Luhan, This Can't Be It

Luhan, I'm Smiling

Yixing paced around the room as an officer watched him with wary eyes.


“Now?” Yixing stopped and turned to the officer, hope on his face. As the officer shook his head, Yixing sighed and began pacing again.


“Jun Myeon will call when there’s information, there’s no use in beating yourself up over it,” the officer said in a bored tone.


Yixing sighed again and sat down in the chair next to him. “What’s your name?”


“Oh Sehun. Now can I please get back to my work?”


Yixing looked down in embarrassment as he watched the clock ticking on the wall, the room filled with an uncomfortable silence.


A cellphone rang through the empty air, and Yixing jumped out of his chair. Sehun eyed him and pulled his phone out of his pants pocket, answering it quickly.


“Yes sir, understood. Yes sir. I will. Okay.” He hung up the phone and stood up slowly.


“Let’s go,” he walked out of the room, not bothering to see if Yixing was following him.


Yixing scampered out of the room, following the officer’s trail closely.


“Was that Jun Myeon? What did he say? Did they find Hao Yi?”


Sehun stopped and spun around, and Yixing halted immediately, their faces inches apart. Sehun sighed and started walking again.


“Just, come on. You’ll see.”


The two men walked out of the building and towards the parking lot, sliding into a sleek, black car. The ride didn’t take too long, and Sehun parked in front of a hospital.


“What, what are we doing here?”


Sehun silently exited the car and made his way to the hospital entrance, with Yixing following closely behind. Jun Myeon stood next to a nurses’ station, talking quietly into his phone. When he saw the two, he finished his conversation and hung up the phone swiftly, sliding it into his jacket pocket. He gave Sehun a nod as he walked towards them, and the younger quickly took his leave.


When Jun Myeon stopped in front of Yixing, he felt a heavy weight on his heart. “Is she…”


Jun Myeon smiled and shook his head. “She’s in surgery now, but they said we got her here just in time. The doctor should be out with an update momentarily.”


“And the men?”


Jun Myeon patted Yixing’s shoulder and nodded. “We got them. They won’t be a problem anymore.”


Yixing collapsed, the weight of the world officially off of his shoulders, and he felt like he could finally breathe for the first time in months.




Yixing looked up and saw a doctor walking towards them, and he stood quickly.


“Hao Yi is out of surgery and is currently in recovery. You’ll be able to see her in few moments.” The doctor eyed Yixing, and Jun Myeon quickly intervened.


“He’s family.”


The doctor nodded in understanding and continued on. “She had tremendous damage to her neck, but it missed the carotid, so we were able to save her in time. No broken bones, but judging from what she had to go through, she’s going to be sore for quite some time. We’d like to keep her here for a week to keep an eye out and rehydrate her. She’s lucky to be alive, needless to say.”


“Oh god,” Yixing whispered as he held a hand to his gaping mouth.


Jun Myeon wrapped an arm around the Chinese man, giving him the support he needed. “She’s alive, Yixing, that’s what matters. She’s alive.”


Yixing nodded and gulped, looking at the doctor. “Can you please take me to her?”


The doctor nodded and turned, motioning for the other two men to follow him. When they reached Hao Yi’s room, Jun Myeon motioned for Yixing to go in while he stayed behind to talk to the doctor. Yixing took a deep breath, and stepped into the room.


Hao Yi was still unconscious, but the sight of her made Yixing gasp and brought tears to his eyes. Her face was still slightly swollen, and she had a large bandage wrapped tightly around her neck. Yixing slowly walked to her side, and slowly grabbed her hand.


“Hao Yi, I’m so sorry,” he whispered quietly.


“Not your fault,” he heard a quiet, raspy whisper, and his eyes shot up. He felt a light squeeze in his hand, and saw Hao Yi’s eyes flutter open.


He smiled and her cheek softly, taking care not to hurt her.


“You shouldn’t have gone without me,” Yixing said quietly.


Hao Yi laid her hand on the hand Yixing still had on her cheek, and smiled softly. “We’re safe now. That’s what matters.”


Yixing sat on the bed next to her, closing his eyes tightly. “But what you had to go through,

I can never forgive myself for letting you get hurt.”


Hao Yi sighed and rubbed his back lightly. “There’s nothing to forgive. You didn’t let me do anything. I’m a grown woman, and I make my own choices. The only thing that matters now is that we’re both alive and safe.”


Yixing turned and smiled at her, leaning down to give her a slow, sweet kiss. Hao Yi smiled at him as he pulled back.


“I missed that,” she joked lightly. After a few minutes, she yawned. Yixing stood and gave her one last peck on her forehead.


“I’m going to let you get some sleep. I’ll be back first thing in the morning, promise.”


Hao Yi nodded and watched him leave, shutting the door quietly behind him. Hao Yi sighed and closed her eyes, letting sleep take over.


When she opened her eyes again, the clock on the wall said it was two in the morning. She to her side, trying to find a more comfortable position, but gasped when she saw a figure in the room.


“Luhan, you scared me!”


He smiled softly and stepped closer to her bed. He looked down at her hand as his passed right through.


“I just had to make sure you were okay one last time.”


Hao Yi looked up at him questioningly. “One last time?”


Luhan gave her a sad smile. “It’s like you said, we did it. You survived, and I completed my mission. So, time’s up.”


Hao Yi sat up quickly, but stopped when a wave of pain roared through her body. Luhan lunged forward, a look of concern on his face, but stopped when he realized there was nothing he could do, not anymore.


“What do you mean ‘time’s up?’” She groaned once the pain had subsided.


Luhan took a seat next to her, keeping himself small. “My mission is over. You’re alive and our people have nothing else to worry about here now. You’re safe.”


Hao Yi cried quietly as she listened.


“I’m glad that you were my mission, Hao Yi, and I can leave this world happily knowing that you and Yixing will be able to take care of and love each other, that neither of you will be alone. MY job is done, and it’s time for us all to move on.”


Hao Yi looked at him, nodding in understanding, still crying. “Luhan, this can’t be it. What about everything else? I haven’t even really thanked you for everything. For bringing me Yixing and saving my life. Everything.”


He smiled down at her and gave her a playful wink.


“I’ll see you around, cupcake. Take care of yourself, and take care of Xing for me.”


Hao Yi watched as Luhan faded, and she was left alone in the room once and for all.

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Chapter 24: 💜💙
Chapter 5: 5 Chapters in and I still can't stop crying T.T
This is really good!
Squerk2 #4
Chapter 13: Love the story so far! Can’t wait for the next episode :)
Cass_Addiction19 #5
Found this fic today, seems interesting. Update soon please ^^
Chapter 4: I like this story, I'm both a fan yixing and lulu. And I love the idea about the mission thing its kind of unique =)) kee p it up authornim =)