Luhan, What Do We Do?

Luhan, I'm Smiling

Hao Yi bid Yixing a goodbye when they reached their floor, and she walked slowly to her apartment. She looked back to watch as Yixing entered his apartment and shut the door, but not before he gave her a quick smile and a nod, and shut the door behind him.


She took a deep breath and laid a hand on the handle, willing her heart to calm down before she went in, knowing Luhan would be waiting for her.


She turned the door and braced herself, walking in. Luhan sat crouched over on the couch, deep in thought. He turned to look at her when he heard the door close and she moved to sit next to him. He turned to face her and took a deep breath.


“So?” She asked, her voice quivering.


Luhan looked at her hard, trouble brewing in his eyes. “I went by the police department downtown when I came around today. It took me a while, but I finally stumbled upon two guys who were having a conversation about the cases.”


“The cases, meaning yours and- “she interrupted.


He nodded, looking down. “Yea, my car accident and other cases similar to it. Similar to it meaning cases involving Chinese people. Our people.”


“But then that would mean that these actually are… hate crimes? Are there really those types of people out there?”


Luhan nodded, looking at her sadly. “There are, unfortunately. And if they got to me, then we need to watch out, especially for you and Yixing. I can’t let anything happen to the two of you. I think that’s why I’m still here. To protect you two.”


Hao Yi stood up and wrung her hands nervously, pacing the small living room. “This can’t be happening. I moved here to help my family, so I could send my mother money and she wouldn’t have to provide for me. And now my life is in danger for being born in the wrong country? Because someone doesn’t like where I come from? This is ridiculous!”


She started crying, brushing her hands through her hair as the emotions started pouring out of her. Luhan stood and went to comfort her, but stopped when he realized he could do nothing. He watched on as she broke down, hugging herself. He made the choice that he could do without the energy, and solidified his hand, just enough to pat her hair reassuringly as she crouched down on the floor.


“Luhan, what do we do? I’m so scared.” Her voice, trembling, reminded him of a little girl who hadn’t faced any of the world’s cruelties yet. A little fawn, innocent and doe eyed.


“I don’t know, Hao Yi, but we’ll figure something out, I promise.” He said quietly. She nodded and stood, moving back to the couch and taking a few deep breaths until she had calmed down.


“What about Yixing? Should we tell him?”


Luhan shook his head and looked at her. “If you tell him, you’ll have to explain how you know, and he can’t handle that. He’s been doing so well lately.” He smiled slightly and gave her a knowing look.


Hao Yi blushed and looked down. “You saw that?”


Luhan chuckled. “It’s no big deal. I knew he’d have to move on at some point, and I’m glad you’re the one to be there to help him. Although, if I’m being honest, if I were still alive, I definitely wouldn’t have let you go without a fight.” He gave her a playful wink, and she laughed softly.


“Honestly, though, we need to get those articles out of his room. That’ll be a start for us. I can go back to the police station again tomorrow and look at what other information I can gather while you and Yixing work.”


Hao Yi nodded. “That sounds good. Do I need to take any precautions? You know, just in case?”


Luhan thought for a moment, and then nodded. “Yes, but nothing too serious. When I’m not around carry some pepper spray with you. Nothing else, you don’t want to raise suspicion, especially with Xing. But I’ll try to be around as much as possible and keep a lookout for you.”


Hao Yi nodded and disappeared to her room quickly to grab the pepper spray she kept hidden in her nightstand, stuffing it into her purse messily. She felt a little better, knowing she had some form of protection, and knowing Luhan was there to watch over her and Yixing. But would it be enough?


“Will you still be here in the morning?” She asked slowly, looking at the broke man still seated on her couch.


Luhan nodded and smiled. “I’m going to go check on Yixing, but yes, I’ll still be here in the morning. It’ll be a few days before I fade again, maybe even a week or two. It gets better with time, and as long as I don’t use too much energy.”


She nodded and smiled thankfully. “Then, I’m going to get ready for bed, then. I’ll see you in the morning. And Luhan? Thank you.”


Luhan nodded and got up, leaving Hao Yi alone in her apartment. He walked quietly towards his old apartment and stepped inside, looking for Yixing.


He saw him immediately, just sitting on the couch, watching a random rerun of a variety show. His eyes looked empty and he zoned out, but he wasn’t drunk. That’s a start, I guess, Luhan thought to himself.


He went to sit next to his friend and looked at the TV. “We’ve seen this one, Xing. Remember? We watched it that one night after you tried finding some real Chinese food, and all we got was some crappy steamed dumplings.”


Yixing chuckled and shook his head, changing the channel, almost as if he could hear Luhan. He stopped when he reached an old Chinese movie turned off the subtitles, and settled in, getting comfortable. About 30 minutes into the movie, his eyes started drooping shut and his head lolled to the side. Luhan chuckled and stood, solidifying himself enough to turn off the TV and get a blanket to cover the other man with.


When all was said and done, Luhan walked back to the door, but stopped and looked back. “I’ll see you in the morning, Xing.”


He smiled and left, walking back down the hall to Hao Yi’s place. He walked in and went to her bedroom and smiled sadly at her sleeping form, passing a hand softly through her hair.


“I’m glad it’s you, Hao Yi,” he whispered softly.

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Chapter 24: 💜💙
Chapter 5: 5 Chapters in and I still can't stop crying T.T
This is really good!
Squerk2 #4
Chapter 13: Love the story so far! Can’t wait for the next episode :)
Cass_Addiction19 #5
Found this fic today, seems interesting. Update soon please ^^
Chapter 4: I like this story, I'm both a fan yixing and lulu. And I love the idea about the mission thing its kind of unique =)) kee p it up authornim =)