Nice To Meet You...

* ~In the Pursuit of Fame~ *
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Oops, I put my undershirt on backwards. Eh, I don't really care, who even looks at me anyway? I just want to go home and go on tumblr or something...maybe some reddit? No! Come on Robin you want at least some time to do your homework.


I open my eyes wide to pay at least some attention to the teacher as class starts. For the first thirty minutes I just monotonously write down notes, not thinking, just writing, letting my mind be elsewhere. I wonder what I'm going to make for dinner today. I want to try out some recipes from the old cookbook. The dish from last night was really good-

"Students please pay attention!" Choi sungsanim shouts.

Geez, could her voice be any louder? I was finally in happy thoughts, did she really have to distract me? What a poop.

"This is a new student all the way from Gyeongju, meeting Park Chanyeol." Choi sungsanim introduces.

Oh goodness, another country bumpkin? What is this. I bet he will last longer than the last one we had though, poor guy moved to Japan to escape the bullying. That's how bad being a wangta* is here. The poor guy walks in, same uniform as the rest of us, but he sticks out like a swore thumb. His ears are ginormous and stick out far from his head and his awkwardly tall stature does not help much either. He leans inward, a little hunched, showing his discomfort and lack of self confidence.

I chuckled a little to myself and I could tell that the new guy heard me. He put his head down lower as Ms. Choi directed him to sit right in front of me. Heh...he's kind of cute, not to be weird or anything. Maybe I can finally make a friend in this dump? Ever since my best friend Gyuri went to a different class, I have been alone. We always had bad luck with our classes, whenever a new semester started in the past we would usually only have one class. But now this year it is 0 - ziltch! 


Right, lunch time...I don't even bother anymore with lunchtime. I would love to see Gyuri, but even the other class has a different cafeteria that they sit in, since there isn't just one singular cafeteria at our school that everyone sits in. We could try to see each other, but it's hard. Plus, I see her a lot, nonetheless. It's not like I never see her just because she is in another class.

I continue to sit in the room, taking our my lunch box. I always look forward to lunch. I mean I didn't slave over the stove and wake up an hour earlier to not be excited! Today I made myself some of my favorites radish kimchi, sweet & spicy dried squid, and an omerice to top it all off. At first I just stared at my lunch, taking all of it in before digging in.

Right before I could even take a bite, however, I noticed a figure looking back at me. It was Chanyeol - he had stayed behind, of course. I mean he didn't have any friends to even sit with in the small cafeteria anyway, I don't blame him. 

He noticed that I had seen him, so he quickly turned away. What is wrong with him? Does he want some of this food? You would think that someone going to a new school would at least remember to pack himself at least something to nibble on. Should I offer some to him? Ugh, but I'm a hungry girl and I made all this stuff myself! Ugh, I throw my hands into the air and ruffle my hair a little. How annoying.

"Do you want

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Chapter 9: Updaaaate~~
Chapter 4: I like this story sooooooooo much! Please update soon(: