
* ~In the Pursuit of Fame~ *
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*~You POV~*

I walk back into the classroom, hoping that the girls left by now. I was happy to find them gone, but there was still a full classroom.

I sigh and walk over to my seat where I scribble down a note for Chanyeol. Fine, if he wants to avoid this situation then I’ll just have to approach him first.

                Talk to me after class. Don’t avoid me.

I turn around to face Chanyeol and slam the note on his desk just in time for the bell to sound for class to start.

The class went by in a blur and I could not stop staring at the clock. Wasn’t it that same exact time five minutes ago? Too much is on my mind.

Once school ends I stand and turn to Chanyeol within the second of the bell. Chanyeol tries to avoid me, but I push him back, causing him to stumble into a couple of students.

He gives me a ‘what the hell?’ look, but I just cross my arms. I can’t let him know how hurt I am. I should be mad, not hurt. He’s the one who yelled at me in public. Chanyeol is the one who ran away after I even confessed to him! But why do I feel like I just want to cry in a jumble of blankets while watching the Notebook at home?

“Ch-Chanyeol…please don’t avoid me.” I plead.

God damn it! Why am I begging him?! Why do I feel so small, so inferior to this boy that I have seen transform before my eyes?! I have seen him at his weakest and I have seen him at his best. All I feel is a pain in my chest that keeps throbbing when I see him and I can’t stop my emotions from taking over.

I look up at Chanyeol’s big, round, hazel eyes, with hurt eyes.

“I don’t know what you want from me, Robin!” Chanyeol screams, taking me aback.

“Chanyeol, can’t we just talk like we used to? Just talk out whatever just happened! I don’t even know what is happening anymore!” I cry out.

“You took away everything I have, Robin! You took it all away in just a second! Yet, you don’t even seem to be effected. Just because of your damn connections, you get to have a spot in a company that I can’t ever have. They flat out denied me on the spot without any hesitation, yet they wanted you. Someone who didn’t even want to join the showbiz scene. Someone who just takes and takes without even thinking about what might happen to the other person!” Chanyeol yells.


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Chapter 9: Updaaaate~~
Chapter 4: I like this story sooooooooo much! Please update soon(: