EXO for KOLON SPORTS "MOVE-XO" - Sehun, Kai, Xiumin, Chen, Tao and Baekhyun [CROPPED/CLOSE-UP VER]

EXO - Funny/Weird/Sweet UFO Reply /Quotes/Lyrics!!!
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140221 EXO for KOLON SPORTS "MOVE-XO" - Sehun, Kai, Xiumin, Chen, Tao and Baekhyun [CROPPED/CLOSE-UP VER]


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Chapter 341: baby Thehunnie arms
Luhan1993 #2
Chapter 10: Always Luhan fan ???
_Kpop-Addict_ #3
Chapter 81: Where did you find out what religion he members were? I've seen multiple sources and all of them match up, but where did the information originate from? Was it an interview?
Readercutie #4
Chapter 23: My bias is Sehun. My bias wrecker is Baekhyun. My ultimate bias is Kai
Readercutie #5
Chapter 19: Why does Sehun grab D.O why?
Readercutie #6
Chapter 10: I Love LuLu!
suliman #7
Chapter 23: I guess it's suho
Chapter 217: im not one of their ideal types..
naznew #9
Chapter 622: Hahaha.suho's face