Page 8

Flutter of Pages



~Page 8~





Over the next few weeks, Chanyeol has visited the bookstore every other day. Sometimes he would stay until the store closed, and sometimes he would be in front of the store waiting for Luhan to come and open up. Luhan had grew closer to the younger boy, started to notice that something had changed in him over the past week or so. Instead of Chanyeol just burying himself into books, he would ask Luhan questions about dating. Like when is it the right time to ask a person on a date? Or what type of clothes should he wear if they went out for dinner? Luhan was getting quite curious now, and he needed to know what has gotten in Chanyeol’s little head.

Luhan greets him, like usual, and keeps his eyes fixed on the younger, who takes a seat in his chair. “So how was school yesterday?”

Chanyeol seemed to replay scenes in his head, because his eyes glaze over and he spaces out, before snapping out of it and murmuring, “It was fine… same thing.”

Luhan climbs down the ladder and walks over to Chanyeol. He slides up an extra chair and takes a seat next to him. “You know I notice something is different about you, right?”

That makes the younger’s eyes widen, “w-what are you talking about?”

“Something happened and you’re not telling me.”

Chanyeol bites down on his lower lip and travels his eyes across the room, before placing them back on his hyung. “Fine I’ll tell you, but pinky promise you won’t say a word to my sister. She’ll just nag me about it.”

Luhan smiles, “Cross my heart.”

“Ok so last week a new kid came into town. Who happens to be in every class of mine, which is weird because its high school and usually everyone has different classes, but anyways,” he takes a big breath before speaking again, “once we met eyes, it felt like my heart was squeezed by something. I didn’t know how to speak to that person, so I ignored them all week. I kind of regret it… they probably think I’m some weirdo guy… So stupid, I’m so freaking stupid.”

Luhan almost melts at the little blush that paints Chanyeol’s cheeks. He lightly punches the kid’s shoulder, “You should’ve told me you had a crush on someone. So what’s her name?”

“The person is actually an h-he. Baekhyun. His name is Byun Baekhyun .” Chanyeol adverts his eyes, causing Luhan to make a ‘0’ shape with his lips. “I didn’t know you were gay…”

Chanyeol lets out a chuckle, “Weird right? Some tall 16 year old is gay and too afraid to come out. Yet he has a ing crush on some pretty looking guy.”

Luhan places his hand on Chanyeol’s back and rubs little circles, “Hey, don’t get mad at yourself. Everything will be alright.”

“That’s easy for you to say”

“Look everything will happen when it’s the right time. If you coming out with your parents, doesn’t happen right now, it will later on. But don’t get your own insecurities get in the way of forming a relationship with Baekhyun.” He wraps his whole arm around Chanyeol. “Plus, I’m pretty sure you caught his eye too.”

Chanyeol laughs, “He did blush when I gave him a pencil to borrow.”

Luhan pokes Chanyeol’s cheek, “See, he already is smitten over you. On Monday, why don’t you just ask for help on a question, that’s a conversation starter.”

Chanyeol looks up and smiles, “Thanks hyung, you always have the right things to say.” 

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yuu8713 #1
Chapter 11: Aww~ poor Sehunnie lost his grandmother… *sobs* thankfully he had Luhan now :') will they make it official soon? :3
Thank you for the update~ I missed this story so much…
Chapter 11: *tears flowing*
This chapter is good.
Chapter 10: I love this chapter so much! <3
and it's cute to see Luhan calling Sehun 'hyung' xD
yuu8713 #4
Chapter 10: Aww~ I'm so touched… :') they missed each other~ would Sehun tell Luhan why he couldn't come to the store during those time? Bc I'm curious as well :3
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwwwwww
exoHUnHAnexo #6
Chapter 10: OMO !!!
so cute !!
Chapter 8: Wait....but chanyeol never said who the name of the guy was to lu.....
Peaches-xo #8
Chapter 8: This is so cute.

I'm new here to AFF and I've just managed to read all eight parts of this now, and I'm really glad I did. For starters, this entire thing is amazingly written from 'page 1' up until 'page 8'. I can envision everything you've written with great ease because of the beautifully written detail and description. Also I love the characteristics you've given Luhan, Sehun and Chanyeol. Luhan seems really sweet, sincere and angelic, Sehun seems mysterious yet really nice (why hasn't he turned up at the bookstore lately though?o:) and Chanyeol seems really witty, excitable yet slightly shy when he comes to expressing himself. Overall, they're an adorable bunch.

I can't wait for another update, awe ^.^ Good job! <3
exoHUnHAnexo #9
Chapter 7: ooohh ~~~
i sense ChanLu ;))
Chapter 7: This is so cute
Can't wait for more! :)