

“So Mr Jung, you claim that these girls attacked you?” The presenter of K-TOWN asked the producer from the music show.

“Yes, they just come out of nowhere and attacked me. I have marks on me now,” the producer said pulling up his sleeves to let the camera see the marks on his arms.

“Did you perhaps do anything to make them attack you?” the presenter asked. She may be an annoying presenter but she was a good journalist.

“No. Why would I do anything like that?” The producer lied. He was the reason behind his own attack.

“Do you have anything else you would possibly like to add?” the presenter asked.

“Yeah I do. Firstly, I have video evidence of the attack. Secondly, Lee Soo Man you better fire these girls because they are vicious and they could strike at any other time. Lastly, girls I am going to sue you,” the producer said and then handed over the tapes he had to the presenter,” these have the videos of the attacks. There isn’t any sound because it is from the CCTV system.”

“Thank you for your time Mr Jung,” the presenter said to the producer and then looked directly down the barrel of the camera,” there you go. You heard it first here on K-TOWN that the girls of Belleza attacked the Producer of a popular music show. The reason? Apparently there isn’t one. There have been no confirmation from SM yet but they will probably hold a press conference. This has been Kim Hye Sung.”

“Aish, this stupid ,” Joo Eun said before throwing a cushion to the wall.

“Bye Bye being renowned idols,” Soolin sighed.

  “Hmmm,” was all that Donah said.

“Keep your heads up. Maybe we can still work underground?” Chaerin said.

“Great, now I’m not just the but I’m also an attacker,” Kyoung Mi said.

“You’re not the only know as attackers,” Chaerin said.

“We all are,” Don Ah finished off the line for Chaerin.

“But as long as we have each other it should be alright,” Soolin said.

“And we still have each other,” Joo EUn stated.

“So we are all right,” Kyoung Mi finished and they all came together for a group hug.

“Group Hug!!!!” SooLin shouted.

These girls didn’t know who each other were a couple years back and now they are just like sisters, helping each other out.

“No matter what happens we will stick together and fight it, okay?” Chaerin said and everyone nodded.

“Now let’s forget all about this and get something to eat I’m starving,” Joo Eun said.

“Of course,” Kyoung Mi rolled her eyes.

“Let’s go,” Don ah said.

They each grabbed a jacket, their phone and money and waited at the door.

“Let’s have a good night!” Soolin said and then they left.

As soon as they walked out of the building people began starring and talking about them. Some of them actually recognized them others were just talking because they heard about what happened on K-TOWN.

As they were walking to their destinations they heard the people behind them say this:

“You hear the new rookie group attacked the producer of some music show?”

“Yeah but who wouldn’t. That guy is creepy.”

“Still, how could they just attack him like that?”

“Well I’m on their side because remember when I won that prize? Yeah he was there and he tried to hit on every girl group but only the pretty ones in the group.”

 “Sure he was.”

“No I’m serious. He probably did something to one of the girls.”

“I doubt it.”

“Believe what you want to believe but I’m warming you to stay away from him.”


After hearing that conversation Kyoung Mi said,” See I’m not the only one with a probably with him. I mean we, we are not the only ones with a problem with him.”

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saludlang #1
its gettin interestiiing ....
Oneofakind22 #2
OMG Kyoung Mi... i wonder what they will find on the flies.
Wow... LOL Kyoung Mi xD
Interesting love that JYJ is getting revenge. xD
@Reyn26, there's no need to be formal with me, I'm just your average girl. =)<br />
@donzzy_sone_Ann, getting a little excited there! hehe.<br />
@sHiNeE4everzz, yes I did and I'm nearly finished the next chapter as well. =D
Reeeynelle #8
kyaaaaa!!!<br />
we finally meet jyj!!!<br />
yey!!]<br />