Luhan, Thank You

Luhan, I'm Smiling

It had been four days. Four days since Yixing had lost his way yet again. Every day, he went to Hao Yi’s apartment, pleading for her to open the door and to listen to him. Four days of silence. He had no way of seeing her at work, as the café had closed down for repairs, and all of the employees had been put on temporary leave.


Yixing woke up on the fifth day and slowly made his way to Hao Yi’s apartment. As he raised a hand to begin his daily ritual, the door swung open. Hao Yi stood in the doorway, a look of surprise on her face.


“Hao Yi,” Yixing whispered quietly, tears threatening to spill over. He looked down at her arm and noticed the bruise, which had now turned an ugly yellow color, but was slowly healing regardless. Hao Yi noticed his stare and went to cover the bruise with her other hand, but he caught it halfway. His other hand lightly traced the mark as he wrapped his hand around her arm, and Hao Yi shivered at the light touch.


“Oh god,” Yixing muttered under his breath. The bruise matched that of his hand. “I didn’t know, Hao Yi, I’m so sorry.”


She took a deep breath and slowly peeled his hand off of her, setting it back down at his side.


“It’s okay.”


“No, it’s not. I’m not this person, I never have been. But I hurt you, and you didn’t deserve this. You didn’t deserve any of this.”


“I was the one that pushed you and took it too far. I shouldn’t have said those things. I was scared, and it just came spilling out.”


Yixing shook his head furiously. “That’s still no excuse for hurting you.”


Hao Yi glanced to her side and looked at Luhan, who smiled and nodded his head towards Yixing. She took a deep breath and stepped towards Yixing, wrapping her arms around him in a hug, hiding her face against his broad chest.


“I won’t forgive you, not yet. I can’t. But I’m done shutting you out. Neither of us deserves that right now, and it’s not going to do us any good.”


Yixing cried as he held onto her tightly.


“I missed you so much,” he said against her hair, inhaling her scent, as if she could disappear at any moment.


Hao Yi subtly looked to the side and locked eyes with Luhan, mouthing a quick thank you to him as he looked on sadly.


Luhan, thank you.

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Chapter 24: 💜💙
Chapter 5: 5 Chapters in and I still can't stop crying T.T
This is really good!
Squerk2 #4
Chapter 13: Love the story so far! Can’t wait for the next episode :)
Cass_Addiction19 #5
Found this fic today, seems interesting. Update soon please ^^
Chapter 4: I like this story, I'm both a fan yixing and lulu. And I love the idea about the mission thing its kind of unique =)) kee p it up authornim =)