Luhan, It's Time

Luhan, I'm Smiling

Yixing rushed through the doors of the police station, sweat running down his brow. He ran unceremoniously to the front desk, panting wildly.


“Please, you have to help, my girlfriend has gone missing, and- “


“Fill out a missing person report and someone will call to set up and interview with inquiries.” The officer at the front desk shoved a clipboard towards Yixing without taking his eyes off of the computer screen.


“No, you don’t understand, it’s been hours, and she doesn’t do this!” Yixing screamed out, quickly losing his temper.


Luhan stood off to the side nervously. “Good, Xing, make a scene. You need to make them hear you.”


Yixing continued screaming at the appalled officer before running out of words and switching to Chinese without skipping a beat.


After a few more minutes of screaming, Yixing fell to his knees, defeated.


Switching back to Korean, he continued softly. “Please, her name is Hao Yi. She’s as tall as my shoulders, with long brown hair, and big, brown, doe-like eyes. She’s Chinese, and I think she’s in trouble.”


A troubled looking man in regular clothes came up, crouching next to Yixing. “Did you say she was Chinese?”


Yixing nodded and looked up to the man with tears in his eyes. “Yes. Her name is Hao Yi.”


The man helped Yixing up onto his feet and pulled him along with him, Luhan following quietly, nodding in approval.


“My name is Detective Kim Jun Myeon, and I need you to tell me everything that you know.”


Yixing rushed to follow him into a conference room, looking around at the whiteboard and newspaper headlines, all of the boxes with case files, the names and faces hung up.


“So the media was right? It’s all been intentional?”


Jun Myeon averted his eyes as he moved a few manila folders aside, making space for the two men to sit down and have a conversation.


Yixing walked over, but stopped when a case file caught his attention. The black print on the tab caught his attention and his blood ran cold.


Case #46291: LuHan


Yixing picked up the folder with shaky fingers, and Luhan peered nervously over his shoulder.


Flipping it open, he shuffled through the case notes, reports, and photos. He wanted to put it down, but the photos were too much to put down. He couldn’t. Luhan wrenched back a sob as he looked over Yixing’s shoulder, looking at the carnage from his accident all over again. His own mangled body, his dead eyes staring out into nothing. All the blood.


“Oh god,” Yixing cried as he fell into the chair next to the detective.


Jun Myeon looked on with pity filled eyes. “I take it you knew him?”


Knew. Past tense. Yixing dropped the case file onto the table and rested his head in his hands, nodding softly.


“He was my roommate here, my best friend.”


A moment of silence, and Jun Myeon cleared his throat, looking away uncomfortably.


“Now, this girl, you said she’s been missing? For how long?”


Yixing nodded, looking up at him. He checked the time on the clock and thought back. “She left to get groceries around six. So, a little over five hours. Please, you have to find her. The café we work at together was vandalized, and she was so scared after that. She wanted to go back to China, and I didn’t let her go. God, I should have let her go.” Yixing sobbed, cradling himself in his arms.


Jun Myeon got up quickly and walked to the whiteboard, pulling down three pictures and quickly walking back to the Chinese man, taking a seat again. He slid the pictures over to him.


“Do any of these men look familiar to you at all?”


Yixing sniffled and wiped his eyes on his shirt sleeve, picking up the pictures and staring at them intently.


One picture caught his attention immediately.


“This one. He was having some coffee at our café a few weeks ago when Hao Yi accidentally spilled some on him. He was outraged when it happened. Oh god, is it him? Is he the one ding all this?”


Realization dawned on Yixing’s face as he started to hyperventilate.


The detective put a hand on Yixing’s shoulder, trying to calm him down. He waited until he was breathing normal before he continued.


“We’ve been tracking his moves for a while now, but he’s elusive. That’s why we haven’t been able to bring him in yet. He’s running a Korean supremacist group against Chinese people residing here in the country. As you know firsthand, unfortunately.”


“So what do we do now? We need to get people out there looking for her! I mean, he’s dangerous.”


“It’s not that simple. We’ll need to track down her steps, where she was, who saw her. We’ll get started immediately, but it may take some time. I’ll have one of my officers come in and take all of the details of where she was going and what she was wearing. In the meantime, we’ll get you some food and water.”


Yixing nodded, and Jun Myeon got up from the chair, leaving the Chinese man alone with his thoughts.


He walked into the room next door and instructed one of the officers in there to question Yixing and get as much information about the missing girl out of him as they could.


Luhan followed Jun Myeon to the bathroom, where he stood by a sink, staring at himself in the mirror.


“,” he muttered, rubbing a hand over his tired face. One last look in the mirror, and Jun Myeon put on a blank face, Luhan still following closely behind.


The two were walking down the hallway when another officer ran up between the two, the one who had been questioning Yixing.


“She was headed to Daerah Grocery Mart in Yongsan to get groceries. I’ve already dispatched two officers with her description and a photo to go get a statement from the owner.”


Jun Myeon nodded, telling the officer to carry on. Luhan huffed as he stopped, spinning on his heels.


Alright, Luhan, it’s time to take this into our own hands.

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Chapter 24: 💜💙
Chapter 5: 5 Chapters in and I still can't stop crying T.T
This is really good!
Squerk2 #4
Chapter 13: Love the story so far! Can’t wait for the next episode :)
Cass_Addiction19 #5
Found this fic today, seems interesting. Update soon please ^^
Chapter 4: I like this story, I'm both a fan yixing and lulu. And I love the idea about the mission thing its kind of unique =)) kee p it up authornim =)