Luhan, You Left Me

Luhan, I'm Smiling

Luhan awoke on the couch of his old apartment. He looked around and noticed that the sunlight streaming in through the living room window was unnecessarily bright. Luhan groaned and got up to look at the calendar on the wall.

December 24.

“Damn it,” Luhan groaned to himself. “I was out for 11 days this time.” Luhan sighed and walked to Yixing’s room, hoping to find the man there. Instead, he was greeted with an empty bed. The same went when he checked his own room.

“Huh, he must have gone out for some reason.”

Luhan looked around the empty apartment and sighed. “Nothing to do and nowhere to go. Being dead .”

To preoccupy himself, Luhan went to the couch and, solidifying his hand only, picked up the TV remote and turned it on.

“Yixing will probably just think he forgot to turn it off again. That man can be so forgetful sometimes.” Luhan chuckled to himself.

After almost two hours of just staring at the television, Luhan began to grow worried. “I guess this is how Yixing felt the night of my accident,” Luhan muttered to himself.

“Oh my god!” He exclaimed. “What if Yixing got in an accident himself, or did something stupid, or got in a fight, or fell into a toilet…” Luhan stood and began pacing, thinking of nearly impossible situations Yixing could have gotten himself into. He hadn’t realized he was yelling until he heard a key in the front door and a female’s voice yelling to quiet down.

Luhan turned to look at the now open door and saw Hao Yi holding Yixing’s keys, while Yixing as slumped against her, clearly unconscious.

“, what happened to him?” Luhan asked, running up to make sure Yixing was okay.

“Nothing that you were just yelling about, that’s for sure.” Hao Yi grunted back. “Would you mind helping me out here, Yixing is kind of heavy.”

Luhan bit his lip and looked away. “Umm, I can’t. His bedroom is down the hallway, the first door on the right.”

Hao Yi looked at Luhan in disbelief. “Seriously?! A girl is asking you for help and you’re too good to help?! What kind of is that?!” She yelled as she dragged Yixing past Luhan and to his room. Luhan looked at his feet and tried to stop his tears from falling.

When Hao Yi had finally come out of Yixing’s room, she looked at Luhan, who still had his head down. He looked up at her with red eyes. “Where did you find him?”

“I was coming home from work when I found him right outside the apartment building yelling your name. He kept going on about how you left him?”

Luhan nodded and turned away from Hao Yi as he tried to stop even more tears from falling. “Do you want something to drink, maybe some coke or something?”

Hao Yi sat on the couch uncertainly. “Just some water would be fine, please.”

Luhan busied himself around the kitchen as he took deep breaths to calm himself. He brought the glass of water into the living room and gave it to Hao Yi as he sat on the couch next to her.

“Why was Yixing saying that you left him if you’re clearly living here with him?” Hao Yi asked quietly.

Luhan sighed. “It’s kind of complicated.”

Hao Yi looked at him curiously. “I should go. It’s getting late.”

Luhan nodded and stood up to show her out. “Hey, if you weren’t planning on doing anything for Christmas tomorrow, why don’t you come by tomorrow? I don’t want Yixing to be alone on Christmas.”

Hao Yi looked at Luhan again. “What do you mean? Won’t you be here?”

Luhan smiled at her and held the door open. “See you tomorrow, Hao Yi.”

Luhan shut the door behind the confused Chinese girl and went back to the couch. “She’s going to need to find out sometime.” He said to himself quietly.

He stood up and went to Yixing’s room, carefully taking a seat next to his sleeping best friend on his bed and sighed, watching Yixing’s chest rise and fall.

“What are you doing to yourself, Yixing?”

Luhan sighed as he listened to Yixing’s sleep induced mumbling. “Luhan, you left me.”

Luhan closed his eyes as tears trailed down his cheeks again. “I know, Xing. I’m so sorry.”

Luhan stayed by Yixing’s side for the rest of the night, watching his chest rise and fall.

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Chapter 24: 💜💙
Chapter 5: 5 Chapters in and I still can't stop crying T.T
This is really good!
Squerk2 #4
Chapter 13: Love the story so far! Can’t wait for the next episode :)
Cass_Addiction19 #5
Found this fic today, seems interesting. Update soon please ^^
Chapter 4: I like this story, I'm both a fan yixing and lulu. And I love the idea about the mission thing its kind of unique =)) kee p it up authornim =)