[Translation] Chen’s B-Day Fan Event .

EXO - Funny/Weird/Sweet UFO Reply /Quotes/Lyrics!!!
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Mainly translated 2xoxo-nim’s fan account. Translated bits of 만렙-nim’s (naver blog), 장이씽, 옥만두, 엑소홀릭, 나DO사랑해-nim’s (DC), 카제하나-nim (egloos), and baekpower-nim’s (daum talk cafe) fan accounts to complement & make this translation as complete as it can be.

I’m pretty sure that I’ve filled in everything that’s happened at this fan event. OTL

Long, long text ahead. (I warned you.)



NOTE THE TOY WITH THE PLASTIC FIST THAT KRIS IS HOLDING. DUIZHANG LITERALLY POURS HIS AFFECTIONS INTO THAT THING THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE EVENT.  Note Chen’s animal ear(?) headband too. It’ll be mentioned later~ It was 8pm when the fans were allowed into the SM building.  Event supporters made sure all cellphones were turned off, placed number tags on all our bags so we could leave them outside, and ushered us into the practice room in the basement. The fans sat in rows of ten, and there were 9 supporters in total, eyeing the fans the whole time, so it was…scary. The supporters warned us about rules such as any recording devices being banned, and they reminded us that we needed to say “Chen” not “Jongdae” while singing the birthday song & actually made us practice singing it. It was really weird though ‘cause while singing it, we needed to extend “Chen” to 3 beats and sing, “Che-e-en~” It really would’ve been easier if we were just allowed to sing “Jongdae-ae~” ….;;; A couple fans in the first line were given mini firecrackers to light once Chen blows the candles out later. It was a bit past 8:30pm when the boys came in with “History” playing in the background. They were standing in this order: Kris, Lay, Luhan, Xiumin, Chen, and Tao. The boys did the group greeting, but the first time around, they messed up because some members shouted it in Korean while others did in Chinese. Lay, Xiumin: “Now, whoever said the greeting in Chinese…..” Kris: “But I said it in Korean~~” Lay, Xiumin: “….raise your hand~” Luhan raised his hand. Lay, Xiumin: “You’re supposed to do in Korean~ Let’s try again!” The boys talked it over and tried again, this time meeting with success~ Kris: “As everyone all knows, I am EXO-M’s Kris!” The self-introductions were typical, “I am EXO-M’s _____.” Except Chen who shouted, “At least for today, I am the ‘main,’ Chen~!!” Xiumin was trying to be the “host” of this fan event, but Kris kept on distracting him on the side. Kris had this little toy that would pop out a tiny fist whenever Kris pressed a button. (Look at above group picture for the toy.) He’d keep using it to attack Xiumin on the side while he was talking, so every single time, Xiumin was taken aback. The members started talking about receiving their awards at the Chinese awards ceremony.  Chen: “You know, how we got a lot of awards that day…!! I really wanted to say this then! The Chinese members treat me very well, and I’m doing fine in China, so Korean fans do not need to worry about this~” When he was talking, Chen’s voice slightly wavered and he looked like he was about to tear up, so all the fans started looking at him in concern. Luhan: “Ah, don’t cry~” Chen then broke into a cute, reassuring smile. It was time for the birthday cake to make its entrance, but it wasn’t…so Xiumin kept glancing around. Fans: “Where is it?” Kris: “Sorry, Jongdae~ Didn’t buy one~” Kris was cracking a “joke,” but no one reacted to it; it was ignored. OTL Tao: “Why isn’t the music playing?” Lay: “You were supposed to sing for us. That’s why~ keke” The event supporters finally walked in with 2 cakes. Kris tried to help light the candles, but the supporters did it instead. After the candles were lighted on both cakes, the fans sang the song, and Chen blew the candles out for one cake. Looking at the other cake, Chen asked, “What’s this?” Xiumin: -in a very serious tone- “Wish cake. If you make a wish and blow out the candles, it’ll come true. o___o..” Chen: “Then shall I make the wish to myself or say it out loud?” Xiumin: -suddenly changes to an irritated tone- “Just do whatever.” Chen decided to make the wish to himself, but I guess his eyes were open? Lay: “When you make a wish, you’re supposed to close your eyes!!” So Chen repeated the wish to himself with his eyes closed. When he was done, he opened his eyes. Xiumin: “Soooo….what’d you wish for~~?” Chen: “If you’re going to be like this, why didn’t you have me say it loud from the beginning?!” The two kept on “bickering” cutely. Chen: -smugly- “I have only one wish!! World peace!! I am always wishing for world peace~” Then, he shouted “Peace!” out loud in English. Tao and Luhan started going crazy with their snow spray cans. EXO has a thing for these spray cans.  One could totally tell by the experienced, skillful way the boys were shaking the cans while snapping their wrists. Tao sprayed at the fans and at the top of Xiumin’s head while Luhan sprayed at Chen. Luhan sprayed a bit too much, and it was starting to block Chen’s vision. Chen took the cans away, saying “I am the ‘main’ today; it won’t be right if I can’t see~” Even after this, Luhan sneaked the spray cans back and continued to spray at Chen. Chen: “I am the ‘main’ today.” Kris: “Looks like you really wanted to be the ‘main’~” Then, since Chen was done with the whole cake ordeal, it was time for the other boys to relay their birthday messages to him. Xiumin was trying to make this event go on smoothly but he kept on stumbling over his own words. Chen: “It’s my birthday and yet, I need to emcee my own event?!” Xiumin: -sulks- “Fine, you do it..!!” Lay: “Is Xiumin hyung really a Korean?” Xiumin: “……” Chen: “I am the ‘main’ today!!” Lay: -holds up four fingers- “You’ve already said that 4 times~” Kris: -to Chen- “I have nothing to say to you. Ah, when is your birthday anyways?” I think this was supposed to be a joke, but it wasn’t /that/ funny…..so the room broke out into awkward silence. Kris: “……I love you.” -hugs Chen- Lay: -hugs Chen tightly- “I can be dirty sometimes, so I’m sorry.” -hugs Chen once more- (LOLOL) Luhan, on the other hand, punched Chen’s arm really hard and shouted, “Birthday punches!!!”  He then took Kris’s fist toy and when he pressed the button, the fist shot out and hit Chen in the chin. Chen: “……” Luhan: “You do fool around a lot, Jongdae, but I still love you.” When it was Xiumin’s turn, he first made Chen stand in a submissive/obedient position by the wall.  Xiumin: “I feel like you’re really my blood-related little brother…” All the fans started laughing and shouting here because Xiumin looks younger than Chen. Chen: -mock anger- “You shouldn’t judge us by outward appearances!! You must look at the numbers! I’m a 92’er!!!!!” Xiumin: “If we didn’t have you, no one would be able to hit those high notes~!” Luhan: “I can do it!!!” Xiumin: “Happy birthday, and I love you~” -hugs Chen- Tao placed his arms around Chen before opening his mouth to talk. Tao: “Honestly, I wasn’t close with Jongdae hyung in the beginning. But we suddenly got close; I don’t know how, but we’re close now!” Chen: “Yes, it’s true. We were pretty awkward and quiet with each other in the beginning~ I came into SM late, and the last member I got close to was Tao. Actually, even after debuting, we still weren’t that close. keke.” Tao: “But I am now close with you, hyung! Dancing machine hyung~!!” Everyone started laughing, and because of the fans’ reactions… Tao: “Ah…WHY~~!!” Chen: “Yeah…WHY~~!!” Tao: “I love you, hyung.” -hugs Chen- Tao and Chen kept on playfully nudging each other throughout the whole event~ Then, the members brought up “Yaja Time,” a game in which the oldest becomes the youngest and vice versa. So during the game, Xiumin=youngest and Tao=oldest. It’s a game in which the younger members have the chance to speak up/against the older members in informal language~ Chen: “Can we play it please? We can just say a couple words to each other, and that’ll be it!” Lay: “…..But when we get home…..” Xiumin: -sweats- “Yeah, let’s play….;;;;;” Chen: “Ah, we’re playing it? Seriously?? ‘Yaja Time!?’ Everyone, this will be the first and last time you’ll see EXO play ‘Yaja Time~!’” Luhan: “Make manager hyung play too!” Chen was getting really excited about playing this game, and seeing this, Xiumin snorted. Xiumin: “You want to play that badly!? You really want to call this hyung, ‘Ya!’ and use banmal/informal language!?” Chen: “Ah, when we get back home, this’ll be a huge problem! My future is…dark….” -sudden change of attitude- “We have around 100 fans present here as witnesses today~! So are there to be grudges held afterwards!?” Fans: “No!!!!” Chen: -arrogantly motions to Kris- “Ya, Kris, come over here~” Kris: “What…” Chen: “How dare you use banmal with your hyung!? Do you not know the meaning of ‘Yaja Time?!’” Kris: “….Yes, I am sorry.” -bows- Luhan was supposed to be Chen’s next target, but after seeing how Chen was going about the game, Luhan got “scared” and made the confused Lay switch places with him.  Then, Luhan mumbled something quietly. Chen heard him and had this really exaggerated expression of shock and horror at Luhan’s “disrespect” to his “hyung.” Luhan: “Ah, yes, I’m sorry.” Lay didn’t really understand the game’s rules, so Chen walked over to him to explain. Chen: -points to Kris, Luhan, and Xiumin- “Yixing-ah, think through this well~~ Basically, we can use banmal/informal langauge while talking to them~ Right now, we are the hyungs, and those three are our dongsaengs!! If you’ve got something to say to them, say it now~!” Lay: -blank expression- “….I have nothing to say.” Chen: “Come on~~~” Lay: “….Can I curse?” (LOLOLOL) Chen: “Hey, Minseok~” Xiumin: -bows- “Yes, hyung!” Then, Chen casually threw his arms around Xiumin and Luhan’s shoulders, tucking them on both sides.  Chen: “Ah~ You two~~~” Here, Xiumin and Luhan’s expressions didn’t look too pleased with the current situation. Chen: “……Will you hit me later in the dorms?” Xiumin: “Ah, when did I ever hit you!? I’m not going to hold any grudges, but tomorrow’s your actual birthday, so I’m going to roll you up in your blankets! Actually, why don’t you hit me right now, /hyung/, so I can hit you back in the dorms? ^_^..?” Chen: “I am worried for my future right now. It looks…uncertain at the moment~” Luhan: “We’ll see back at the dorms~ ^_^” Chen moved on to Tao. Xiumin: “Ah, Tao’s not that good at Korean and is still in the middle of learning, it wouldn’t be good if he learns banmal first!!” So the “Yaja Time” game ended like that. It was finally time to answer fans’ questions now! The boys each had “O” and “X” panels that they would raise in response to each fan question. The member who, alone, raises a different panel than the others will get hit on the head with a toy hammer. But even in the midst of all this…. Chen: -sadly- “Is this the end of ‘Yaja Time’ now…?” Kris: -threatening/dark tone- “Why? You want to play more??” (Seems like the leader didn’t really enjoy the game. keke) Chen: “….Hyung, you choose a question first~” Kris: “Why should I go first?” Chen: “Because I’m hosting this event apparently, and my say is all that matters~” Tao: “Ah….”  Tao then volunteered to go first. He stood up and looked at all the post-it questions on the board. Lay: -teasingly- “Will he be able to read any of those…?” Tao: “I can do it!! Are you looking down on me now??” Tao took a bit more time looking through the questions before murmuring, “…..I can’t read anything…” In the end, he was still able to choose a random question. Question that Tao chose: “Who speaks better Chinese: Chen or Xiumin?” All the members chose Chen.  Xiumin accidentally chose Chen because he misunderstood which panel it was that he had to raise to vote for himself. Lay: “I am being very serious right now. Are you really Korean…?” Xiumin lowered his head in shame. Chen: “I’m better than him at Korean, and I’m also better at Chinese~!!” In the end, Chen hit Xiumin on the head hard w/ the toy hammer. Chen: “….I don’t know how my future’s going to turn out now….” Actually, here, Kris was the only one who held up “X” to vote for Xiumin, but once he noticed that the others raised “O,” he quickly changed panels.  Kris was supposed to have gotten hit by the toy hammer, too, if the others had noticed him. Sneaky Duizhang~~ The next member to choose was Xiumin.  He was reading each and every question carefully, but the other members kept on nagging/yelling at him to hurry and make up his mind. Xiumin quickly chose a question but you could see the sadness in his face because he didn’t really like the question he was forced to choose. His regretful expression was so cute!! Question that Xiumin chose: “Tell us your striking charming point~” Xiumin: “It has to, specifically, be really striking!!” Chen: “Then, what do you think my charms are?” Lay: “Your high notes!” Luhan: “Your voice~” Tao: “Dance!!” -in a really serious voice-  Fans: “Ah…..” Tao: “…Jongdae hyung is really funny whenever he dances!! It’s like…is he truly dancing?” Chen: “I’ll pass on this comment~” Kris: “You are handsome.” Chen started grinning really widely. Kris: “I knew you wanted to hear something like this.” Kris was the only one who complimented Chen on his outward appearance, so from here, Chen started to show favoritism towards Duizhang. LOL Chen: “Hmm….Everyone’s brought up my high notes and my voice? Isn’t there something….like, I don’t know~ Maybe a body part….” Kris: “Both are nice.” Chen: -shyly- “………My collarbones are my charming points~” Xiumin: “What collarbones? Where exactly are they? keke” Chen: -defensively- “They’re here!! I do have collarbones~! I am a man who has collarbones!!!” Fans: “Where????” Chen: “Everyone~ You do know that if someone does this weird posture, his collarbones /will/ show, right?”  Chen then did this posture, lowering his upper body in a seductive manner that showed the fans a good view of his collarbones~ IT WAS PRICELESS. IT WAS SO Y ALL THE FANGIRLS DIED RIGHT THERE~~~ Tao, on the side, pulled on his shirt a bit and pretended like he was “looking” for his own collarbones. Ch
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