Luhan, Are You Here?

Luhan, I'm Smiling

It was hours before Luhan finally reached Seoul, and he could feel himself draining, but he couldn’t stop, not yet. He knew if he stopped now, the she was as good as dead.


He ran towards Yixing’s apartment and came up empty. He yelled in frustration, and ran back out to the busy streets of Seoul, heading towards the police station. After a few minutes, he ran inside, following the maze of hallways until he reached the room where the detective and officers were working on this case.


Jun Myeon sat at the table, staring blankly at the open computer screen in front of him, his hands folded and held up to his mouth. Three other officers were wandering around the room, making various phone calls and sifting through different case files. Yixing sat in a corner, his eyes glazed over as the other men in the room worked around him.


Luhan looked around worriedly, his eyes wide. “Okay, only a few more minutes. If I’m doing this, it has to be now.”


He ran to the room next door and grabbed a pen and a scrap of paper, quickly jotting down the address of where Hao Yi was being kept. He could feel the exhaustion taking over as he crumpled the paper in his hand and ran back to the other room and towards Jun Myeon.


“Come on, come on, just a few more seconds, just give me that much,” Luhan muttered to himself as he reached out, letting the paper slip from his fingers and onto the computer were Jun Myeon was working. He faded just as he saw Jun Myeon pick up the small slip of paper and read the address.


“What’s that, sir?”


Jun Myeon ignored the officer as he stared at the piece of paper. He quickly set it down and typed in the address on the computer in front of him.


“Sir?” The officer asked again.


Jun Myeon looked up at the voice, as if he had forgotten anybody else was in the room. “This piece of paper just flew out of nowhere with an address to an abandoned warehouse about an hour from here.”


The officers gathered around, looking at the paper questioningly.


“I don’t recognize the writing, it didn’t fall out of any of the case files or come from any of our officers. Weird,” the officer who spoke before observed.


Yixing stood and slowly made his way to the huddle, looking over out of curiosity.


“That’s Luhan’s handwriting,” Yixing choked out.


Jun Myeon turned to look back at the Chinese man. “Luhan? As in…?”


Yixing nodded gravely.


Jun Myeon nodded back and shut the computer off. “Alright, I want three squad cars en route to this location immediately. We’ve been given a chance by some weird twist of fate, and we’re going to make it count, whether it’s a dead end or not. Everybody, make sure your weapons are ready and you’ve got plenty of backup ammunition. Call for backup and have them on standby. Let’s move out, men.”


Yixing got lost in the chaos that erupted shortly after, and pushed his way towards Jun Myeon, grabbing him by the sleeve.


“What about me? I can’t just wait around while she’s out there.”


Jun Myeon looked at him and shook his head. “We can’t have you out there, Yixing. If this is it, it’s going to get dangerous, and I can’t have another civilian caught in the crossfire. Just wait, I’ll have somebody call back here with an update when we have one.”


Yixing nodded as he took a seat, watching the officers run around, until the room had cleared, and he was left alone.


He stood and walked towards where Jun Myeon had been sitting, and picked up the scrap of paper with his handwriting. A tear escaped his eye as he looked around the now empty room.


“Luhan, are you here?” He choked down a sob as he fell into the chair, finally breaking down.

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Chapter 24: 💜💙
Chapter 5: 5 Chapters in and I still can't stop crying T.T
This is really good!
Squerk2 #4
Chapter 13: Love the story so far! Can’t wait for the next episode :)
Cass_Addiction19 #5
Found this fic today, seems interesting. Update soon please ^^
Chapter 4: I like this story, I'm both a fan yixing and lulu. And I love the idea about the mission thing its kind of unique =)) kee p it up authornim =)