Lesson 1: Hair

* ~In the Pursuit of Fame~ *
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“Hold still Chanyeol!” I scold.

“I can’t help that it tickles!” Chanyeol retorts.

“Just hold still or else I will cut your hair wrong! You’ll look like Super Junior in their Don’t Don days…” I warn.

“Oh gosh…anything but that!” Chanyeol giggles.

Chanyeol’s hair was shaggy, almost covering his eyes before. Now he is sporting a short hair cut with his hair swept to one side. I must say I have outdone myself with this. He looks like a whole new person! Now I can actually see his eyes underneath his glasses. Then, I motion Chanyeol to get up and look at himself in the mirror.

“Gah!” I hear Chanyeol yell.

“What?!” I scream, a little worried.

I run toward Chanyeol to see what the matter is. What could make him shriek like that?! Did I cut his hair that badly?

“What is it?” I ask as I swing into the bathroom to see him messing with his hair.

“I had a reason for my long hair! Do you see these?” Chanyeol says pointing to his ears, “I never cut my hair because I needed something to cover these two twin monsters!”

A wave of regret came crashing in me as I look at a self-conscious boy standing in front of me. Will he be able to forgive me? Should I just make him wear a hat or something to cover his large ears?

I stood, looking at Chanyeol for a while, just thinking about what I have done to him. I won’t lie to him and say that his ears are not bad at all, but I think they’re cute. But I don’t think Chanyeol thinks the same as me. I put a hand on his shoulder as he continues to look at his short hair in the mirror.

“Chanyeol, what did those judges tell you at the JYP audition?” I ask.

He thinks for a little and looks a downward, a little ashamed at his childish actions.

“…I understand, Robin. I’ll just deal with this new hairdo…and these gigantic ears!” Chanyeol says a little frustrated.

While he vents out his anger I just squeeze my hand tighter around his big shoulder to signal that I’m here for him. I earn a smile from the taller man.

“I’m sorry, I should thank you for what you’re doing for me.” Chanyeol apologizes.

“It’s okay Chanyeol, I’ll make sure you make it to your dream!” I reassure him.

“…about that…why?” Chanyeol asks a little wary at first.

“Well why not?!” I ask.

“Just why do you want to help me so much?” Chanyeol asks me.

I should be asking myself that same question now that I think about it. Why am I so persistent in helping Chanyeol with his dream?

“I…I don’t really know. Maybe it’s because I’m bored? No, it’s because you inspire me. I have never wanted anything so much that I would just leave my family and everything I know behind. You know exactly what you want to do in life…you know your calling. I’m a little jealous; I go through school, not really thinking about what my purpose in the world. Never have I seen anyone so determined to reach their goals. I think what really makes me want to help you the most is that you remind me so much of myself. Aside from the dreams and goals part, I have always been lonely at s

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