What's Happening?

* ~In the Pursuit of Fame~ *
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*~You POV~*

I ran out of the YG Entertainment facility as fast as my legs would allow. Half of me wanted to hear Chanyeol chasing after me, but half of me wanted to crawl under a rock and forget about Chanyeol forever.

I don’t know exactly why I confessed my feelings for Chanyeol right then and there, but I felt like Chanyeol at least deserved to know the truth.  I needed him to know that even though so many people might reject him, my heart goes out to him. That I could be a shoulder to cry on or a buddy to laugh with.

Hearing all of the insulting things that he said to me made me feel so guilty. I’m not even mad at Chanyeol for saying all of those things to me. Some part of me felt like it was actually my fault for taking away attention from him. Because of me, his dream is now, yet again, is unreachable.

I ran home and sprinted up to my room. Looking back at what happened today, I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment. I just realized that I confessed to my first love!

“Robin-ah, honey? Are you still sleeping?” My mom knocks on the door.

“Mom…I don’t really want to talk right now.” I mumble under the covers.

“Oh...you actually have something going on!? This better not be like ‘I have such bad grades’ or something. Tell mommy.” My mother says excitedly.

Jesus…of course my mom would want to know the drama that is occurring in my life. She’s like a typical teenager, except she’s forty and has a teenage daughter.

“No,” I bluntly answer.

“Oh come on Robin! Tell your umma!” My mother begs.

“Well, today I met President Yang. Remember him? He says hi.” I finally say.

“Y-Y-Yang-ssi?” My mother stutters.

“Yes, mother. Little did I know that my personal connection would negatively affect my whole day.” I sighed.

“How did you meet him?” My mother asks.

I could tell that she was extremely inquisitive once I mentioned President Yang’s name.

Then, I explained everything that had happened today. Well, everything except for the fact that I had confessed to Chanyeol as well.

“I can’t believe he still remembers me…” My mother says while seriously thinking.

“Mom, can I ask you something?” I ask.

She doesn’t answer and silence fills the room.

“Mom!” I yell.

“Hm?” She finally hums.

“Why didn’t you ever tell President Yang about dad?” I ask.

“What would be the point of telling Yang-ssi about what had happened? Just because Yang-ssi was there for me in the past it doesn’t mean that he would always be there for me with open arms. I didn’t want to let what happened to your dad cloud my judgment. I couldn’t just let Yang-ssi be my backup plan. I had already rejected him and I had made my choice. Even if it was the wrong one.” My mother sighs.

She puts her head to her forehead and starts to shake her head from left to right. I could hear her calling herself stupid under her breath.

I put my arm around my mother’s shoulder and put my head against her.


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Chapter 9: Updaaaate~~
Chapter 4: I like this story sooooooooo much! Please update soon(: