studying to go into a good or at least decent college in a year.


After school, you and D.O went home and ate some lunch to prepare yourselves for a whole night of hardcore...studying.

You guys start hitting the books when someone knocks on the door, you open it and to your surprise, Sehun is in front of you.

"Hi Sehun! What's up?" You ask

"Hey, um can I study with you guys? I asked the others and they didn't want me to come because they thought I wouldn't study, but I really need to pass these exams" he asks, with a long sigh afterwards

"Of course you can come in, we were just about to start studying too!" You say 

Sehun sits down, letting himself grab a snack and joining you and D.O on the couch.

After a good 2 hours with the 3 of you hard on you'd studies, Sehun brings up the dance to your confused boyfriend.

"So did you hear about the dance on Friday kyung?" He asks

"No. What dance?" 

"You dance and eat there, and you have to bring a date, which I been having trouble finding because I've been rejected twice today."

"Today wasn't a good day for you, was it?" You say

"Not at all, I really regret not studying for the test over the weekend, I was so wrapped up in Kyungsoos birthday I didn't think about it."

"Well don't worry, you'll find someone, and besides, you won't be the only one without a date" says D.O trying to cheer up the maknae.

A few more hours pass, and Sehun leaves.

You and Kyungsoo feel bad for him and wish him luck. You two cuddle up to a good movie and fall asleep.



Im back!! I'm so sorry I haven't been making any more chapters! I promise I'll get back to writing and I hope you guys will like it ^^


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cindy_hoang #1
Chapter 24: I am really confused. With this chapter.
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 26: Yaya!! Didn't waste my time reading this!!
flioravak #3
Chapter 19: ^^ hehehe that was so cute! <3
flioravak #4
Chapter 18: YES! PLEASE~!
Lovelyy_April21 #5
Chapter 19: Well who doesn't like a little Cx
Finally she seen her mom and I wonder why she didn't tell her about her date
Update Soon(:
Lovelyy_April21 #6
Chapter 16: It will be nice to see it from his POV (:
Update soon (:
Fanfictrainee #7
Chapter 16: Please update author nim! Can't get enough, and D.O. POV plz? AHHAHAH thanks
flioravak #8
Chapter 10: Are you going to be continuing this? because it's soooo good! i laughed a lot while reading it, or is this the end of this series?