






I woke up at the familiar texture pressing onto my lips. Slowly, I open up my heavy eyelids, revealing Tiffany on top of me while giving me a barrage of quick kisses.


"Good morning," she said with a smile upon noticing that I already woke up.


I can only curl my lips on the sight, "Good morning."


"You miss my lips, huh?" I teased playfully as our stare didn't left each other.


She pouted and nodded on response, making me to giggle and to wrap my arms around her, "That's why you shouldn't have banned me to kiss you."


"Tch," she scrunched her nose and squinted her eyes at me playfully. "Get up now, we're going to be late," she then got off me and walked towards my computer. "And I do have a surprise for you later."


"Surprise?" I asked adoringly as I watched her doing something on my desktop. "What kind of surprise?" My anticipation got higher as I grinned like a kid waiting for a present.


"Later. It's a surprise isn't it?" she replied, disappointing the little kid inside me.


"Alright," I nodded. "Are you going to cook for me?"


"What should I cook for you? You don't have any food in your refrigerator. How can you live like that," she said with a shook on her head. "Let's go to the mart later, okay?"


"Okay..." I nodded as I sat on my bed, brushing my newly awakened eyes. Well what do you expect? A bachelor living alone in his early twenties with an empty fridge is normal.


"I'll go shower first," she stood up after playing a song on my computer. I don't know if she played the song 'I got a boy' intentionally. But who cares, she got a boy. I grinned, and that's me.


I smiled like a fool as I watched her rumbling onto my closet, "Ah, right... do you have some clothes to wear?"


"Yeah," she nodded. "I brought some before going here last night. I'm looking for some clothes for you to wear."


"So you planned on sleeping here, huh?" I as I walk beside her.


"Aish," she pouted as she threw the clothes that she picked for me to wear onto my chest. "Just wear this," she commanded and walked towards the bathroom.


"Wait," I said, making her to turn back at me. "Where are we going?" I asked her as I don't have any idea where is she planning to spend the day.


"You forgot?" she asked me with a glare.


I gulped hard, trying to recall whatever promises that I told her or occasions that might occur for the day. I became nervous as I can't seem to recall anything.


"So you forgot?" she asked again as she heaved a sigh.


That sigh scares me. Is she going to get mad now? Hope not. Awkwardly, I grinned, trying to act cute in front of her. My hands reached my nape to scratch it as my plan didn't worked.


"We're going to film 'Fashion king' today. Don't you remember?" she shook her head as she asked me. "You're going to play the guitar for me. We even practiced last week, silly," she reminded me before going inside the bathroom.


As I heard the door in the bathroom being closed, I suddenly remembered everything. So today is that day, huh? I'm going to play the guitar for Tiffany because she has to perform a song entitled 'The way'.


I nodded on the realization, recalling on how did we practiced for the past few days. I quickly took my guitar beside my desktop to practice the song. Of course, I don't want to mess up in a broadcast even if it isn't a live one.


As my fingers formed different chords, I suddenly remembered something. I remembered that it's not going to be my first time to be filmed. Actually, the song in the background, 'I got a boy', reminded me. Believe it or not, even I can't believe it, I am the guy in the music video on that song.


It was the last quarter of the year 2012. That time, Tiffany and I grew way closer to each other. We acted like a couple even though we're not official. Spending dates on the cold nights as we watched some random movies, walk on the streets, ride a bus, go to a club, anything under the bright moon.


Back to the music video, I can clearly remember myself being tensed as I kept on reviewing the scenes that I should act out. I was seated on a small chair, giving me a view of the set that the staffs has prepared.


"Let's start!" I heard one of the staff notifying everyone to get ready for the first scene to be filmed. That means, I have to act the first scene on the script that that was given to me.


"Kim Kijoon-ssi, it's going to be scene one," I felt a light tap at my left.


"Ah, yes," I responded to the female staff and stood up from my seat. I cleared my throat nervously before walking to the set where I will act the first scene.


It was a pink room with tall windows being covered by a light pink curtain. Inside the room, there were two chairs. I sat in one of the chairs, just like what it said on the script.


"Hey, yo~" I heard someone walking towards me, it was Yoona. "Nervous?" she asked me as she took a seat on the vacant chair.


"Yeah, I guess," I answered.


"Don't be," she said, "just act like there are no cameras surrounding us."


"Okay..." I nodded as she smiled.


Then, my stare travelled to the group of the staffs with the director. There, I saw Tiffany, smiling at me as she balled a fist and raised it to the air. I smiled at her as I saw her mouthing 'Fighting!' at me.


"Cue!" the director suddenly said, indicating that the cameras are rolling. Which means, I have to act.


With a nervous heart, I tried to follow everything written on the script. The first scene with Yoona was just a simple one, yet it made me tense. I look at her lovingly as she returns the same stare at me while we both held a white mug, acting like we were drinking some coffee. I can only blush as her eyes didn't left mine. Her dress, as well as her ponytail made her shine brighter than the pink room.


"Cut!" the director commanded. "Good job, now we have to do it again at different angles," he commanded once again as both me and Yoona prepared for the next shoot.


Gladly, it was a job well done for me after taking more shots with my scene with Yoona. I was only given a few minutes break as another staff approached me, saying that the second scene is going to start.


It was my scene with Yuri. Just like what's written on the script, I began to act as I heard the cue of the director.


With a big white teddy bear behind me, I ran towards Yuri. Then, she was all smile as the word surprised was written on her face after giving her the teddy bear. The latter then hugged the present that I gave her as she looked at me lovingly.


I didn't seem to notice as the next six scenes came in an instant.


Walking in arm to arm with Taeyeon with a cotton candy on her free hand. The latter then fed me a pinch of the pink fluffy candy.


Sitting in front of Sunny and coloring her nails as she looked at me with full of cuteness while resting her head on her free hand.


Standing in front of the door and then being welcomed by Sooyoung as if she misses me so much while shooting her lovely stare at me.


Walking with Seohyun, which supposed to be an awkward date and tying the loose lace of her shoes for her.


Being beaten to death by Hyoyeon as I begged for mercy for being late. I still remember how hard she threw her punches towards me.


Sitting beside Jessica on a bench as my hand slowly travelled to hers.  With our hands on contact, she acted like her heart is fluttering on my action.


Time passed quickly as I am already on my ninth scene. After filming the first scene up to the eight scene, I'm already getting the hang of filming.


"Doing well, huh?" Tiffany suddenly asked me as I sat beside her, getting ready for the ninth scene.


"Well..." I nodded, "thanks to your encouragement."


"So it's because of me?"


"Yeah, I guess..."


"Then you owe me one?"


"Yeah, sure," I responded. "I'll treat you. Should we go for a movie?"


Tiffany shook her head in response, "Christmas is near right?"


I nodded.


She smiled at me as she leaned closer and whispered, "Spend it with me, please?"


I blushed, on the sudden closeness. And at the same time, on what she said.


"Cue!" I heard the director commanding, which made me return back from being dazed.


Tiffany smiled at me after noticing my reddened ear, "Action~" she said with a wink.


Both of us then acted like what it is on the script. Tiffany started to eat an ice cream as we sat beside each other. She then turned to look at me, making me to almost forgot what I should do. Her double ponytail, her stare, her lovely face made me blank. As we both stared at each other, I suddenly remembered what I should do. Slowly, I extended my hand towards her smooth cheeks and wiped the corner of her lips as she beamed a smile at me.


"Okay... cut!" I heard the director commanding but our stare and smile at each other didn't broke.


"Ehem!" I heard a group of girls, clearing their throats as loud as they can. I smiled, they probably noticed me and Tiffany. I turn around, revealing Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, and Jessica, smirking at me.


The day of the filming soon finished after wrapping it up with the final scene that I should act. It was the easiest since I just have to knock at a door and act like confused because I received no response.


Thanks to that filming, I get to spend the Christmas with Tiffany after two weeks. I still remember how we spent the Christmas that year. We walked on the streets covered with sparkling colorful lights as we looked like a normal couple would do. Eating delicious food to fill our tummies on the joyful night. And as the night closes in, we shared a strawberry cake on Tiffany's apartment while talking about anything that comes up to our mind.


"Why are you so deep in your thoughts?" I woke up from recalling the past as I heard Tiffany's voice beside me.


I smiled as I looked at her, already dressed in a casual clothing as she kept on drying her hair with a towel.


"I'm thinking of you," I said, "of us."


"Really?" she asked.


"Really," I nodded.


Somehow, I also ended up drying my hair after coming out from the shower. Wearing the clothes that Tiffany ordered me to wear, I finished up my hair as I took my phone and wallet on my pocket. I then rushed to the parking lot since Tiffany already left a minute ago.


Fortunately, the day went by smoothly without creating a mess on the filming. I always admire Tiffany, especially when she sings. Her voice makes me smile, makes me happy. Her voice that made everyone in the studio to gape into nothing while admiring every word that she sang.


As the night arrived in Seoul, we decided to have dinner on Tiffany's apartment. We were walking towards her car as my eyes can't leave the beautiful girl beside me.


"Your dress is really pretty," I complimented her for the thousandth time for the day as I looked at her, dressed in a pink dress.


She smiled at me, "I know~"


"Yes you do~"


"Right..." she suddenly stopped on her track, "I have something to do. You can go to the apartment first, okay?" she then ran away towards her manager.


"Yah!" I called out, "I thought we're going to the mart together?"


"Let's go tomorrow!" she answered as she reached a black van. "I'll be back home thirty minutes after you! Remember my surprise?" she continued with a wink and entered the vehicle which then started to move.


I sighed as I enter Tiffany's car. A bit upset that I'm not with her.


I smiled, recalling what she said earlier about that surprise. I wonder what kind of surprise is that.


Soon, I arrived at Tiffany's apartment after a quick drive. I hurriedly got some ingredients from the refrigerator for me to cook the dinner. Carefully, I sliced the different ingredients that I will need.


My eyes started to get teary and feel a stinging pain as I kept on cutting some onions. Then, the doorbell rang, making me to wash my hands to get the door. As I try to ease my teary eyes, I walked to the door and opened it, revealing Tiffany.


"Why did you rang the doorbell? Did you forgot your password?" I asked her as she walked inside the house.


She didn't gave me any response as I kept on rubbing my eyes. As I looked at her, I felt like something was off. It is like there is something different on her. Well, aside from her clothes, she looked exactly the same the way she did earlier.


I brushed off my thoughts as I ran to catch her up.


"I'm cooking for dinner~" I said proudly.


Once again, she didn't gave me a response.


"Tch, you can just say that I did well," I playfully said at her.


Then, I smiled as I leaned closer at her, "Why do you seem surprised? It's not the first time that we are this close." I asked her as I saw how surprised she was.


Again, no response from her.


"Talk, will you?" I said as I leaned closer at her and gave her a kiss at the cheeks.


I smiled proudly, winking at her in the process before rushing back to the kitchen.


Then I saw Tiffany scanning the interior of the house. It felt weird while watching her. I mean, it's her house, why does she looks like as if she entered it for the first time.


A second later, I heard the door being opened. I didn't have to wonder who it was as a girl suddenly came inside the house. It was Tiffany.






But she just entered a minute ago...


"Unnie!" Tiffany, the one who just entered, ran towards the Tiffany who entered earlier. "He's my boyfriend," she continued as she pointed at me.


The Tiffany, who entered first slash the one that I kissed in the cheeks earlier looks towards me as she nodded.


"She's my Unnie~" Tiffany, the real one, said as she smiled while wrapping an arm to her unnie's.


I stood there frozen after hearing what Tiffany said. Frozen, as my eyes got confused with the sight of the two eye smiling goddesses. Then the realization kicked in...









Appreciate all the subs, comments, and upvotes!

Thanks! Hope you liked it!

By the way, I present you, Tiffany's older sister.







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Hey guys, sorry for not updating. I have been busy for the past few weeks. The next update might be on April. Once again, sorry.


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Chapter 12: almost 5yrs without update?
Chapter 12: update pls
thaniaintan #3
Chapter 12: This is killing me....
yoloswag3883 #4
Chapter 12: Plz continue with the story oppa/unnie
Doayeon #5
Chapter 12: What happens neexxtttt????? Please continuee T-T
Jotasoo #7
Good story
irfanzxx #8
Chapter 12: plss update
kingjokerz99 #9
Chapter 12: please update ur story is so great
Amemita #10
Chapter 12: Where's the next one?I know you can do it :)