No More

* ~In the Pursuit of Fame~ *
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*~Chanyeol POV~*

After about five minutes of silence, I did not budge from my place. After hearing the devastating news, I tried to run everything through my head again. I pressed the replay button multiple times, but I still cannot seem to be able to grasp this situation. My hopes and dreams have been shattered. I need to be a part of this company, but why did they just deny me? Is this a dream? I must be in bed, dreaming up a nightmare.

“Why?” I whisper under my breath, barely audible.

Everyone just stares at me – like I’m crazy or something. Am I really that crazy for not believing something so unbelievable?!

“Why the hell would you take her instead of me?! Huh?! I have actually trained almost my whole life just to become a part of your company. She even messed up her performance here! Mine, however, was spot on! I don’t understand you told me I was talented, that I had so many things going for me! How could you do this to me?!” I shout at the panel of judges.

Everyone but the President looks like they were about to call security or something. They all looked so shocked to see my outburst. However, the President was stern and calm, speaking first.

“Chanyeol-ssi, I have no doubt that you are talented, young man. Your rapping skills are fantastic for such a newbie. However, do you know what you lack?” The President asks me.

What is this fool saying? If I knew what I lacked I would have already fixed it! This has got to be a dream, this is not real.

“Mr. Park, you lack major confidence. You never, not once looked into any of the judge’s eyes today. You even constantly look down at your feet. If you cannot sell the music that you are singing then why should we allow you to be a part of our company? Chanyeol-ssi, you are just a shy, young, boy that has a dream that you want fulfilled. Why would we pick you over someone that has the total package we are looking for? You know, you’re not the only one with a dream.” The President explains.

I was shocked at his harsh words. Why is reality so cruel?

“Now, Miss Robin, we would like to offer you a contract-,” The President starts to say, but is cut off by Robin.

“I am not interested, sorry. I only came here for Chanyeol.” Robin says, firmly.

The President just shakes his head in understanding.

“Well if you change your mine, the offer is not off the table yet.” President Yang says.

Robin nods with a small smile. Oh, how I want to whack that smile off of her

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Chapter 9: Updaaaate~~
Chapter 4: I like this story sooooooooo much! Please update soon(: